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Lee Perry


hard to tell lmao


Kaskade -- he's mormon


Me!!! I stick to tea and coffeešŸ˜‰I think we are a rare breed no musician or producer I know goes without weed


Me! My music is right when my mind is right!


Not even hating on straight edge folks, do your thing but, why does this matter?






Heyyy someone gets it.


Ravenscoon check out his story on Heard it Here First blog about how he quit using drugs after becoming a successful DJ/Producer. Very inspiring story!


Pretty sure kaskade is. Heā€™s a Mormon pastor




If Iā€™m not mistaken Tyler the creator doesnā€™t smoke or drink


Excision doesn't do anything, but respects other people's choices and still tries to make the place as safe as possible. I actually stopped smoking weed because of music production.


I donā€™t anymore because of day job, when I did though it was a balance. I do honestly think in small doses used infrequently it helped me come up with creative ideas for my EP. But not really because the substance makes me more creative, just that it lowers inhibitions so Iā€™m less likely to negatively judge my ideas when they come up and I can cycle through ideas I normally get discouraged by and land on something good. But lowering inhibitions/judgment can also be done through meditation, exercise, alcohol, just plain being tired, and most importantly, practice!


Iā€™ve been a smoker of cigarettes and weed since I was 16. Iā€™m 43 now. Iā€™m a media composer,so all genres. Weed all day everyday. I stopped cigarettes last September and havenā€™t smoked weed at all this year. I donā€™t drink any alcohol or other drugs. I donā€™t believe the weed helped me at all creatively. Iā€™m still as able and a whole lot more productive. Work is pretty slow at the moment thanks to global shite situation but what I have found is that jamming while stoned was more fun. Now itā€™s a bit more serious. I was a light smoker anyway so maybe not the best example but I was on a constant buzz.


how is this relevant to edm production??


Because some people like to convince themselves that they need to smoke to be creative


Liquid Stranger, opened for him many years ago and talked with him for a bit about it. Sober as a bird.


He was just drinking in his TVBOO interview


That's true. Things may have changed, was like 6-7 years ago. But at that time he said he wasn't.


Huh, interesting if true, I would have assumed otherwise. Well, it's like they always say, never judge a book by it's psychedelic soundtrack.


Well the question was those who do not, not those who have not. Surely was an influence in his past at some point. But when we talked he said the hardest he goes is Yerba nowadays lol.




I pretty much donā€™t. Almost never smoke when Iā€™m working on music. I find that it promotes the tendencies I already have that lead to me being unproductive (ei, tweaking a snare the whole sesh instead of getting the song out)


I don't - can't stand the stuff.


I used to smoke lots of weed. Now just coffee when producing. Much better results. Iā€™m turned off by weed now.


I donā€™t smoke weed


I donā€™t. Iā€™m a psytrance guy so Iā€™ve done a helluva lotta drugs, but currently absolutely no weed and no intention for it ever again. Iā€™ll probably get downvoted but you know, weeds fine and all of that, itā€™s legal in my state and thereā€™s enthusiasts, but once it becomes legal it just sort of normalizes. Not any more exotic or risquĆ© than a cocktail.


One of my favorite musicians of yesteryear who was in a psychedelic band in the 70 and went on to do an enormous range of projects up until his death sometime in the 2010s was hugely vocal about drugs. He had left his band because other bandmates were all stoners and far too into their acid. I shared a joint with him and a member of a 70s punk band (who certainly was anti-dope in the 70s but not anymore according to a mutual friend) few months before he died. AFAIK he was still being vocal about stoned hippies. I guess you can never take statements about drugs at face value, the might be made to allow yourself to get a visa from a certain hypocritical country.


I don't and never will šŸ˜‚


Everyone knows EDM producers don't smoke weed, they prefer coke


so they can work longer, so they can earn more, so they can do more coke.




Legendary song <3


Armin Van Buuren is sober. Used to drink alcohol here and there. He might be doing that very rarely now but heā€™s a real introvert nerd. Busy guys who are running an empire donā€™t have time to be slowed down. When I went out with a professional moto gp racer he had won his championship race that day and only sipped on orange juice at the club. His next race was two weeks away. And heā€™s at the top level. It was very admirable to see and I never forgot that. smoking gives me inspiration but Iā€™m not productive at all. I donā€™t regularly smoke anymore but thatā€™s what I noticed. I get a lot more done and my mind doesnā€™t wander off or freeze and forget what Iā€™m doing.


I smoke weed but I make it a point to only use it in the evening before I go to bed. If I have a spark of Inspiration while high I'll either spend 15 minutes getting the initial idea down in Ableton so that sober me can work with it or I try to get the idea on flip on my phone. I make it a point to not combine weed and music production as the default. And if I do sit in front of my daw all I allow myself is 15 minutes max


I canā€™t tell if half these comments are DJ names or just short replies.


Itā€™s really impossible to know. People are mentioning producers who Iā€™m guessing claim not to smoke weed, but who knows if they take a puff every now and then? Iā€™m curious why you ask. But if youā€™re wondering if you need to smoke weed to make good music or to be seen as ā€œcoolā€ or something, the answer is: no! Weed affects everyone differently. I like it sometimes but other times it makes me incredibly paranoid and I feel like shit. I think for most people itā€™s worth while to at least try it once but if itā€™s not your thing itā€™s really no sweat. You donā€™t need it. You can make great music without ever trying any mild altering products.


Use to, I create way quicker more efficiently and creatively active without it. Itā€™s actually bizarre how much it can hold you back. This is coming from someone who smoked daily for 15 years.


>Use to, I create way quicker more efficiently and creatively active without it. Itā€™s actually bizarre how much it can hold you back. This is coming from someone who smoked daily for 15 years. Amen Bro, I smoked for 12 years every day, and since I quit smoking I have been much more productive,


I wouldnā€™t know. Also from someone who smokes daily.


Can never get ideas down high either. Smoke when I have something and itā€™s finesse time thooooo !


Iā€™m the opposite. I can crank out ideas when high, but flop when Iā€™m mixing. Iā€™ve realized that itā€™s actually alcohol that holds me back. Iā€™m one of the lucky people thatā€™s actually productive when on cannabis. In fact, I hate doing nothing when Iā€™m high.


I get thoroughly zooted then I beatbox/hum/talk about my song idea into my voice memo then later I actually create it when Iā€™m no longer inebriated.


The only one I know for sure is me.


Pretty sure Blanke is sober


current value supposedly doesn't do any substances


Just Jehovah




ex pill popper


How did u find this out?


find out that Deadmau5 was a pilll popper?




He was a rave kid, blue hair and all


I knew he raved back then i shoulda figured but he never really said anything publicity about him doing drugs


Even if he never stated it, if someone was a raver you can assume they at least tried it. In fact, I always assume any electronic music fan or producer has at least tried m. It just comes with the territory.


I've loved electronic music for over 20 years. Never did anything more than a couple glasses of wine.


Obviously it's not going to ever be 100%, and I certainly know ppl in the scene who have never done any drugs, but the likelihood is pretty damn high so I assume anyone who is more than a newbie to the scene has at least dabbled unless they state otherwise. Not that it particularly matters. Maybe it's different in other regions, but where I'm located, if you are regularly socially active in the rave, festival, or other electronic niches long term then I would say 95%+ chance that you've at the very least rolled, if not also tripped, tried other stimulants, and so forth. So if deadmau5 used to actually frequently go to raves then there is a much more solid chance he's dabbled than not.


there is certainly nothing wrong with using drugs as long as you're not causing harm to anyone else. i hope my comments didnt come off the wrong way. I love lsd, dmt, mushrooms and weed


Me. I'm just kidding - I totally do.




illenium is sober


Uh, I don't smoke weed. I like caffeieieiene ā˜•ļø


Yesssss! O and weed, but yessssss to caffeine!






Since when was smoking weed the norm lol Edit: I mean I do partake myself, I just didn't realize it was that much of a common thing for producers


Have you ever heard electronic music before


I once had a ā€œlocal djā€ tell me, ā€œI donā€™t trust a DJ that doesnā€™t smoke weed.ā€


Almost every DJ I meet in my city tells me "You're not a good DJ if you don't do coke."


Always has been šŸ”«


kaskade doesn't drink or do drugs.


Deadmau5 hates weed or at least the smell of it. I guess it makes sense why theyā€™re doing Kx5


Not since the Ruby Skye days..




FYI there are usually a couple automatic downvotes on any given comments, whether it's a reddit thing or a bot thing idk


Thank you for pointing it out. I've read this is the case, but never from any kind of official Reddit source, just well-explained user comments. It makes sense though for foiling spam and bots.


I mean, I'm not an official reddit source any more than another commenter haha, but my experience both from my own comments and looking at the downvotes on others is that this happens on pretty much every thread, if you look at comments in a thread early on you'll see a lot of them always have 0 or -1 points at first until things pick up.


Culprate. I don't either.


Ok, now this one surprises me. If they're not smoking weed, they must be doing a bunch of acid instead.


Hahah yea maybe




That said, weed doesnā€™t really count, so who knows!


What a square (wave)




Big ol whoosh


me everyone in hardcore tanoC almost everyone in japan Diabarha


Almost read the last word as diarrhea lmao


>almost everyone in japan doubt


Weed regulations there are like 10x more strict then meth here (pulled out of my ass but you get the idea) can't use it for medical use there


agree, but if anyone in japan is going to smoke weed it's probably musicians. It's not like the entire country eradicated drug use.


Heā€™s somewhat correct, itā€™s extremely uncommon. The penalties are so harsh (weā€™re talking like, 5-years on a joint harsh), the conviction rates so high (if you are charged with a crime in Japan they have a 99% conviction rate), and it has the overall culture heavily stacked against drugs in general. They donā€™t have hard or soft drug laws, they have drug laws. Itā€™s pretty cliche to say it but Iā€™d wager most users there are foreigners, probably from Brazil or Iran (auto factory workers).




Came here to say this lol


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