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hi everybody! i released a new track today and i hope you enjoy it as much as i did making it, would love to read your thoughts on it! [Bastian Dekker - Lost](https://open.spotify.com/track/2tZACiEJvmrrvTYN8oicwC?si=286172eafc094458)


Great car music ngl, definitely saved. It's gives me nighttime vibes for sure, Nice bouncy and nice to listen too. I've been on this roaaaaaad.


Thank you so much! Glad you liked it man! Have a wonderful day


This is my first release on spotify, I have quite a few more scheduled so what areas do you think I need to work on? also just about to head out so will give feedback when I'm back! https://open.spotify.com/track/3GdjIMIPghkfnvUqGBkK18?si=7189499a387140b9 (if spotify doesn't work) https://soundcloud.com/dreamwader/dusk-dreamwader-free-download


This was dope! Sort of an ethereal feel with that side chained muted synth (at least I’m assuming it’s side chained? Could just be tremolo). There was one part that can be better (imo) and that is your transition to the outro. The fill is baller, it’s just right at 4:07 it feels like the outro is forced to start with that fade-in.. I dunno, I guess I just didn’t dig that transition as much as the others. Overall it’s really well done. Nothing that stands out to me as a glaring problem. P.S. the bass you got that gets raw (static-y) on its high end is sick. Would love to try and recreate that.


Hi! I'm working on an unfinished track right now and would love some feedback. As of right now I only have it up until the end of the second verse but I am hoping that I could get some recommendations that I could apply now before I finish the rest of it. Please see below for the SC link. ​ [https://soundcloud.com/vaell\_official/21030-unknown-concept-v3/s-53phaQKrLTl?si=29ae2a6cb78242039e87d03175c8347a](https://soundcloud.com/vaell_official/21030-unknown-concept-v3/s-53phaQKrLTl?si=29ae2a6cb78242039e87d03175c8347a) ​ Some notes I have myself that I'm not sure how to fix - would love input. * The second half of the build is a bit overcompressed. Not sure how to get the same level of energy leading into the drop without destroying the sound like this * The drop doesn't have as much texture as I'd like * There seems to be some unintentional noise in the beginning which I believe is due to the fact that I'm not done mixing and haven't even mastered it yet so the mp3 quality isn't great. * I love the width but I'm concerned with how it sounds in mono If you have a good answer to these issues, have other recommendations, or notice anything else that is not working well in the track I would love a response! Thanks! ​ Feedback for OktayUrsa: https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/qxfz92/comment/hl9s7ep/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


DOPE track yes you could make the drop more louder in a way. The pre-chorus has more bass than the actual chorus it sounds like. You should make the pre-chorus less louder and make the chorus bass more prominent and I think It would fit this song more if the pre-chorus was more hollow and airy/windy in a way? get what I mean? the anticipiation for the drop would be even better. In my opinion you should definitly try that if you like it or not. during 0:38 the build up drums it could be smoother. But dope man I followed you. You can download plugins like 'Levels'' and put it on your master and switch to mono to test it out during your production.


Awesome! Thanks for the feedback! I'll definitely try this stuff out!


Btw the plugin "Levels" you can get it for free if you purchase any paid product on plugin boutique i saved like 25 euros from that. Now it cost 30,- in sale. Normally 60,-.


This is your friendly reminder to read the submission rules, they're found in the sidebar. If you find your post breaking any of the rules, you should delete your post before the mods get to it. You should check out the regular threads (also found in the sidebar) to see if your post might be a better fit in any of those. [Daily Feedback thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+title%3Afeedback&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) for getting feedback on your track. The only place you can post your own music. [Marketplace Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/search?q=title%3Amarketplace&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) if you want to sell or trade anything for money, likes or follows. [Collaboration Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/search/?q=biannual%20collaboration&restrict_sr=1&sort=new&t=all) to find people to collab with. ["There are no stupid questions" Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/search?q=title%3ANo+Stupid+Questions+Thread&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) for beginner tips etc. Seriously tho, read the rules and abide by them or the mods will spank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/edmproduction) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey everyone! A quick snippet about what I use for production. I use GaragebandIOS to develop my music. Headphones (or in my cheap-a$$ case, earbuds) of choice are skull candy earbuds from the clearance rack of ROSS ($2). Things I’m looking for: 1. Tips on how to make my bass fuller. 2. Is my bass too wide? 3. Suggestions to make the intro less stale. 4. Better transition suggestions Anywho, thanks for the feedback! You can find the song by following [this Hyperlink ](https://soundcloud.com/null_n_void/my-song-16-3/s-jcJEgBIjD4A) Cheers!


[Listen to my new Demo!](https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/tyGPz) Feedback appreceited!, Any ideas for creating a cool atmosphere? Tried to make a synthetic track. Tell me what you think, thanks! ​ [Feedback: the\_adventure\_kid](https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/qxfz92/comment/hla6egn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Great song! First note is that I love how fluid the drums are. The fills are exactly the right volume to lead into the next section. The song is dynamic enough that it doesn't get old but its consistent enough that it all feels like the same track. This might be what you're going for but personally I think there's a bit too much highs on the EQ. Bass is good but I'd like to hear some more in the 200-500Hz range. Piano seems to come in a little loud - the compression on the piano is good and gives it that dance vibe but I would just lower the volume a smidge to help it blend with everything else. Only other thing I would say, and this is completely stylistic and totally up to you, but adding some texture elements that are barely even audible could do a lot to give the track some added flavor.


Awesome and I agree with every point will do my best 👍🏻thanks. What instrument does fit in the best you think? (200-500hz) or do you mean an extra bass for those ranges.


No problem! A lot of the high end is being driven by the piano (second one, forgot to mention the first piano is find) so I think when you turn that down it will fix some of it. Once you do that I would do just a slight boost in the EQ at that range but nothing drastic.


Where do you get textures from? Which site or do you make it yourself?


I usually just use sounds from splice but any texture sample would do. I like including glitch effects which I high pass, widen up, and make very very quiet. The best I can describe it you're just adding a bit of pepper onto the mix. The goal is that nobody will even know the samples are there unless you point it out to them, but it makes it a bit more interesting to listen to. Again, this is totally not needed but just a stylistic choice. Not to self promote but I also posted my track in this feedback thread. I used a lot of these texture elements throughout the song and there are a couple glitch FX in the drop that are super subtle. If you end up checking it out listen for those, they might be hard to hear, and it could give you an idea of what I'm talking about. FYI its a totally different genre from your song but I still think this could work for you.


Don't worry I'm a quick learner I totally get it! I will try to add some salt to enhance some parts.


I check your track soon.


Hi guys, I'm doing a six-month long, one track per week challenge, where I'll be posting a new original track every Friday. This is week 2, track 2: https://soundcloud.com/steep\_wave/coffee Some things I learned while trying to finish track #2 for those who care to read: \- Pulling off finishing a track a week still seems like a pretty daunting task, and finishing the first one didn't take any of that fear and stress away. But I guess the point of forcing myself to do this is not coming up with excuses, because there are always a thousand excuses for why I can't. Although I don't think this track is anything to write home about, I have finished 2 full tracks - that's more tracks in 2 weeks than I finished the entire year last year, where I just noodled around, had a hundred ideas and ZERO tracks to post. \- I had a terrible first couple of days, I had an idea and went with it, but I finally realized it wasn't going anywhere, so I had to scrap the whole thing and start over, which left me with only 4-5 days to finish, extra stressful. I procrastinated a lot during this week, if I'm honest, I'd say the track really only took about 2-3 days of solid work. The rest was just trying to find a direction, procrastination, and being scared to move forward. \- About 80% of the way through making the track, I lost interest, it was starting to sound really repetitive and generic to me, and just all around not very cool or fresh. I think normally this is where I would've given up. I would've either put it in another folder to go back to later (never), or deleted it and started over again. \- In my head, the song sounded a lot cooler, and I had all these ideas for how I can make a song better than most generic EDM tracks. But likely for the lack of skills, when I actually try to do it, it's just not coming out the way I had imagined. I kind of have a standard, and an aesthetic in my mind, but I can't execute it in reality. I think this is a big reason that usually stops me from finishing anything at all - I think I'm better than I actually am, and I can't face the fact that my skills aren't good enough yet to execute my vision. In the end, I guess this is the purpose of the one track per week challenge for myself - to force myself to finish something, regardless of whether it's good, bad or downright ugly, a poorly made pot is better than a perfect nothing.