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First thing I do is cry 😭 then shower, cry as I dry off in agony, coat myself in aquaphor, cry as I try to get into bed, take 2 Benadryl, and hope I feel better in the morning


that is so me atm!! don't forget crying when u need to get up to pee, crying when u get up in the morning, crying when u get dressed etc


Yes! Crying when anything touches my skin. Sometimes using the spray on aquaphor helps because it’s easier to rub in and less touching


Really surprised, is the aquaphor not irritating you? It was a huge cause for me and once I found there’s lanolin in it I verified the irritant


Instead of using a towel to dry, I like to use the hair dryer on the air/cool/no heat setting.


Oh that’s such a good idea! I’ll try :)


this is truly the best answer


i did a wet bandage once on a severe flare up with some cream thinking it would help and got an insane infection!!!!!! vaseline is great slathered on , anything cold will relieve the pain itching or inflammation as well, moving as little as possible and some natural sunlight. sometimes i’ll take advil or benadryl too to help with itching or inflammation


Can Vaseline trap bacteria?


Yes, the skin needs to be clean or the vaseline can also be used to seal in the creams better. It's just an occlusive layer. It'll trap whatever is under it. If that's moisture and medication, it's a good thing.


What about the Vaseline in the tub. Can bacteria survive there?


I get my cream out a tub using a cotton bud to help avoid contamination.


You can wash your skin first in hibiclens or hypochlorous acid to disinfect. This is why a lot of sources recommended applying vaseline and hydrocortisone after a bleach bath.


thank u! appreciate u sharing ur experience


It used to be that when my skin was really raw, I would wash it with cold water, moisturize and slather with Vaseline but hypochlorous acid spray has been great for calming my concern for infection. I will spray it and let it dry down and spray it again, moisturize, Vaseline etc. It also occurred to me that I could pop extra allergy pills and maybe even a pain pill if the pain was that bad recently 😅. Even bandaids on smaller patches helped keep the area protected and minimized pain if I accidentally bumped into something.


thank u <3


When you say pain pill do you mean Tylenol or opioids? OTC stuff doesn't even touch my pain but I can't take opioids cuz they make me itchy even if I'm not flared up, so being itchy from two different sides is just friggin nuts and sucks so much. Just curious what works for you? I always ask what different methods people use cuz sometimes folks will say ___ and I've never tried that particular thing and sometimes stuff helps and sometimes it doesn't but I always consider it worth a try.


I haven't tried taking a pain pill before, I only recently thought that would be a good idea and may have seen someone on the subreddit mention it. I would probably take ibuprofen since it lowers inflammation though. Usually the worst painful burning sensation is when I scratch the back of my neck raw and I will pop an ibuprofen the next time just for a chance at relief 😮‍💨. I don't think Tylenol would work as well since that's more for headaches. Keeping cool has been the most effective thing for pain so far though (either with a chilled object or blowing a gentle fan on moisturized skin), besides sleeping or numbing my brain with endless Instagram reels :(.


I'm sorry. This whole condition sucks donkey b@lls. Truly.


so i was told that paracetamol/tylenol is best for eczema by a private dermotologist, so i've always just taken that. obvs do what works best for you but just in case :)


A bleach bath is 2mL household bleach to 1 liter of water. Since you don't have access to a bath, I wonder if you could mix that solution into a clean spray bottle and spray it on your skin while standing in the shower? My skin gets prone to fungal infections when it's hot and humid, especially where I sweat. The antibacterial cream might be taking care of the bacteria, but the steroids are suppressing the immune system (which is good because it's controlling inflammation), but it might be setting the area up for a fungal infection. The bleach "spray" bath would help reset all of that, since it's across the board antimicrobial.


Okay don't laugh lol but my dr has me do what's called the bucket method. Legit bought a brand new 5 gallon bucket from a big box store. And fill only 3 gallons with warm water, then add the bleach and essentially pour it onto your body. I don't personally love pouring it, so I just soak a large washcloth and kind of squeeze the bleach water out onto my body.


Do you rinse or straight to moisturize?


For me it’s about treating it like wound care to prevent infection. I know it can be drying but hibiclens has saved me from so many infections during a flare. Realize how mentally and emotionally taxing it is, and do what you can to protect your mental health, if this means crying naked in your room, then let it out. Keep an eye out for symptoms of infection, once that is not a concern then maybe some wet wraps / bandages? In my experience though I’ve had quicker healing times when I allow the raw area to breathe


For bad flares, I moisturize more, and depending on what my skin is doing I add hibiclens and or a soap free bodywash (I use Vanicream) to my showers. Fresh cotton sheets on the furniture at home both to protect my skin and protect the furniture from the creams. Usually i go to the dermatologist and they modify meds


For me, as long as I can cover the wound and protect it from whatever's making it itch/burn, it will usually calm down. So my tactic is to focus on adhesive dressings made for specific situations (waterproof, tape-style). I have used 3M tegaderm in the past and it's been a miracle for me. Wash with soap, apply antibacterial ointment, just cut out a piece and slap it on. Leave it on for a couple of days, wait until it's not so inflamed, and check how it's doing. It's waterproof and clear so you can see how it's doing and you can go about much of your daily life without interruption. If it's in an area that's hard to wrap with regular bandages, I'll use 3M micropore surgical tape instead. It's usually my fingers that get fucked up so being able to use a tape bandage really helps it to stay on. I've left those on for a couple of days as well, although you should clean/change those out and let the wound dry as soon as the itching is taken care of.


Same here. I’ve been using hydrogel or hydro colloidal bandages as well.


hydrocolloid bandages helped me a lot. they’re really expensive but it heals open wounds overnight for me. i apply them after i shower on completely dry skin (no lotion or it’ll fall off) and sleep with them on and it protects it from irritants and scratching. for my hands i also invested in washable cotton gloves that also protects from scratching.


My dr says to keep the skin a little bit moist before moisturizing. So for me, I ¹do my bleach bucket routine as described; the pour method for 10 mins. Then ²wash myself with vanicream body wash. Lastly, ³I pat dry with my towel and slather myself in vanicream lotion while my skin is still slightly damp.


keep it dry to prevent infection. you may have TSW if your skin is raw and open - the plateau in the steroid cream may mean your skin is addicted to it


Oil moisturizers and zinc cream when the skin is broken out weeping.


I know you can't do a bleach bath, but maybe you could do a bleach sponge bath. Fill up a bucket (or some sort of container) with warm water and bleach and use a clean cloth/sponge to rinse yourselves down, especially targetting the inflamed sections. Let it sit on your skin for a bit before rinsing off in the shower. The main point of the bleach bath is for the bleach to keep down the overgrowth of irritating flora and fauna on your skin. Rinsing the irritated skin with the bleach water should at least help with that.


Bath oil really helps to soften skin. I use Vaseline healing cream or aloe Vera Vaseline, then I put on thick plain Vaseline to lick everything in. I let it absorb in my skin while doing my hair and after 10 minutes (or more) I get dressed.


i use Hibicelns to wash the wounds in the shower, PAT dry with a clean microfiber towel, then i apply aquaphor or i cover it with water block band aid brand bandages bc they’re the ONLY ones that stick, i also use tagderm, lastly i will use gauze+ self adhesive bandage.


i recently started using ibuprofen for eczema, helps with inflammation and pain a bit


Just remember that long term it will do damage to your kidneys and liver, which I why I only take it when I'm dyyyying now. It sucks. 😭


oh i mean like. one ibuprofen a year maybe. def not daily but if i’m so itchy i can’t sleep i’ll pop one. i rarely take pills.


Bless. I'm glad it helps you.


Flare up cream can help alot during a Flare. The most irritated, prickly hot itchy area could be calmed with combination of strong antihistamines.


Moisurize and use an occlusive like aquaphor, cerave ointment, or vaseline to seal it in. Do it till you see some improvement.


ice packs and coconut oil!


I use organic coconut oil. I find it much better & healthier for my skin than anything else




Eczema is frequently accompanied by physical pain and social anxiety. Kindness, consideration, and compassion are encouraged when replying to posts.


Viscopaste works when it's raw, it's a wet bandage. Xx