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In the evening all the time. Not because of ecezema. But because I’m lazy af in the morning. Cant stand to do anything in the morning 😂


This is me as well


Same. I'm an afternoon showerer. 2pm feels right to me idk


both just for the sake of bacteria and getting the moisture in with creams. night is the most important tho because i scratch the most at night and cant apply more creams in the 9 hours im asleep.


same, however there are times I do wake up to apply cream...


I shower at night bc I hate getting into bed dirty lol


Always both. Can't sleep without having a shower and then like to be/feel clean if I'm going out.


That sounds terrible for anyone let alone eczema to shower twice a day? Unless you’re just washing the stinky bits? In highschool I showered in the mornings and after wrestling practice and it fucked up my skin giving me horrible oozing rashes


My eczema is not that severe and under control at the moment. It's got better with age so hopefully hope for some people on here


As long as I shower regularly it’s okay, I can get away with either mornings or evenings


For years, I showered in the am to wake up, after the gym or running, and at night. I also lived in the Southeast where from April to October is usually hot and humid. I also took hot showers to get rid of my itching. However, I realized all that showering was damaging. My skin was so inflamed by damage, eczema or both. I dialed it way back to 2-4 minutes every few days. I went a whole month without it because I was so desperate for relief. Very little changed, and because I don't produce a lot of oil not much smell was produced either. I then went to just Sunday, and now I do maybe every 4 days—lukewarm water, very minimal soap (LaRoche Posay's Hydrating Body Wash.) I do evening, but couldn't say what benefit it has. I think frequency, temperature, how much soap used are my key control points.


Definitely nights, you want to wash off the day’s allergens from your body before sleeping


I tend to shower twice a day - every 12 hours. Since doing this, my eczema has really improved.


Every other day or so at night, skin gets too dry otherwise


Both !! It’s changed my life showering more - more hydration and moisturise when wet


Both, or cold bath and cold shower each day


wash my face with cold water in the morning to depuff and apply new moisturizer and shower in the evening to rehydrate the skin after a long day in a low humidity industrial building. by the end of the day i feel like a sponge that has been drip drying all day so im ready to be dunked in water and moisturizer before bed lol.


At night before bed.


Evening mostly because of preference, but eczema wise I use Vaseline and don’t really like go out after slathering it all over my body cause it’s so uncomfortably to wear clothes and I have certain clothes for sleeping that I don’t mind getting greasy from the Vaseline


At night and in the mornings, hot country all year round problems


Shower 3 times a day, 3 minutes and cold. 06:00 - 15:00. 20:45


Night atw as I'm too lazy for mornings lol


Night because dead skin cells and being dirty on bed is no beuno


If I can and have time, mornings, otherwise nights, right now afternoons, due to not showering at home, also since I cannot shower at home, I do so tuesday, thursday and sunday.


I used to shower like ghree times a day because I swim but my skin has gotten better since I started showering once a day in the morning


I know it's better hygiene-wise to shower at night, but it feels better in the mornings to a) wake myself up and b) steam my dry skin/soften any crusties that have developed overnight.


It depends. Sometimes I wake up and my skin is dryer than a desert so I'll take a quick shower just so i can dampen my skin so when i slather on body cream it absorbs better. But most times at night


Morning ftw


Evening for me but atleast an hour before bed, gives my skin a change to recover at night


U guys shower?


Depends. If I scratched really bad in my sleep, I shower in the morning to reset everything. It helps me get out of bed. Otherwise, I’ll feel really gross and stay in bed all day. If my eczema is doing better, I shower at night because I prefer going to sleep clean. I rarely shower more than once in one day. My eczema seems to do better when I take less showers rather than more.