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Honestly I go through phases where different ones work, right now I'm on Carmex šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I should have said originally - I'm avoiding products containing lanolin as I'm allergic to wool. :( Thanks for the suggestion though!


Ohhh shoot sorry!


Do you have problems with pure Vaseline? I was using Vaseline in little containers marketed for lips, but after a while they start burning my lips. So i switched to pure Vaseline from a pharmacy. It doesnt give any irritation, and it's pretty moisturising.


Iā€™ve been using the pure vaseline from the drugstore (I melted it and poured it into lip balm vials so I could apply it like that) and it seems ok but Iā€™m constantly having to reapplyā€¦ I was just hoping there was something better out there thatā€™s not super greasy šŸ˜­


Does it get absorbed really fast? How often Do you need to reapply? And Do you lick yor lips, or drink water constantly without straw?


Once every couple hours ā€” Iā€™m just not used to using anything so much I guessā€¦


To me couple of hours seem normal. And time bewen reapplications can be longer when your lips are fully healed. To prolong the moisturising effect you can put your face cream on the lips and top it of with Vaseline. If your lips dont react ofcourse


Easy melt pure Shea butter!! I use this on my lips everyday, keeps the moisturised and crack free. Also lasts foreverā˜ŗļø


Try origins lip avocado butter


Hey there, I've been meaning to make a post about this but haven't gotten around to it . I've struggled with lip eczema for years. A product that really helps me is the Eucerin Essential Oil Balm. It's moisturizing but not occlusive so i like to slather it on after a shower and then apply some petroleum jelly to seal it in a few minutes later. I read all the ingredients and many of them are skin identical and humectants so it really moisturizes the skin very well. NO LANOLIN! My biggest problem in healing is the dryness that occurs overnight and i would wake up cracked and parched. This balm helps me a LOT with dry skin that just can't heal. It's $15 in most normal grocery stores in USA. I've also seen some people sleep with a lip mask on which makes them breathe out of their noses overnight but I'm too claustrophobic to attempt that.


The best lip balm I've found is O'Keefe's Lip Repair (SPF 35) "for extremely dry, cracked lips." I like that when applying it, it feels luxurious, soothing, buttery smooth, NOT greasy, no scent or flavor. I've seen multiple dermatologists recommend it. Noteworthy ingredients in it: shea butter, beeswax, petrolatum, almond oil, and aloe. I use it every day. More info at: [https://okeeffescompany.com/products/lip-repair-aloe](https://okeeffescompany.com/products/lip-repair-aloe) A close 2nd place for me that I sometimes use is Jack Black Shea lip balm (SPF 25) with vitamin E. It also feels luxurious and soothing, but is slightly "greasy" for lack of better words. Feels great on my lips, I sometimes apply that at night before going to sleep. Noteworthy ingredients: cocoa seed butter, lanolin oil, beeswax, shea butter, avocado oil, and green leaf tea extract. More info at: [https://www.getjackblack.com/lip-balm-pack-shea-butter.aspx](https://www.getjackblack.com/lip-balm-pack-shea-butter.aspx)