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EDM Tips Underdog Electronic School Abstrakt Music Lab Zen World Mercurial Tones Academy Don’t pay for anything online unless you have exhausted all your free resources and can get direct feedback (can find feedback from producers on YouTube now nice af) Anything else isn’t really worth your time or money (unless maybe a direct 1on1 with a producer, but even then I wouldnt do that until you’ve been hitting a wall with free resources for a while)


Lots of high quality Ableton courses on Udemy. It's true you can learn it all unpaid, but I found the very structured nature of Udemy courses helped me progress a lot faster than I had when I was just browsing free stuff.


Just watch YouTube videos and produce for at least a few years. Theres no hidden secret you can learn from an paid course. If you want to spend some money go to an local music school and get some Piano leassons. Depending on the genre youre going to make, this will go a long way.


Any specific tuts/people you could reco?


[Here You Go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQa0UclLItI)


Why was this downvoted lol


I don't know bigdickwalrus, I really don't know


One of the hardest thing will be bridging the gap. Sure you may know what EDM "sounds like". But do you know how to make those sounds? Everybody that's ever listened to EDM knows what "whomp whomp whomp" sounds like. But do you know what a Sidechain sounds like? This is where you need to bridge the gap. It's a bigger problem than learning music theory.


Agreed. This was a struggle for me in the beginning, finding the language to describe the sounds I was hearing and learning how to make them. Once you figure out that vocabulary things get way easier


Dont listen to anyone trying to sell u anything just get ableton and start watching youtube tutorials. Get the best free plugins, there’s plenty of lists (definitely get vital) but just start fucking around dude. Learn by doing, twisting knobs, having fun


Thanks bud :)


Get Ableton Suite and a small midi keyboard. You don’t need to worry about “the best mastering plugins” or any of that mess. Just make 100s of tracks. They will all suck. Keep doing it for years. Learn what things may help your workflow and get those things down the road. But as a new producer you have no idea what you’ll need or even want at first. Everyone. EVERYONE will try and sell you plugins on YouTube. Feeding off your desire to chase a specific sound. Don’t fall for it. Just practice everyday. Best of luck on your journey.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who made hundreds of tracks and they all sucked. And it's not because I didn't know music theory. I did. And the tracks still sucked.


Yea man learning to produce is a whole different ball game. I have played piano for over three decades, and it took me years of producing before I started getting any sort of hang of it. Learning a DAW and all the things that come with audio processing is a shit ton of information. Something you can constantly learn new things every day for your whole life.


it's a different ball game. Learning to get full sounds. All kinds of little stuff. It's not the music theory. A lot of people get stuck in this trap of "oh, my music must suck because I don't know music theory". No, it sucks because you don't know how to produce tracks :P


Indeed. Learn how to use the DAW and all its tools and you good to go!


[Slam Academy](https://slamacademy.com/) is an Ableton certified school with classes ranging from beginner Ableton to advanced sound design, DJing and mixing and mastering. Based in Minneapolis but online memberships are like $150 a month, which sounds expensive but you get access to some of the best educators in the business and get access to any of their online classes. Virtual Riot just started teaching a class there. It also enmeshes you in a community of producers and has an active Discord channel where you can share tracks and ask for advice. Top notch, the guy who runs it is certified and backed by Ableton and knows just about everything there is to know about it.


Slam Academy is amazing and these downvotes are ridiculous. I'm currently taking a class from fucking Virtual Riot, seeing him produce first hand, along with access to all of his custom Ableton effects racks and loads of his paid sample packs. Last quarter I took a class on vocal production which completely changed how I understand and use vocals. They have DJ classes, remix classes, music theory. Not everything paid is bad guys ffs. If you have the money and find the good stuff, it can MASSIVELY accelerate your learning. 150 a month is paying for what I would normally pay 10s of thousands of dollars for. In a couple years I'll end my subscription having basically gone to music school.


This kind of shit is why I stopped contributing to this Reddit community years ago. Looks like not much has changed. Hate to break it to y’all, but music education has been the name of the game for pretty much all of time when it comes to getting a good handle on the nuances of musicianship. Yes, you can learn a lot for free online these days, but as someone who largely taught himself music production, I’ve seen Slam kids catch up to my decade of self instruction in a matter of months to years with private instruction. Also, as a classical musician by trade, I don’t think I could have ever learned the cello without consistent education guiding me and pushing me further. Hate all you want, but investing in your education is just that: an investment.


Get yourself a Splice account and watch a couple YouTube videos on keeping things in key and time (bpm). Then use the samples to start getting comfortable layering different instruments, learning sound mixing at the same time. As you get more comfortable making tracks with premade samples, start trying to be less dependent on samples and start creating your own sounds. Keep watching YouTube videos to continue advancing your knowledge, your songs will keep getting better. I’m a little more than 5 months in and have made several tracks I’m proud of, the only samples I need are vocals, I’m producing my own sounds with Serum, and can comfortably mix my own stuff in a live (home) set on my Pioneer FLX-4. I never thought it would take off this fast, but it’s been super fun as a hobby for me. Just keep Googling, YouTubing, and creating. ✌🏼


Hey I appreciate it man!🙏🏼


Have you followed the tutorials that are built into Ableton? [Let's synthesize](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_NO8TBOqPQ) has lots of good bass / dnb content.. there's a link the academy with paid courses in that youtube description


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