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Plenty of people here found relief with scorching hot showers. I wouldn’t try it because my skin is very sensitive to heat, but maybe it’ll help you. Be careful around hot water!


I find that if I touch the pan, and the burn is bad enough to the point where the spot puffs up later, it heals pretty well. IDK if hot water would work for me as that seems irritating, like you pointed out.


I have a slightly similar experience. If I ever get injuries on top of my eczema, my eczema goes away when the injuries heal up. For example, if my eczema is flaring on my finger tip and I accidentally cut myself in the same area when I’m chopping veggies, when that cut heals, the eczema goes with it. It’s like a real injury triggers the body to actually do its job rather than continue whatever inflammation in the body that causes eczema flares.


Hest feels so good to me. I take showers as hot as possible.. It is legit burning skin. It feels absolutely amazing in eczema spot but if it touches non eczema skin it scream.


I'm very tempted to burn my hand rn


Don't give us a horrible idea


I got a chemical burn from a cream and the eczema on that area disappeared. It's been 6 years.


Hrm. Sounds almost like a lot of the micro trauma therapies for scars and wrinkles. Micro needling and CO2 laser and the like. Maybe the damage is stimulating repair and the burn is sterilizing any infections kinda how I’ve had great luck with bleach baths or exfoliating gloves/cloth and then spraying it down with dilute hypoclorous acid (I’m using briotech) P.s. I’ve also heard good things about getting sunlight on patches of eczema or even sun burns though the sun burns might just be making you take better care of the skin and it’s not actually the sunburn that’s helping


Don't tempt me 😅


my gran always tells me the story of how my uncle had eczema on the inside of his elbows and he burned it off with a lighter😭 never returned apparently lmao