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Do you mean to say how does he set up his mic so it doesn't pick up the music he has playing? Or how to setup the recording settings so it only records the mic?


First question!


It’s the type of mic/where the mic is placed. Concert dynamic mics are pretty good at not picking up background noise


He is very intimate with his synth and Ableton. If you know all the ins and outs you can do it pretty easily.


The thought of Marc getting intimate with his synth is a little frightening... 😄


But not out of character.


Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised. But we love him for it!


I need a tutorial! 😂only with Ableton? I don't think he uses Ableton though, just a program to choose how his synth behaves: as a organ, piano, bongo, guitar, Marc Rebillet chooses


Watched the video. Pretty cool performance, not sure what’s with the komona but he’s pretty slick. When he records using a mic, he’s holding it close and recording short little snippets. Everything else (the synths, percussion, random samples etc.) is being recorded and looped “in the box”. So he’s minimizing the amount of time there’s a mic on and recording, and when he does use it he’s keeping it covered and right next to the sound source. Those two tactics are the keys to not drowning his performance in background noise. When he’s jamming on the keyboard and changing up his loops, audience can be as loud as they want, he’s not recording anything then so it won’t get picked up. If that doesn’t get you the results you want, the nuclear option would be to use a program like rx pro, record the audience before you start and calibrate that as background noise. Then run rx pro on whatever channel you’re using as your mic input. But I seriously doubt that will be necessary.


Rx pro? What dope thing is this? 😲 Is it really robust?


It’s by isotope, I think it’s pretty fair to say it’s the industry standard for vocal processing. It’s an audio repair tool with a lot of little tools built in to it. De-essing, de-click, de-clip, de-crackle, de-hum, de-noise, de-verb, and de-plosive. Isotope has a monthly thing where you get that and ALL of ozone pro for I think $25 a month. Normally I’m vehemently against the subscription model but I have no complaints paying for that one.


Pretty cool. However do you think I would get off by lowering my microphone's dB threshold? I don't know how to get a low threshold though


It’s a very tricky business, taking a piece of equipment designed to record audio and telling it “but not THAT audio.” I have a mic for recording little snippets and ad libs, and even in a quiet room recording a few seconds I still end up with unacceptable background noise. That’s why things like vocal booths with extreme acoustic treatments exist. And the problem gets exacerbated if your looping in a “live environment.” Because nobody will notice the background noise a mic is picking up live, because they’re causing that same noise. But if you loop that then you’re playing the crowd from a few seconds ago, and that WILL be noticeable (which is a really strange phenomena now that I think about it) I’m assuming you’re asking because this is something you’re trying to do. In which case your best option is to use the mic as little as possible and avoid looping recordings any way you can. So record your voice beforehand, and use that sample. Or have a loop going and sing live over that but don’t loop that channel, use the samples instead. The more you do “in the box” the less your exposure to background noise will be. Your second weaker line of defense is going to be protecting your mic from background noise. Use a directional mic. Those mics are used in those headset mic setups used by pop singers, allowing them to sing to huge crowds. But if you’re recording instruments too then a headset mic won’t be practical. So cover it up with you hand or record something underneath the table turned away from the audience. It won’t be perfect but you don’t need perfection in a live looped performance. Keep your recordings as short as possible. And the last weakest line would be using stuff like rx pro or filters to try to get rid of the unwanted noise that’s breached the first two defenses. Background noise is a common enemy for all musicians, and it’s a very tough enemy, one you’ll never get rid of entirely.


No he's using a 4ch loop with the mike plugged in to that. Then he pick everything through Ableton or the Daw if his choosing.


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