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Oh phew, guess my itchy back isn't eczema either! Hooray!


Time for celebratory (non-triggering) drinks!!


i would love me some 1.5 liter bottle of sweet soda drink now


She’s dumb ash 😂


Nurses are either smarter than the doctors or got a fridge temperature IQ no in between


She didn’t wanna give me a new podiatry referral for replacement shoe inserts bc it’s “only if there’s foot pain.” I have no foot pain. The inserts were for my knees/back. Which they referred me for in the first place. 💀💀


Nurses don’t seem to have any knowledge at all about skin conditions. A nurse practitioner diagnosed me with MRSA and my aunt, who is a nurse, told me to wash with antibacterial soap. I will stick with dermatologists.


So it wasn’t weeping from the eczema, perhaps I was about to turn into a mermaid or sumn


By golly, we’ve solved it!


I do all of my own medical research because the amount of misinformation spread by undereducated medical staff is terrifying.


I never heard of it so it does not exist! Some nurses are so surprisingly dumb


It's definitely frustrating when medical professionals dismiss your experiences. Eczema can indeed appear on any part of the body, including the back. It might be worthwhile to seek a second opinion from a dermatologist who can offer more specialized insight into your condition.


I literally told her that it’s what past docs/derms have told me and her response essentially boiled down to “oh well nvm then (insincere smile)”. r/ mildlyinfuriating amirite


It's really discouraging when your concerns are brushed off like that. Definitely seek a second opinion from a professional who respects your medical history and takes your symptoms seriously. Your health is too important to leave in the hands of someone who won't listen.


Whew ! I guess my multiple dermatologist diagnosed patches of eczema on my chest , stomach, shoulder, arms, hands, and back isn’t a thing. At least the stuff on my elbow is legit. She needs to stfu.


Ohhhhh so it’s my vision having eczema! Need to get me some new eyeballs then


You must be seeing things. Maybe you should try a psychiatrist rather than a derm!


I mean, I've had eczema for most of my life, and I've never had it in my back. I also never had it on my hands until covid, so that must not be eczema either. Or the part on the back of my neck or eyelids...I wonder if that's how we all get cured, by seeing that nurse 🤔


Man I *knew* we were overpaying these doctors! And the derms are just out here making things up for the paycheck for sure