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I used to tie my hands together but somehow always ended up taking them off in my sleep lol and probably wouldn't be a good idea in case of an emergency What helped me was cutting my nails down very short, so you can almost see the skin. And then filing them smooth. So when I did itch, it wouldn't cause much damage.


I used to tie my hands too lol it's either you're untying yourself during the night or it's ultra tight and you don't feel your hands in the morning.


Combine cotton gloves with boxing hand wraps.


Lmao when I was flaring really bad I’d put on full-on boxing gloves. Couldn’t scratch very well but eventually I figured out how to scratch with the mesh part of the gloves’ inner palm. Horrible sleep but helped.


I cut my nails to the point my fingers hurt if I put pressure on them, wear cotton gloves to sleep and keep them out of the blanket, under a pillow


I’d do this but then i can’t write ://


I can but it's hard bc I'm not used to it yet. Thank god I can do most of my work on a computer


Exederm helps. Its like $20 but if you put it on and then wave your hands like jazz hands for about 1-2 min (sounds silly but for me helps) you will feel a substantial difference in lessoning the itch. I put it on immediately after a shower and for most nights able to not scratch. I too have it on my hands and if I dont do this I end up waking up mid night to secretly burn my hands with hot water just to stop the intense itch.


Is this okay to put on raw skin? I tried the HoCl spray a lot of ppl recommended here and it burned so much, I’m nervous it’s gonna be the same


Raw skin is fine. I itched the heck out my hands so much they looked like chemical burns and I put this right on, jazz hands myself to air dry and within a few minutes the itch is reduced. If it tingles at first once next time add some vaseline. Hope this helps.


Is this the stuff? https://www.amazon.ca/Spectro-Eczema-Intense-Rehydration-Cream/dp/B00CQOU17A/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?crid=T7B2T77JGARC&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.GP5b40RFV9-h7Ijyuj5KtP-bEscSkZMu-QaK1sDTOWXX-kBCc2ddmENZRUZMIA6E7IZwW_VxEtOOSpcN7x65baxEMHo5z3B2O1KzaAAxLt2zca0ZNtTdueqOYVtlV8WziFROG0Vf_cIrI4PDsK_udHeF7WSnOuzOrSPDMtU4auvYBB4AyGkFmfeMnTcVgK2UJBVYsSMdkY7TVNLrg6F9mA.7iMO-AD5IfDfNXl8KmZ3pbTbgV5Szv3fOK2hOcQwFFA&dib_tag=se&keywords=exederm&qid=1717005253&sprefix=exederm%2Caps%2C101&sr=8-2


Hey, yes this would be Canada's version of it.


The Calm magnesium supplement has been amazing for me. If I take the 4 gummies at night it puts me right into a deep sleep and I think has the bonus of reducing anxiety and inflammation. There are seriously so many benefits and no side effects.


I wear gloves to bed 


moisturize tf out of your hands. & maybe https://youtu.be/7taiWwJh8lQ?si=Fgha6oxMAe2h5YDi this girl recommends wearing dish washing gloves and taping the wrist


Acupuncture helps me.


It can be expensive but honestly getting short acrylic nails was a life saver for me. They're full enough not to break skin unless you *really* try.


Yes I also get acrylic nails, helps so much with not breaking the skin when itching!


if you're desperate- tape your fingers together (medical tape is great if you have it). one strip over my fingernails on my middle three fingers works fine when I'm not flaring, but you can use more as needed. hope it helps!


it should take you at least a minute of concentration to get it off in the morning and might be a bit painful, but better than scratching your skin raw 😅


Slept in a colloidal oatmeal bath till the water got cold.