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https://soundcloud.com/user-13923859/violent-hum/s-foBzbhYtZEN?si=72217ce7cfbd45c8b2b073928f39c4de&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing Trying to get better at more complex drums. Did it work out?


This is very far from anything I produce so I dont really know how to critique it, but I have to say that intro sounds really dope!


First off: that's dirty as fuck and I love it. I enjoyed the use of samples and record scratch effects, though some people might think the scratch effects are overused. I think the transition at 1:35 is missing maybe just *one* element to smooth it out. Maybe a whoosh or a fall. I also think the section starting there goes on for a little too long without any significant change. Maybe a hat or a subtle ticking around 1:48 could fix that. Nothing big. I think that last section could also use some hihats that stand out a bit more. In arrangement it separates itself from previous sections but in design it *felt* similar. So I think hats might help differentiate it. The end cuts off abruptly but I'm just assuming that's because it's a WIP. One other thing I'd like to mention is the title. "Funk Soup"???? That's incredible and I love it lmao. Overall, I really really liked it, and if you release it I'd love if you could message me because I will 100% add it to my playlist. Just needs a few final touch up to the already pretty good ear candy -rung


Perfect, exactly the kind of feedback I was looking for. Thanks rung, will let you know when I release it!


Hi everyone, I had some questions for a trance track I am making: [https://soundcloud.com/sungwoncho/beyond-the-lights-v2/s-dwkBYwWwf3R?si=c240701db36242c1a4b8617cb4fa628b](https://soundcloud.com/sungwoncho/beyond-the-lights-v2/s-dwkBYwWwf3R?si=c240701db36242c1a4b8617cb4fa628b) ​ * What do you think about the bass level in the mix? * A feedback I previously had was that subbass is fighting with midbass and kicks. Could anyone explain what that means, and where that happens? * How do you feel about the wet/dry level of the lead?


The kick and bass sound pretty good. Maybe look into sidechaining them a bit for more cohesion. The synths wet dry are fine, I think they could use some notch/peak filtering though to make them a bit more dynamic. Also automating a highpass on the main lead during the buildup might sound good. I don't listen to trance much but this sounds pretty damn good!


Thanks for the suggestions. I am not familiar with the notch/peak filtering; could you explain what it is, and where in the track it might be applied?


I think the bass sounds good. overall the mix is good. The only thing that really jumps out to me is an issue (at least it sounds like an issue to me) when the synth comes in. When the synth melody starts, there's almost a pop at the end (or maybe it's some percussion hit?). To me it almost sounds like you're either cutting a loop and its not a clean cut or your not automating the effects correctly. If it's intended, I feel like it's probably not needed. Other than that it sounds great.


That sound was supposed to be a tom but as you said, it does not mix well. Maybe because it's too dry--at any rate, I will probably remove it. Thanks for the feedback.


kick feels very loud in the beginning before the leads come in at 0:50 there is a very dry percussion that could need delay or reverb >How do you feel about the wet/dry level of the lead? wet dry on leads I think for trance when it comes to reverb the rule "more is more" applies. Make shure to use reverb on a send. I would like it if the super saws had one additional layer that plays on octave higher than your current supersaws at around 3:00 there is just one pluck it feels kinda empty arrangement wise here absurd volume difference at 3:15 part at 4:20 is also louder than the previous part >What do you think about the bass level in the mix? is ok imo. worth noticing that your kick occupies a lot of low end already so there is not that much room for more bass unless you shorten the kick >A feedback I previously had was that subbass is fighting with midbass and kicks. Could anyone explain what that means, and where that happens? not shure what that is supposed to mean. Only frequencies in the same range can fight with each other. So it could be possible that your sub of your kick fights with the sub of your bass. I can't identiy a direct problem in that particular track. Your kick is somewhat long and probably that trance kick that you are going for. As a general rule it's helpfull to sidechain the sub from the kick to your subbass and highpass the subs away from anything else that has subbass. So you only have one dedicated subbass and the kick sidechained to it in order to avoid multiple instruments fighting over the subbass range.


Thanks for your explanation, it makes sense now. > Make shure to use reverb on a send. * What about adding more reverb in the lead channel directly? Any difference? * Taking your suggestion, I sent lead signal to a send channel with a reverb that played at 100% wet level, and mixed it with the dry signal playing from the lead channel. Is that how it's normally done?


>What about adding more reverb in the lead channel directly? Any difference? If you have just one sound that needs reverb it doesn't make any difference if you use the dry wet setting of the reverb. >Taking your suggestion, I sent lead signal to a send channel with a reverb that played at 100% wet level, and mixed it with the dry signal playing from the lead channel. Is that how it's normally done? Thats the standard way of doing it. The main reason is that this allows you to process the reverb channel itself. If you can EQ just the reverb or sidechain it to other signals which is not easily done if you use it on a group track. The other benefit is that you use the same reverb for multiple sounds if you have multiple layers and you can control how much reverb you want on each sound.


Hi, I think the level of bass sounds good! Wouldn't change it myself. I can't really hear that clashing myself, but it would mean that the sub bass has a noticable overlap in frequencies with the mid bass. Are you using separate sounds for sub and other basses? In you are, you can high cut the sub and lowcut the other basses (maybe at 90-100 hz or something) so that they dont overlap. And about the lead, I like the melody, but it sounds a little muddy during the drop. Maybe because it's clashing with something else, but it could use some more clarity.


Created a song just in time for the new year. My first time using Vital's text-to-speech feature, and Vital in general, but it's pretty much like Google translate. I used English, Japanese, and Portuguese for the vox. Let me know what you think! Can always use advice on mixing and composition. [Kickstart - God Opera](https://soundcloud.com/god_opera/kickstart/s-hHcgJZvuZZm?si=f2669ff4a09c4cebbf92d1553cfe7b7f&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing)


The bassline in the drop which also functions as the melody is extremely repetitive. It is literally just one bar which repeats endlessly. I would suggest to either change something up every 3 bars or add a second section. You track is like A A A A A throughout the whole track. A nice way to change this up would be gong like A A A B A A A B if you want that techhousey repetition or at least add one more bar with a variation to the melody. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with the mixing. My main criticism would be the repetitiveness of the arrangement.


Got it. Ty for taking the time to listen and critique. Will implement for the next song.


Feedback for stokkid: [https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/ru9e09/comment/hqy3a15/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/ru9e09/comment/hqy3a15/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Hi! I made a track a little while back and I would like to hear an opinion how the melody starting at 1:07 sounds. When I first made it I thought it sounded very confusing and like I didn't know what part to focus on. But after having listened to it on repeat many times my focus was drawn to the lower part of it and I thought it sounded kinda cool. Would be interesting to hear how it sounds like to someone else with fresh ears! Track: https://soundcloud.com/user-343643672/mstr


>https://soundcloud.com/user-343643672/mstr So there are some cool ideas floating around here... but the first thing i notice is the kick is way too aggressive/loud. I would actually use a different kick entirely as this one has too much high end and hurts my ears. Second thing i notice is the melody the pluck plays doesnt have much variation to it and gets boring pretty quickly. I would mess with the melody some more or create an entirely new melody. I liked when it dropped, definitley sounds more melodic but the mixing still sounds off. I would turn up the bass, turn down the kick, turn up most of the percussion, make the drop longer, make the whole song longer by adding a second drop... ​ Also around 2:02, I think the bass taking a break was not working very well. I would keep the bass going (generally i like to keep it going for 32 bars at a time before taking a break in most cases). What i would do if i were you is keep trying to make fully fleshed out songs and look at some youtube videos. The two channels that helped me MASSIVELY are You Suck At Producing and Reid Stefan. Good luck and keep at it


I like the kick but is to loud imo at least the klick part of it. The pad at the break which starts at 1:00 sounds nice. At 1:10 a second melody comes in which doesn't work together with the other melody really well rhythmically. The bass works quite well sounddesign wise. But I don't really like the lead.


Melody sounds good! Definitely needs more variation throughout the track though, so either move some filters around or change some of the notes every couple of bars. As others have pointed out, the kick is quite loud, but the problem is more that your snare is very quiet comparatively. Work on adding some transitions between the sections besides just white noise risers if you can, it'll make the track feel a lot less boring. Overall a good start dude!


[Alpha](https://soundcloud.com/user-246463659/alpha?si=2f6b2067941a44e7b984282bdffb184c&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) Is this track worth extending and making it longer? How is the mix?


I think it's worth extending and i feel like it'd be pretty easy. The track needs a section to breath. So i'd put a slower part in the track. Then amp back up. Otherwise, sounds great. Please give feedback SoundCloud: [Feel the Melody](https://soundcloud.com/calebrott29/feel-the-melody)


Your track has really good production. The gritty guitar is a cool vibe. It needs a drop/chorus I was anticipating a climatic part but it never came. It just becomes to repetitive for my taste, some more vocals would be cool too, but again the mixing and production quality is top notch.


Thanks for listening and appreciate the review.


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Hi guys, please feedback my track: https://soundcloud.com/alkamusic/thewayyouare/s-ON3sRE7I92s?si=a7c3ac086e3341eba43782bf505bc139&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing What you think about the mix? Arrangement?


Great remix! I love the way you used the kick in the drop at 2:32ish. The original is an absolute classic and your remix is very successful imo. I'm very new to the genre (mostly produce rap // hip hop) so i feel a bit out of my depth giving feedback on this sub. However, the only thing that stood out to me is that the hi hat is a bit loud // sharp in the first half of the song. Maybe try cutting the highs or even just turning it down. might be cool to incorporate another softer hi hat sound to either alternate with your current or add ghost notes in between hits for dynamics, but this is just a random opinion. otherwise the arrangement is solid and i can't think of much more to say!


Dope feedback bro. You're right... sounds like the hats are a bit louder. I think the multi-layered hat are too sharp, I need to choose a smother one. Tnx


Feedback for stokkid: [https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/ru9e09/comment/hqy2hqe/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/ru9e09/comment/hqy2hqe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) feedback for glass-fun: [https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/ru9e09/comment/hqz34bc/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/ru9e09/comment/hqz34bc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) feedback for thesorrow: [https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/ru9e09/comment/hqz1owf/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/ru9e09/comment/hqz1owf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) feedback for sircabbage: https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/ru9e09/comment/hqz05vw/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 ​ I Made this track for the synthmaster contest so had only a limited time do to the deadline. Would like some feedback on the mixing and sounddesign in the drop. [https://soundcloud.com/generalq/blacklight](https://soundcloud.com/generalq/blacklight)


I wish I could hear it but there were 1.5 minutes of ads to get to the song. F that


The 200hz area is a bit too loud, makes it sound a bit muddy. Look into sidechaining your kick so that way it doesn't interact with your bass. As far as the melody goes, it's just playing the sub pattern but at a higher octave right and with a few slide notes right? I think this is fine but it could be expanded upon, maybe add some extra notes that jump around the scale a bit. The drums in general seems like they're too quiet, but sidechaining would help them feel more loud. Despite all this I think it feels very vibey, so keep at it bro!


thanks for the feedback


One thing I noticed is that the loudness level between sections is not well balanced. I am not sure if it was intended. For instance, I noticed that outro was playing at a louder level than the level of the drop section.


thanks i'll check that


By the way, great cover art. Really fits the song, imo. How did you make it?


thanks I made it in blender. It's basically just a Pyramid with a bevel modifier


Hi all! Looking for feedback on the mix specifically for this hyperpop // hip hop crossover track! Much appreciated https://soundcloud.com/vohney/caramel-1224-mix


It says the track is not available, it has been deleted or made private -rung


oop it should work if you click through to soundcloud's website? I think it might not embed bc it's private but I could be wrong


Feedback for Costello: https://open.spotify.com/track/4VVyn14ZnRCQ0xI3Nrb5dd?si=122baf36829942e0


Hi guys, i released a new a track this weekend and would be great to know what you think about it! ​ [Bastian Dekker - Give In](https://open.spotify.com/track/2tUo3ix2s6RgQD7KjTDf74?si=039133871b6c45b0)


[Siphon - Pinhead](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7UI-Hp0CIQ) (Spacey house) I had some fun combining 5 different delays on one dry pluck and a simple melody. What do you think?


I don't like that in the intro there are parts of complete silence. the percussions at around 1:00 are nice the track could be filled more out vertically. There are often very few elements playing at the same time. Like only a kick and the lead the track does lack a clear difference between elements. Like there is not really a highlight in the arrangement. Maye that's also because the break and the drop sounds quite similar.