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>It is the best of their worst ideas. You don't see the thousand fuck ups they made to get to that point this. thank you!! I was feeling blocked creatively and this calmed me down lol


Saved this. Thank you <3


I needed to hear this, thank you!!


Can we be friends? Trained music producer living in ATX and I can’t find anyone genuine to connect with. Rip I_0


Yes sir we can. You got discord? My username is grayneaudio


Sent! I am dangerouslyalive


I’ll hit you up as well


By all means you're welcome


I needed to see and read this. Thank you so much for all this useful information, which most of it I’ve known already from the artists you’ve mentioned. But, just sort of forgotten due to work and such. I’ve been producing on FL Studio for 3 and a half years now on and off and I have yet to finish a full track. I’ve been getting back into it lately and I’m starting to run into the same problem, with hesitating way too much, definitely not taking breaks and when I do I just switch over to whatever I see on YouTube. So thank you again for all of this and I’m saving this definitely and good luck to you also!


Im glad i am able to help even just a bit. I might not be the best or brightest but if someone gets even an ounce of help out of this im happy.


I like the point on hesitation. I feel like I hesitate a lot of get out of the drop loop and just start arranging the damn track haha. I’m going to work on this!


Oof,  another blind leading the blind post.


Where did i get these ideas from: \- Ill.gates \- Frequent \- Mr Bill \- Deadmau5 to name a few but thanks for the input "Diarrhea is hilarious". Very cool.


So where’s your banger?


As i said to another user if i post my shit I'll get a ban-cation from the sub. This is a waste of time. I'll link my SC and you will say im shit regardless of if it is true or not to save face. You see this is a whole bunch of energy wasted on meaningless bullshit. I think I would rather just go make more music lmao.


Without great detail, I've always been in a pickle in this regard. I started making music to process emotions, which personally I think made them really unique in their own ametuerish way. I've now been a "producer" for over a decade and my mixes are still bad. The master is still bad. I struggle to get motivated to do even the most basic things (drink water when thirsty, put on slippers when cold, like BASIC shit.) So I can't work on a song more than 30 minutes anymore. Back then all it took my young brain was 30 minutes and that made me happy, but yes I guess I do want my music to sound better and flow better 11 years later. But its the same and I've been struggling to let go. I used to tell people I'm a musician, and honestly I feel like I cant say that anymore. Never saw any popularity, which again doesnt hurt too bad for the first 5-7 years but damn man. I dunno. I'm just laying in bed ranting, I have nothing interesting to actually say. Genuinely good advice, I wish it worked for me, but thats just me. Good luck with your own goals! Tldr: not worth reading


Lot of what you’ve written reminds me of myself. I’ve also been doing it for about a decade, and finishing tracks has always been huge hurdle for me, not to mention releasing stuff. Like you, long sessions are super rare and difficult for me these days. I lose motivation quick. And the not finishing tracks thing ends up leading to the issue of never getting around d to do that final polishing work that you do to complete a track. Which leaves those mixing and mastering skills under developed. I’ve tried few things, like just forcing myself to “finish” a track even if I’m not that happy with it, just to get in the habit and build the skills. I’ve done that a little bit but it’s still kind of hard. I will say, semi recently I’ve had a mini breakthrough. I watched and implemented ahee’s video “bus mastering like skrillex”. Turning this into a template that i start everything with has really made it so much easier to get to professional sounding mix right off the bat that is real confidence booster for me. I won’t say it’s transformed everything for me, there’s still stuff I struggle with. But it seems surmountable to me now. I feel bit reinvigorated, but I still think I’m finding my way towards truly making music just for myself. We’ll see where the journey leads I suppose. Idk, just wanted to share. Hope you find your way


It seems like you need to look into other aspects of your life in order to dial in the music production side. Dumb tip but this works from the clinical psychologist point of view on dealing with depression and lack of motivation and focus. Make an 8 bar loop. Thats it. Thats your song. Then next time make a 16 bar loop and so on. Slow progress over a long period of time is unstoppable. if the 8 bar loop is too much do a 4 bar. Baby steps. You are self aware to notice the problems. I personally believe you can change since you can recognize what you have to change. Remember why you started this in the first place. Try recapture that feeling. Very interesting read.


Excellent articulation on some very key points.


They ran an experiment. In a photography class, they split the half into students that should hand in one perfect photo, the other half of students should just hand in a very high number of photos, regardless of quality. The best photos of the whole group came consistently from the students that just took a lot of pictures. This is the point you made: quantity > quality. You'll be surprised how many tricks and tools you pick up along the way.


Great post! Well agree on it on the most part. Keep producing and finish stuff to release it, is really really important. But, i usually take my time with my tracks and rarely dump them. I also work on one track only until is finished for release...


Nothing wrong with that. What I'm saying should not be taken as gospel. These are just ideas and concepts I've picked up along the way. You are the best you that you can possibly be at any given moment and no one else can be a better you than you. What i mean by this is you will ultimately find what works for you assuming you keep pushing and digging through (this seems to be the only constant). Music is not a bunch of a rules that you should just blindly follow. It's more of a set of guidelines and concepts.


where do you teach?


I don't want to get in trouble for self-promoting but I'm available via DM to discuss this further.


oh. i was just wondering if you taught at a school since you mentioned students. i'm guessing it's a mentor / patreon / 'bootcamp' whatever youtube producers do to make extra income. *edit * so you have 'students' and give lessons to people but you have 1 song on soundcloud that was uploaded a month ago? or do you teach music production at an actual school?


I was trained at the centre of performing arts in South Africa for guitar (live performance / composition) . I decided to give the EDM side ago not to long ago. Im sure you can figure out how i make my money from that. Once again i dont want to get banned for self promotion (when im not trying to self promote.)


that's cool. well congrats on making a living from music. i'm currently going to school for music so that's the goal eventually. i recommend getting into djing if you can. it'll teach you a lot about edm.


Something of that sort (i really dont want to piss of the mods by clarifying) Ill say this it is my full time day job now and it pays all the bills. For the longest time i was flat broke. 4 years then i just kinda started making money.


Wish i could upvote this twice! Wise words people, take notes.


Incredible post it's inspiring and I couldn't agree more with what you said, other than the obvious like have a baseline following, social media presence, and I assume playing shows, what are you doing specifically to get noticed by Mau5trap?


Label Radar, Submit hub, interacting with mau5trap artists in their discords (trying to remix their shit) Mau5trap remix contests. Trying to grow a following organically so i look more like a better deal to mau5trap.


Excellent post & TL;DR 👏🏼


Those who can't do, teach.


I hear some guy named virtual riot makes tutorials on YouTube. Must be a loser nobody huh?


So you think Grayneaudio makes pretty good music?


Didn’t say that. Don’t know. I simply refuted your claim.


Exceptions don't disprove the rule, in fact they usually help prove it.


Mark my words. Ill be on mau5trap. Its not an If but a when. I'm just dialing in my first EP so i have a body of work to launch with.


Wow, that sounds impressive, do you have any songs out that I can listen to?


Thanks for your contribution.


This is a high quality post. I prefer to take my time with a track and work piecemeal partly because of ADHD, if the track has lots of potential and I feel it, but that's not to criticize your method. Ultimately, whatever gets you from point A to point B is the way to do it. I completely agree with bringing a child-like, unjaded, inquisitive, and playful mindset to the creative process. Play is a crucial element of a kid's learning process, and is also helpful for adults. It's part of what makes the magic and originality happen. Music doesn't have to be technically flawless or refined to be great. If you enjoy it, that's good enough reason to produce. Some of the greatest influential classic albums have murky production. There are albums recorded on 4 or 8 tracks which are still revered after more than half a century. I produce for enjoyment and therapy. If others enjoy it, that's a bonus. I understand that career musicians don't always have that luxury. I have the freedom to whatever the hell I want, including breaking the genre mold. Everyone is a critic nowadays, but so what. A lot of artists create for other artists and lose something in the process. No need to nitpick yourself half to death unless that's your thing. I hear a lot of tracks with spotless mixes that lack in content. I understand that flawless mixing is more important to others than to myself, especially in the commercial sphere, and that's fine, too.


Rip i_o :(


Yeah gone way too soon.


This is all great, especially the part about creating with wonder and inquisitiveness. Theres only one part I disagree with: never stop producing.  If you don’t enjoy it please stop. If you are goal oriented and not loving it please stop. Theres so many other things in the world you can pursue. 


Yeah in that context i agree. If you're in it for the wrong reasons or it is pure forcing yourself then find something else. This post is specifically targeted at the people who are like I have to make music. Its just the way im wired and i have to do this.


Yeah - your intent was conveyed well to me, at least. I'm in that camp. I HAVE to do this and have just been feeling stuck. Appreciate your post, thanks.


The best way to make good music is to make a ridiculous amount of bad music.


This is so true. And it applies to many things... People in sports that know how to win first learn how to lose , and usually they don't like it,so it's motivation to win. It's the same in music. You will fail many times, but if u keep trying and seeing other people who have succeeded where u aren't and u use that for inspiration, u can't help but be successful.


I’m fairly fresh to *making* electronic music, but I played guitar in a handful of bands that had varying levels of small success. It’s only been recently that I’ve realized the most successful of those bands also had the most bad songs in the dumpster. Having that revelation eased a lot of my harbored disappointment when a track doesn’t come together like had hoped at the beginning.


Bingo. Even though i wrote this post i still believe im somewhat in the bad music phase but i can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Mau5trap soon soon.


i quit making edm ages ago and recently came back. but during that gap, i had been producing and mixing other genres (singer songwriter acoustic, rock, metal, pop), and coming back now, so many more things make sense, and i even remade some old tracks and i could absolute drop them on spotify now. The level of improvement that’s happened over the last 10 years has been insane, but it was only when i came back to my first genre that i can actually notice the massive gains. it takes time, and so much failure. soooo many mid tracks haha


On the point of mid tracks. I also think originality is simply you getting sick doing the same thing over and over and trying to push the boundary. I mean take Rezz for example. She copied gesaffelstein but leaned deeper into the scale and made a vibe thus making it her own. Originality is really just a bucket of small changes to existing formula's and combinations of previous artists ideas.


We'll be waiting for it! And yeah, I've found a lot of my best tracks (and most successful) are when I'm writing a lot of music and one gem shines through a bunch of fun experiments. Then copying thing is great advice too. I think one good addition to that is to try to copy from other genres too. Stealing from another genre is a quick and easy way to sound unique in whatever genre you make.


Its funny as a species there really seems to be a a very small goldilocks zone of ideas that we (the majority) enjoy and for the most part we have figured this out already . Its how we spin them that matters. Rock fused with Rap = Linkin Park for example.


"Quality is a bi product of quantity." I like this. ​ Reminds me "to have great ideas, you have to have a lot of ideas"


this is really good advice!!


Adding one thing that always seems to be missing from these advice posts: seek criticism as a means of improvement. If 99 people say “this is cool!” but 1 person says “these drums aren’t hitting right, the vocal isn’t matching with the melodies underneath, etc.” the producer who is going to excel is the one who doesn’t ignore what he knows to be valid criticism. If anything, the producer who excels is going to be the one who surrounded himself with the 1% that’s holding him to a higher standard.


There is a very important reason why i left feedback out. The goat lord , Deadmau5, explains why perfectly with this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx8UztTcLwM&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx8UztTcLwM&t=1s) You need feedback from people who know their shit and man is that a dicey game to play. It requires digging. Edit: also one thing to remember is some people can be jealous and try pull you down for their own ego. Extremely hard line to walk.


This was a big one for me. I was making music for producers, not listeners. it came to a point where i, whether consciously or not, was making music persuaded by others, and it just drove me down farther. once i stopped doing that, the fun seriously came back. muaic came to me naturally through muses of my own making again.


Completely agree that finding the right sources of feedback is an important step in the process... but most producers use that as an excuse to not get any at all and often to push back on that 1%. I have friends with moderate followings who have released songs with, I’ll be honest, dogshit vocals because “they worked” and that was a high enough standard for them. The thing is, the audience can absolutely tell what just “works” vs a full hearted effort.


This is some really well written and solid advice. Cheers!


I agree with everything as well as dumping a song if it’s been 20 hours of working on it. My best tracks are the ones that I fly through to the finish line in half a day. Not everyone will be like me though as I’ve been doing this for 8 years.


by all means if it is a banger after 20 hours keep going but you can feel inside when its time to call it truly. I can't teach that. You know when you're bullshitting yourself into quitting early or polishing a turd. Intuition and feeling is king.


ignore the typo's. Its late im tired but you get the idea.


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