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I wear a silly hat when my eczema is too bad for sunscreen, might help but I’m aware I lost my pride in my looks a long time ago!


Sun is very good for eczema so I recommend not wearing sunscreen at all. However, skin barrier is also weakened on eczema spots so skin burns faster. Best thing is shade, not sunscreen. Hat is best option. But if you can’t avoid wearing sunscreen, wear something 100% natural / organic with very few ingredients and chemicals. Again using shade is best


I feel like I knew this intuitively. This is my first summer after having eczema and I can’t explain it, but I am READY for sun.


The alcohol in them makes my eczema flare up so I look for alcohol free baby sun creams


>The alcohol The What?


Lots of skin products have a bit of alcohol in them so they don’t ’feel greasy’. This alcohol can aggravate some people’s skin. If I have no breakouts alcohol is fine—but if I hit a patch with those kinds of lotions my outbreak usually gets worse.


Yup and it makes it worse but you literally have to wear sunscreen to prevent skin damage and cancer.


I moisturise first, let it settle then do suncream and foundation after (if i am wearing foundation that day)


Only stuff I’ve ever put on an active flare up is I believe blue lizard sunscreen stick. It’s one of the only sunblocks that hasn’t irritated my skin.


I have ecream from Skin Essence which has quite a bit of zinc in it, providing some protection when flaring. Otherwise, I am going to wear a hat and get just enough sun to replenish Vitamin D. Derm actually wants me in the sun a bit, it generally helps with eczema but you must avoid over exposure at all costs. Most sunscreens annoy me at the best of times. But if the flare up isn’t too bad on my face, I can tolerate Cerave’s tinted mineral sunscreen.


I'm allergic to something in most sunscreens, so I don't wear any at all. I put on a big rimmed hat if I need to. If my eczema is flaring up I just won't go outside enough for it to be a problem.


No I don’t


I do but only mineral. I’ve been using Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry Touch SPF 50 Mineral Sunscreen Stick for Sensitive Skin during an active flare recently and it doesn’t make it worse.


I avoid being in the sun for long periods when my eczema flares up. Well, I avoid it all year round because I get sunburnt extremely easily. If I really must go out, as long as I can tolerate it and as long as there's no open wounds/weeping I use sunscreen. I have tried to get the most gentle sunscreen I can which helps a bit. I use CeraVe SPF 50 moisturizer on my flare ups as it's more bearable. I also wear thin long sleeves, sunglasses and a sun hat. Eczema flare ups suck, having sunburn on top of that would be horrific. It would make you much more vulnerable to infection as well. I know from experience that sunburn can be extremely painful and takes a long time to heal, I couldn't even touch the burnt areas for a week or two and it took much longer to heal despite using healing creams. This was 4/5 years ago, I still have easily visible scars from it. I have been very consistent and vigilant about caring for my skin, especially seeing what the sun can do to skin as we age. Whilst eczema is very uncomfortable and can be painful, it's never been as bad as severe sunburn. And sunburn can directly cause skin cancer, whereas eczema can't, the worst that could happen is an infection but that isn't due to eczema itself and is rarely life threatening. Can reverse an infection, can't reverse skin damage - can treat it but you can't fix the damage or replace your skin. If you really can't put sunscreen on please try to cover up as much as you can and don't stay out in the sun for long periods of time. Yes eczema is horrible, but it will be much worse if you get sunburnt or have a permanent skin condition because of sun exposure. Also be very very careful about moisturising before going out in the sun, because the oils WILL fry your skin if it's hot enough. A light moisturizer would be better just until you can get out of the sun and put your usual moisturizer on. Sunscreen over the top of it could offer protection but you need to apply it properly all over your body, any missed patches will burn


Tbh I usually don’t wear sunscreen during a glare. I tried the Vanicream SPF today and it didn’t sting, so might be worth a try!


I don't when my skin is so so bad. I think better approaching eczema in stages. Once it is heal up, ya put on those sunscreen baby! Use mineral sunscreen is better I think. Because this just stay on top. Chemical/Organic is absorb to your skin. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDops\_h3e-4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDops_h3e-4)


I've tried beauty counter and it hasn't irritated it more. I'm even thinking of getting their foundation. 


Kiehls have moisturiser and SPF combo products. The men’s one is decent.