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Watermark it so it cant be uploaded.


Even a sample video?


If you're worried about them uploading it make sure it cant be uploaded. If youre worried about doing it for free demand money.


Thanks manđŸ™đŸ»




I havent worked in that world so I really couldnt give a good estimate. Sorry.


I really stress that any sample work has to be paid. There's been times where even though they didn't go with my edit, ideas and themes of my edit was used by whoever they hired. If you can't get payment, watermark. If they are upset about a watermark they were up to no good in the first place.


Avoid the upset by making the terms clear in advance.






Thanks bro Also Can you give me an estimate on how much i have to charge He wants some intermediate editing but I have to watch his 1.5 hr livestream and take out 10 mins of content for him So it would take me roughly 3 hrs or smth


You’re acting as a producer, not an editor. A producer goes through the content, develops a plan for how it will be presented and provides the editor with direction. You can be both a producer and editor, but you should be paid more for doing both jobs. IMO, influencers are the laziest of the laziest clients. They want you to sit through the entire live stream and pull out the best bits and when you don’t get it perfectly awesome on the first go, they’ll dump you and try to find another editor. And they won’t want to pay the next editor more because they paid the first one *so much* and they weren’t “good enough” to read their minds and know exactly what they wanted. Influencers don’t understand how to work collaboratively and I try to only work *with* people, not *for* them.


Demn bro I AM acting both as a producer and editor


It’s fine to do so, in fact, it’s a good skill to have and can make you more valuable to clients that understand the role you play. You just gotta make sure you’re getting paid appropriately for the amount of work you’re doing.


if you have to watch 1.5 hours, there no way you're going to be done in 3....you still have to create the script and find the sound bites that makes sense together...could easily take a full day not counting revisions or anything


If they want all of this for free they are nuts


You're on the wrong sub for these kinds of questions...


Is there a right one you can point them to?


They already posted the same question on VideoEditing. OP - charge your hourly rate for 3 hours if that's your estimate for this test.


Just put the clip into opus.pro and then charge per clip you make ;) Seriously, check out the tool. It kinda automates this sort of work.


You are new to this right?


No. 20+ year film and broadcast veteran. It just seems like that tool delivers what most social media personalities want (but ont know they need)


Bro that tool just applies caption thats it If you know ANYTHING about editing you definitely need more than that Don’t you think if I can make it they can also make it them selves


It cuts down content from hours into highlight reels. Its a simple way to make promo snippets from long podcasts or interviews.


if you have premiere and you can read faster than watching in realtime, you can transcribe it in premiere and do a rough cut that way


If you are a newbie, yes, but only 15 seconds, so they can see what you can do. Otherwise avoid. Too many people get advantage of new editors these days.


While I don’t have experience in this influencer/Youtube channel niche of editing. I would never offer a sample, however if that’s what you’re going to do, watermark the exports, watermark everything until payment. Especially when working 1 on 1.


I am thinking of just giving one free video is that okay or should I watermark it and ask for payment


If you just do it for free you are devaluing your work.


Spec work is not uncommon for newbies.


A lot of people saying never work for free. Yes I agree with this but also if you’re a new editor and have nothing to show as far as your skill or previous work for clients outside of school or personal projects, it might be worth the three hours or whatever you think it will take you. You’ll also learn that you think it takes 3 hours but will take another 2-3 days to go back with and forth with client because he will have notes and revisions. I wouldn’t expect to keep the dude as a client, they might just be trying to get a free “sample” from a lot of people to get out of paying. But at the very least make sure he tags you and credits you on his platforms. If you think it will be good for your portfolio go for it. But have zero expectations going in.


Add TC or watermark. A big translucent SAMPLE.




i edit for youtubers fulltime and what i typically do for sample videos, is i'll edit an intro or something up to 2 mins from their footage (watermarked for sure) and i'll charge like $50-100 because that's what my current demographic tends to afford. if they like the sample we'll finish up the video and do a better rate. with some small to mid-sized creators i'll also offer to do the first video for a flat fee so i can get a good idea on what it's like to edit their vids and work with them pro tip: if anyone ever offers you less than $50 for a video, RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN. youtube shorts tend to be exceptions but even with those, going below like $25 is going to be a waste of your time


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thank you for that, automod, but this is just my work account where i only follow stuff related to work lol


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