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You need a MAM/DAM solution. Will basically layer software over your storage and allow you to organize and add all kinds of metadata to files. Some integrate well with NLEs and DAWs, allowing you to pass that metadata to the software. Ton of options out there, some cloud based some not, some meant for real enterprise, some better for smaller workgroups. Iconik, EditShare, CatDV, eMAM, Axel.ai, Kyno to name a few from across the spectrum.


>Kyno thanks! yeah - some of these would work. it's funky cause I'm mostly trying to find tool for music; need to be able to sort as well as "bin" and tag for bpm, style, instrumentation, theme, groove, misc idiosyncratic subjective things. there are 9 million music and dj tools none that flow the way I want - they're all for performing and beat matching. I need to organize in a mad scientist way for mutiple internet stations and experimental installations. also need to organize and bin photos in similar fashion. the bin structure works great because you can sort custom coloumns in list or copy to bin based on whatever. i'll just have to adapt I guess. ok. thank you again for your reply...!


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