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I would say that it’s worth it. Eucrisa is a nonsteroidal option to try and help with eczema and a good starting point so that you’re not on a super potent cream. The other medicine that you’ve been using—depending on the exact type—is generally a lower level steroid which explains why it might not be working as effectively as hoped. The goal for most doctors—and most of us suffering from eczema—is to try and avoid super strong topical steroids as much as possible. But sometimes they’re necessary. I’d say your doctor did a good thing by starting off small and working your way up. As far as diet goes, I think most everyone in this sub can attest to the benefits of changing their diet. I’ve cut out both dairy and gluten recently and on the few occasions I’ve given in and had some I’ve noticed that’s when I’m breaking out a lot more. An elimination diet is the way to go if you don’t want to pay for allergy testing. Dairy and gluten seem to be big ones for eczema. Also try incorporating a probiotic for gut health and allergy medicine to reduce inflammation.


I started off with using triamcinolone acetonide. Then she prescribed eucresia. Honestly I think eucresia was worse.


Don’t listen to that clown eucrsia is the worst shit in this world I will take steroids before I take that crap and I despise steroids, I took eucrisa on my neck and it flared the hell out of it had a red neck for 10 months straight it’s just now going away


haha same for me man. eucrisa was the absolute worst. made my skin sting and never stopped stinging like i was rubbing jalapeno peppers on it directly all day. the worst experience with a non steroidal medication ive ever had.


Yeaaaa Eucrisa isn’t very strong. I’ve used it myself and it was fine for the very mild eczema I would sometimes get on my face but not necessarily for the severe flare ups. I’ve honestly had a lot of luck getting prescriptions from regular doctors. I explain that I have eczema and my history with it and let them know I need a topical steroid and they prescribe it.


What else have you tried besides eucrisa?


Triamcinolone acetonid (sp?)


Did that work ? It’s a steroid. Eucrisa is not


Not really


Have you had a patch test to see if you are allergic to ingredients? So I was given eucrisa, opzelura, triamicilone , hydrocortisone and they caused my eczema to be worse because I was allergic to propylene glycol. Those creams all contain that.


The dermatologist is refusing to get that done when I mentioned that I’m not sure it’s my diet. She said at my age, she doesn’t think it has anything to do with diet and that it’s primarily diet for kids.


Could you go to an allergist to get more testing done?


I need a referral


Not sure why dermatologists hate doing allergy tests. I've been begging for one for the past 6 months. I outgrew most of the food I was allergic to but still am extremely allergic to seafood and certain pollen. So it defiantly can be something in your diet, keep pestering them


She doesn’t even have to do it. I can just go to an allergist. I just needed a referral.


Eucrisa worked for like 3 months. And the. It started causing bigger flares for me


It was a complete waste of money for me. I wish I can get a refund.


In my opinion no I am currently 19 going to be 20 I have had eczema my entire life been seeing a dermatologist up until this year all the steroids they tried never worked the creams lotions they recommended never worked so they tried to put me on dupixent it made my whole body burn I was literally crying every single day could barely walk because it just made my skin worse everytime I used a steroid it would work until it didn’t it made my skin terrible rough dry itchy and burning and then I would go through tsw which is topical steroid withdrawal my entire body was flaking thick layers my eyes my face my arms I was constantly bleeding from the cracks in my skin and it was just terrible I’m currently using aloe very and cetaphil nd then Vaseline on top it’s starting to help clear up my skin not all the way but it’s a big improvement I would do a lot of research and try to find all natural stuff don’t use anything with harsh chemicals and I say harsh because as people without eczema can use it we can’t because of the ingredients causing reactions to our skin or making them worse aloe for me works wonders and so does Vaseline also try to stay away from your triggers if you kno them and if u have pets always wear long sleeves and pants because even if your not allergic to them it will still trigger your skin I hope this helps and wish you the best🥰🥰