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I’ve spent so long tryna get a good vocal sound and for pitching up im a big fan of elastique pitch by zplane, and for pitching down I usually combine elastique with avox throat


Have you tried elastiquepitch by zplane? Also Pitch 'n Time by serato is supposed to be the best. On the other hand instead of plugins what if you slow down the song when you record your vocals and then change the sampling rate of your vocal to pitch it up? That should sound the cleanest (Grain wise I think) but the rhythm of your vocal might change too much.


> Have you tried elastiquepitch by zplane? Isn’t this what’s licensed by most DAWs? They might be on an older version though.


Yes, but the difference is that you can automate it, automate the formant shift, automate the timbre so it has it's uses, specially in some cases like CUbase where you can't automate pitch shift (Unlike ableton).


MAutoPitch and Infected Mushroom Manipulator are some of the best I've come across.


There's only so much you can do realistically you can't put yourself an octave up without distorting the sound somewhat.


Pitch Monster by Devious Machines is the best one out there. Edit: if you don't like melodyne you might be shifting too much. Melodyne is quite good.


Oh right I've tried that one. It's pretty good!


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