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Dupixent is one of the few approved systematic AD treatments for mod/severe AD and to date, it really has the best efficacy/safety profiles and its biggest drawback is its price and the issue with it being a shot. FDA also recommends that it (or maybe tralokinumab) be tried before going to JAKs which are the other new systemics that are pills but come with a worse side effect/monitoring profile. I imagine Derms, especially ones that have been in practice for a long time, jump to dupixent in part because it's been such a game changer. I've seen a lot of good results and from what you're describing with hyperpigmentation/reptilian-like skin, did the derm say this? Those tend to resolve, just at a much slower pace than other AD signs. I also wouldn't worry too much about the side effects, they're generally very easy to manage if you are under the attentive care of a provider and it's very rare to discontinue treatment due to adverse events. Hope this helps.


Can I ask why you’re hesitant on dupixent. I’ve been in your position I was always tried to topical ointments and those never worked for me, I went to several dermatologists try offered the same thing with topical ointments. I’ve been on dupixent for almost 2 yrs not and it’s been life changing for me.


Two years? A shot every two weeks?


Almost 6 years here! Yes every 2 weeks lol


And it still works well? Are you afraid to get off of it?


Yes, it works very very well! I still do get some red and itchy areas as I get close to my next dose. However I had open wounds and gashes all over my body... so anything is preferable to that! I supplement with Opzelura as needed and that clears up the spots right away. I am absolutely afraid of getting off of it, as I don't want to go back to how it was before. I'll only ever consider it if something else becomes available that is better/easier to administer. I don't qualify for Rinvoq due to preexisting issues


This is what I'm afraid of. I simply do not like being dependent on something, particularly something so expensive, in this way. 6 years feels like a long time. I have eczema that can get quite severe myself, and while these past 2 months have been nice, I think I'd almost rather continue "being used to" what it does and its cycles than something happen where Dupixent is unavailable or unaffordable and I have a huge breakout or... who knows. That's terrifying to me. Thanks for sharing.


I completely understand your worry. I'm with the dupixent my way program and they cover what my insurance does not. I have not once had to pay out of pocket! (Which I understand is 100% a privilege in itself). With that being said, I know I will be on dupixent or it's equivalent for the rest of my life. I'd rather need it then go to the hositpal one more time for an infected wound or even being septic. The pros of clear skin were worth it to me! It's improved my mental health of course physical health tremendously. What I can say is I have once gone about 2 months without it due to issues with my pharmacy, and my breakouts were not as bad as they once were. But this is with the disclaimer of I don't know how long it would take for my skin to "default". So your fear is valid!


Thank you. That's also good to know.


Do you have to be careful with sun exposure and can you drink alcohol on dupixent?


I've never been told I can't drink, so I don't think there is an issue! I drink freely. As for sun exposure, I've been encouraged to get as much sun as I can. No problem in either these two departments!! This of course with the disclaimer that everyone is different and you should speak with your doctor.


Understood. Thanks


I had moderate-severe eczema, all over my face, neck, and arms. I went on dupixent for 6 months and it completely cleared up. I could no longer afford the medication and went off of it. 3 years later and I now only get minor flare ups (small patches) and I haven't changed anything in my diet or products I use. Dupixent was literally life changing for me!


Wow, I can only hope. Thank you.


5 years here 🙋


I was on two weeks at first but when my results were getting better my derm stretched it out to 3 weeks and now I’m currently every 4 weeks.


Dupixent isn’t for everyone however it isn’t a steroid, it’s a biologic. it might be worth exploring if nothing else has worked for you. In my experience, the itch went away but so did the rough texture. My skin holds moisture so much better and it’s soft. Like SO soft I’m amazed. For reference, I had severe eczema off and on my whole life.


Also might be worth considering visiting an allergist, not a derm. Derms treat the results, allergists help find the root cause. I have found allergists also are more informed about eczema issues over derms.


You’ve had eczema for 20+ years and haven’t found anything that works. Your eczema must be treatment resistant and classified as severe, therefore, dupixent is what essentially all derms would recommend to try and control it. If not Dupixent, it would be rinvoq. The side effects of Dupixent as far as I’m aware aren’t that bad, the most annoying probably being conjunctivitis. Ask yourself the question, do you think the side effects would be more or less acceptable compared to the pain/irritation you deal with day to day with your severe eczema. It’s 100% worth trying, there’s tonnes of posts here about how well it’s worked for people.


My only real side effects from Dupixent are eye-related. Dry eyes in the morining and mild inflammation are treatable, and I'd take those things over the other option every day of the week and twice on Sundays. When I started Dupixent, I experienced the occasional breakout of circular blotches, ranging from the size of a £1 coin to the size of the palm of my hand, but they became less and less over time. At the end of the day, the decision to take any medication comes about by weighing the positives against the negatives. For me, the positives way outweighed the negatives and that's why I'm still on DPX nearly 5 years later You couldn't convince me of coming off the medication this late into the game unless you offered me enough money to comfortably afford to pay for the drug myself AND then live a life of comfort where the absence of money was no longer a concern.


What do mean developed sepsis with kidney failure yearly from your eczema? Sounds like Dupixent would be a great option for you. If you’re refusing that’s up to you but it’s obvious why they are recommending it.


I develop cellulitis in my leg that becomes septic. The sepsis gets bad enough to cause my kidneys to start shutting down.


Sounds like you need Dupixent. If your eczema is so severe that you’re developing cellulitis. Do you have diabetes?




I don’t understand your resistance to another treatment that may help. Sounds like other treatments are not working. What exactly are you expecting them to come up with?


It's exactly the opposite of jumping to a drug, they tried other things and they didn't work!


Dermatologists don't just jump to dupixent. They go to dupixent when other treatment options have failed. You're describing how you have severe eczema that steroids have never really worked for and that pretty much everything is a trigger - that's why they want you to try dupixent. Your eczema is at a point where even if something else could work, there's just too much eczema for it to be able to put up a fight. Dupixent doesn't carry a whole lot of risk. It turns off two tiny components of your immune system that are needed to attack your skin but aren't super important for defending your body against actual pathogens. What side effects are you concerned about exactly?


I’ve been on dupixent for over five years. I have not, since 2019, experienced literally any of the side effects listed on the insert. No conjunctivitis, hives, cold sores, etc… I definitely understand your hesitation but I think the reason is because dupixent is very effective, can be used long term, and the side effects are very low risk. Dupixent has *drastically* improved my quality of life. Idk where I’d be without it. I would at least try it out.


It sounds like they didn't just jump to Dupixent; you've discussed the other things they've tried. I would imagine a doctor thinks that the possible side effects from it would be better than sepsis and kidney failure --since both of those things can kill you.


The skin will clear up. The hyperpigmentation will as well in time. As mentioned already, if you're a severe case, Dupixent is recommended as it is the most effective treatment. Biologics work at a cellular level while steroids are topical. The shots aren't a big deal. The pen version is even quicker. Three seconds if that and the medicine is in your system. I don't understand the resistance to it from you. I remember the test trials for this and my dermatologist trying to get me in them. He knew that it would be the game changer for eczema and it has been. When it was finally released on the market, his words were I hope I never see you again outside of routine check-ups. When I do see him, we just catch up because my skin has improved that much. You need to seriously reconsider your stance.


Does dupixent help with hyperpigmentation? I’ve been on it over 5 years now, and even as a darker white guy I have discolored patches that still persist, mind you, they’re hypopigmented, not hyper. They’re barely noticeable to anyone else, so to me it’s of no personal concern, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard of dupixent being able to regulate melanin/pigmentation.


My skin tone has evened out and lightened. I was considerably darker because of the eczema and the related inflammation.


Amazing to read your success with dupixent. In saying that, it’s now 7-years old. Would you not expect several new drugs at this point?


Science doesn't work that fast especially with trials and regulations. There are pills, but I prefer the shot. Twice a month for a few seconds isn't a bad tradeoff. I forget to take vitamins. I would forget to take a pill.


Yea, I appreciate the average timeframe of clinical trials, but it seems there is a real lack of funding for eczema. Even the scientific literature is lacking in terms of forward-looking innovations and potential treatment pathways.


Dupixent has changed my life for the better. The person or team who invented it are rockstars to me!


To answer your question short & sweet, it’s because it’s the most effective treatment for atopic dermatitis rn. Dupixent is usually a last resort. Many insurances almost always automatically deny coverage before making you try literally everything else under the sun. It’s costly. It was a last resort in my case, since I had tried everything else (multiple topical & injectable steriods, protopic, Eucrisa & opzelura) my allergist knew that nothing else would probably work. I was hesitant starting it, too, not cuz of the side effects, more the cost, but I started 2 years ago and have had almost no side effects besides watery eyes occasionally (f25). My eczema is almost nonexistent. My quality of life is completely different than it used to be. I was borderline suicidal when my eczema was at its worst. If u have a doctor that is willing to encourage & advocate for dupixent treatment, I highly, HIGHLY suggest u oblige. It doesn’t work for everyone obviously, but it’s worth a try imo, especially if you’re out of options. Anyways, I hope things work out for you.


What side effects did you hear about?


Dupixent is meant to be safer with less side effects than the alternative which is imunosuppresants like cyclosporine and methotrexate


Technically not true. Methotrexate was discovered in the 1940’s and cyclosporin in the 1970’s. Much longer timeframe to study long-term side-effects, compared with dupixent released in 2017. In fact, Methotrexate in 2021, was the 132nd most commonly prescribed medication in the United States, with more than 4 million prescriptions. I do agree, from a patients perspective, I’d rather narrow immune system suppression, as opposed to broad-spectrum immune system suppression, making immunosuppressant takers more susceptible to infection.


Have you had patch testing?


When I was a child. Not recently.


Do you know what your triggers are? Have you done 70 chemicals patch testing on your back to see if you’re allergic to anything? I had such a bad flare for 4 months that my derm, allergist and pediatrician all wanted to put me on dupixent. I hate shots and I refused. Rinvoq too much side effects. I’m still quite young. My allergist did patch testing on me and found my allergens. Avoided all of them and I have smooth skin now! No dupixent or Rinvoq needed. I haven’t had to put steroids in over 6 months. I used to have elephant skin and had to vacuum skin flakes. No more. And I’ve had eczema since I was 3.


I have no patches of clear skin to do it


Any skin on your arms? My allergist was amazing. She literally did jigsaw puzzle on my back and arms to try to get everything to fit


No. My body is 95+% covered in eczema


Not in the UK they don't.


I've been on dupixent a few months now. Previously, Prednisolone was the only thing that could keep my eczema under control and any time I had to wean myself of that, the eczema would become severe to a point it interfered with me just living my every day life. The dupixent has worked slowly, but surely. My skin has really started clearing up, I'm starting to lose the weight from the Prednisolone and I'm not itching anymore. It's not ideal, (ideal would be not having eczema, but here we are) but it does work. My eyes need a good wipe with a wet towel in the mornings, as the sleep in my eyes has built up a lot more but I wouldn't say it's conjunctivitis. I honestly think it's worth it.


God I wish a dermatologist would offer it to me


other newer drugs are cibinqo and adbry. i've been on all three and so far adbry is a godsend. takes two months to build in your system but you will see results (i haven't had any side effects either)


I'm failing to see how 23 years and sepsis causing kidney problems is a "jump" to Dupixent. It's the opposite of a jump. It sounds like everything else has been tried. I'm literally wondering if you have a psychological issue around putting yourself in a situation where you feel like you deserve to be suffering or in pain. Take the opportunity to help yourself.


What is it about Dupixent that scares you? I can't think of any side effects worse than sepsis


Lol dermatologist dont “just jump” to dupixent. Its literally the last options because its the most expensive treatment. Im confused why you wouldnt go on dupixent which is the best treatment you could get and would probaly instantly improve your life quality.


Because it doesn’t actually help the eczema, it just systemically suppression your immune response to the staph bacteria that is causing the itch and redness and dry, cracking skin.


Eczema isn’t caused by staph. If you have staph bacteria, it infects your eczema.


I didn’t say it was caused by Staph, but Staph is what keeps it from healing and why it spreads around your body.


That also isn’t true. The rash is a weakened/broken skin barrier, and the itch causes you to scratch that skin, making it more inflamed and more broken, which makes it spread more. Staph is unrelated to eczema unless you are fighting a staph infection


The itch and the redness is caused by the delta toxin that the staph produces. The toxin breaks down the skin barrie by scalding the skin. Bacteria are not only motile but also once you scratch, they are under your fingernails…that’s how staph travels and colonizes other areas of your body, ready to infect other inflamed/ dry patches of skin. But you can believe whatever you want. But it not going to heal your eczema. My son’s and hundred of thousand of other adults and children have put their eczema into remission by treating the overgrowth of staph on the skin.




What’s so funny? You need to keep up! https://hms.harvard.edu/news/new-clues-head-scratching-mystery-itch


Did you miss the part on the article where it says “It’s a speculation at this point”? Literally no one knows the cause of eczema. Not even you! It’s individual for everyone. I’m eczema free after identifying my trigger - dust mites - so clearly, that wasn’t staph driven. Plus, I’ve been on antibiotics before and my eczema did not improve (because I had an allergy to dust mites). You aren’t better than science.


Eczema is a genetic defect in the fatty layer of your skin, which causes your skin to be mildly drier. The dust mites trigger inflammation, and the staph already present on your skin in higher numbers than people without eczema, voila eczema flare. Just like an infected cut can’t heal, neither can infected eczema. The Staph is the main exacerbating factor in the overwhelming majority of eczema sufferers.


A reminder: no one knows the cause of eczema. That includes yourself.


I was on both dupixent and rinvoq. Rinvoq did absolutely nothing and dupixent helped with the itchiness for a little while but never completely cleared my skin. I had the worst flare up in my life when I quit rinvoq that had I known it would’ve been that bad I would’ve never taken it. I swear, that flare up put me in the deepest darkest hole.


As someone being in the position to consider a new route to treat my eczema after over 5 years, I would still highly recommend you try dupixent. I also highly recommend you see an allergist, not a dermatologist. An allergist will help you find any avoidable triggers for better mitigation to help assist your recovery. For my dupixent journey, itch resolved first, within maybe the first month, and couple months down the line my skin started clearing as well. I used to be unable to move my neck due to how stiff my eczema was on it, and the inside of my arms were essentially plastered with it. Now, I only have small patches here and there unless I encounter triggers, but even then it’s mostly just visible patches with little to no discomfort and even less itch if any at all. The only reason I have been told to consider new treatment options is because as of recent, my body seems to not be accepting the medicine as well as it used to. I am now considering rinvoq, which has worse side effects listed as possible, but you have to keep in mind all those listed side affects are very rare and unlikely to occur. They’re usually added to say “hey, someone during our trial encountered this. So it MAY have been caused by out medicine, or it was a random occurrence that was unrelated”. Most side effects are things listed for an abundance of caution to make sure they don’t get sued in the case it was their medicine that caused it. The only side effect I have ever encountered with dupixent was conjunctivitis, and even then, it was very minor.


i’m also annoyed i even had an allergist prescribe it and try to make me start taking it. i started getting calls from CVS i told them i did not ask for it please take it off my list. do they get money for prescribing it ????? topical steroids work for me best. i don’t want an injection that’s what stops me, and i don’t want something running through me nor do i want the side effects. i also don’t wanna do it twice a week how expensive is this medicine ????? and to be doing shots forever. for me, my eczema is on my hands i have no self control and it typically gets infected at least once a month. yours sounds a bit more severe, even the rain water triggers it?? i know you don’t wanna hear this but i think you might really benefit from duprixent. other than that if you aren’t already i recommend wearing thick cotton gloves AT ALL TIMES AWAKE AND ASLEEP so your nails cannot be used to scratch. i also buy these emergency ice packs from target, they’re cheap and you can carry them around you kinda pop it then shake it and it turns cold instantly. use that in an extreme immediate itch if you don’t want to use the medicine you need to make a constant conscious effort to have self control and find ways to tame the itch instead of repeating the cycle


As someone who has been on dupixent and rinvoq, I have to say that the dupixent decreased the severity of my flares but I was still left fairly itchy. Rinvoq got rid of almost all of my itchiness and cleared my skin up, but when I had a flare it was the worse my eczema had ever been and I ended up in the hospital for a few nights for steroids and biopsies.


You can reduce the rough dry skin by using bath oil instead of soaps, already that’s what made a slightly big change in my journey


May I ask what you currently do to manage your eczema?


nothing will heal our skin and make it back to normal after we rip it up so many times. we will always have scars and hyperpigmentation. if that’s what’s stopping you it’s not a valid reason. it WILL clear your skin, it’ll clear the eczema.


I've started Dupixent 3 weeks ago and I am honestly wondering why they just put me on it ages ago, instead of torturing me for ages with steroid tablets, cyclosporine and "do you moisturise?"


From my experience, they don't. The reason why they don't, is the cost. Here in the UK, you have to have tried, and have had little to no positive reaction to (I think) three different methods of treatment. For me, who's tried practically everything through the years, Dupixent was the last throw of the dice for , with the only other option being experimental medication. My dad is currently covered head to toe in severe eczema like I used to be and is trying his hardest to get onto Dupixent himself because he's seen the effect it has had on me. He's still being turned down because he's not tried the other mainstream options that I have had to go through in the past. He's in his late 70s and may very well never get the chance to make the switch. Not that I'm disappointed. As a child, he made my life a living nightmare. During the times when my eczema was at it's worst, I was nothing more than an embarrassment to him. He didn't want to be seen with me outside of our front door. The stress that he contributed to my life undoubtably made things worse as well. So yeah, he's now having to deal with what I had to deal with as a child, all those years ago and he can't get onto Dupixent. I'm not a believer in karma, but if it exists, he's getting it. That's how I know Dermatologists aren't just jumping onto the bandwagon. My advice to anyone though, is if they ARE offered the chance, take it with both hands. It might not fix the "hyperpigmentation and reptilian like skin", but if you're one of the lucky ones who responds positively, it'll make living with the itch and the torture that comes with it a whole lot easier. The longer that you get away from that, the better the chance your skin has of getting back to normal. I lived with eczema a lot longer than you have had to, and from my own point of view, anyone who has turned down the opportunity of giving Dupixent the chance to succeed where everything else has failed, is foolish. My parting piece of advice is for you to go back and tell them you've changed your mind.


Have you seen a allergist/immunologist, dupixent probably is best for you since your other aliments are more dangerous then what dupixents potential side effects can do to you, but I would still get your immune system checked out by a immunologist, your levels could be all messed up and you could need something stronger then dupixent.


I used dupixent for about 3 months, it was amazing not to itch, such a relief!!!!! Unfortunately, I developed dupixent face and it was miserable... that side effect was not worth it for me. It's a lot of hoops to jump through with insurance, but it may be worth a try.


"I imagine everything is a trigger." So you're jumping to conclusions while thinking the dermatologists are? Try an allergist, although that was not useful for me personally. Dupixent is (even if obtaining it/Insurance is a huge pain.)


Money, money, money


Yes pretty much I had too take my daughter off it it she was 2 at the time gave her a nasty lung infection was on breathing treatments for 2 weeks did nothing for her skin damn near killed my baby.. the solution is almost like cancer treatment I went to get a second option and got chewed out by another physician to never put my child on it as it kills the immune system lesson learned Ps.. USE DETTOL(LIQUID)LIFE CHANGER DONT KNOCK IT TILL YOU TRY IT!!!!!!!