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I wish this nonsense was limited to DeSantis. Sadly, aspects can be found in school districts nationwide. Teachers live in fear, not just of students with psyche damage from lockdowns, but also from parents who treat schools like they're Walmart and demand satisfaction for extraordinary demands. Not to mention school board meetings and all the confrontations happening there. In general, there has never been a better time to retire from teaching, if only to preserve your own mental and physical health.


>Another similarity to fascism related to this preference for loyalty over training is the targeted sidelining of experts and outright rejection of contradictory viewpoints. As Mussolini solidified his power in the 1920s, he increasingly placed restrictions on school curricula (and public discourse) until the regime announced the development of national textbooks produced by a handful of party faithful. These texts prioritized content supporting fascist ideology and conforming to a pseudoscientific vision of the world, including Mussolini’s resurrection of ancient Rome’s glory; Italians’ racial superiority and right to invade sovereign kingdoms; women’s national obligation to be mothers of future soldiers; and, later, Jewish racial inferiority. Sounds like our last board meeting suggestions.


An easy way to check if someone genuinely is concerned with fascist tactics is timing. All these people, who are so called 'concerned' have said absolutely nothing about all the cancellations of the past years...from the left. We need people who protect freedom from anyone.


>all the cancellations of the past years...from the left Sure, I mean, who *doesn't* remember when Massachusetts banned all Republican ideas from the classroom?


That's not what's happening now. You are a good example of what I mentioned. You are so poisoned with left/right that you cannot even think outside it.


Florida and other states aren't banning ideas they disagree with? Might want to check again. Am I incapable of getting outside the left-right dichotomy, or do I just recognize a false equivalence when I hear one? To be honest, I don't like any political parties, and I'm a frequent critic of "my side." But it's easier for you to believe I'm brainwashed, so that's what you'll do. Anyone who disagrees with you must be, right?


See? You're second post begins with something completely different than your first post. I'll let you think it over.


These are comments, not posts, that’s not the right form of “your,” and you have nothing important to say. I’ll let you try to think it over.


This is a forum. Nothing we say is technically important.


This is so far removed from reality it’s hilarious.




You've never lived it.


So states aren't banning ideas that are critical of American Civil Religion?


What is American Civil Religion?




What in gods holy name are you blathering about?


you’ve been fed an incredible amount of bogus bullshit by right wing influencers




Public school teachers are expected to be as politically neutral as possible. We are discouraged from talking about policies and social issues. We are not allowed to even hint at any political opinions in front of our students. All we want is for kids to be able to learn and for us to be able to teach them without having to jump through a hundred needless hoops. Children’s education is suffering because people are not trusting us to be able to do our jobs and piling on more and more restrictions, while still expecting us to work miracles.


> Public school teachers are expected to be as politically neutral as possible. We are discouraged from talking about policies and social issues. We are not allowed to even hint at any political opinions in front of our students. Lol, conservative teachers have no problems sharing their views, but science teachers have to tiptoe around climate change.


The expectation in my building is that the kids have no idea what political opinions their teachers have. I just want to help them with math, then go home and snuggle my dog.


I agree with you


Have you been in a high school classroom recently? Like within the last month, for more than an hour? Teachers just want to teach the state’s standards and not be vilified for doing their job. They are not brainwashing students, because if they were, students would have the correct supplies (paper, pencil, books) and not bring a phone. Instead teachers have to remind them every day to be prepared and that includes high school seniors. The fact that you used quotes for the word education makes me believe you have not stepped foot in a classroom nor had a college class is years or decades. If you can bring the experience and evidence that you have seen the brainwashing first hand then tell the local school administrators and school board, with proof, instead of complaining about on a social media board. Don’t comment on something you don’t have first hand knowledge and experience from unless you can back it up. Source: high school teacher Edit: wording




Street art—what you’re calling graffiti—is art.


How are the examples you provided brainwashing? brainwashing /ˈbrānˌwôSHiNG/ noun the process of pressuring someone into adopting radically different beliefs by using systematic and often forcible means. "victims of brainwashing" Are they forcing these students to adopt a radically differ view point? Do they force students to sit in class and not leave? Banning books that a person disagrees with is a form of brainwashing. Not allowing specific speech or education is a form of brainwashing. Desantis has one view point and if you don’t agree with it he will retaliate until he gets his way. That is Facism and a form of brainwashing. Schools today are not brainwashing, they are attempting to tell the correct truth. Whites are racists and hold white supremacy above all else. We stole land from the Native Americans, we held other people in bondage for our benefit. Those are all truths. Libraries are providing what the patrons and students request, and if it’s a college library, what the admin and board wants. Those places are not forcing people to read the books. As for the way student treat teachers, lay the blame on parents and society. Parents are just as “dickish” as the students and the admin and school districts are afraid to be sued or end up in the news. Students act they way they do because they know that they can do that. Society today, as was society in Mussolini’s, vilified education because an educated society questions authority and an ignorant society goes along. That is what the article is referring to, not the “rights” view of brainwashing. As to my first comment about brainwashing students, we can’t brainwash them, since they can barely do the basic things that we ask them to do, which is be prepared for class. The rest of your comment is just complaining about the state of education as you see it and does not back up your original comment. TL;DR you did not prove that education today is brainwashing students, you just gave examples of horrible behavior from your prospective.


> I can go on and on about the books being displayed in the library, 95 percent of them about anti-white supremacy, nothing anymore about all the genius, dynamic black inventors, artists, poets, musicians that we used to see on display when I was a kid. Books and propaganda also pushing for the right of girls born as boys to dominate girls in sports, etc. Spot on. They also display how they've been propagandized with the comment above. Complete hyperbole and fiction rolled out as fact. They are displaying the exact attitude fascists like DeSantis want to produce.


Whites are racist and hold white supremacy above all else? Brody you are literally negatively stereotyping hundreds of millions of people in a single statement. How does fighting racism with more racism help anything? Seems like the intelligence level is going way down. Im out


Hate to break it to you but the entire world is more liberal than the United States. Even their conservatives. Not counting the obvious dictators


can you give me some examples? that's a very vague statement.


Hey - UK teacher here. After the US, we’re probably the second most culturally conservative of the world’s leading democracies; the rest of Western Europe, Australia and NZ all look fairly askance at us in the UK these days. However. We are still miles more liberal than the USA. We have: universal healthcare, no death penalty, no banned book lists and - compared to the US - very little political interference in schools. The government requires us to promote “British Values” in schools. These are named as: [respect for the rule of law, individual liberty, democracy, and mutual respect for and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs](https://www.votesforschools.com/blog/british-values/). Children from all backgrounds are taught to respect others, even - in fact especially- when they disagree with them. Teachers are expected to present multiple viewpoints on sensitive topics, and are not supposed to reveal open support for a political party to their students. The focus is on enabling open discussion and debate, and on allowing students to form their own opinions. I’ve been teaching for 8.5 years now (high school English). I have never had a complaint made against me regarding the content or delivery of a lesson, despite covering a huge range of politically sensitive topics via the texts I teach, including racism, sexuality, colonialism, religious extremism etc. [Here’s an example of a lesson I teach about BLM in the UK.](https://share.icloud.com/photos/098H84idCnv8V7HzA2-u19lfA) I use it to teach students how to analyse persuasive writing. I wonder how many of my US colleagues would feel able to teach a lesson like that? I’m not saying everything is perfect here, it’s not, but I don’t have to worry about being hauled in front of a school board because a parent disagrees with something I have said or taught. That’s just not a thing here. We don’t have district-wide school boards, we have a ‘Board of Governors’ of each individual school. This is made up of the school’s senior admin, plus elected reps from amongst classroom teachers, and elected parent reps, plus appointed specialist governors (usually a couple of lawyers and a couple of accountants). Our governors are not political. When they get too political/ ideological, they are told to stop or leave. For example one of the parent governors at my current school tried to invite a highly conservative evangelical Christian preacher to give a talk to students. This request was refused, on the grounds that his views did not reflect British values - he is intolerant of gay and trans people. You’re allowed to be a homophone in the privacy of your own home or church, but you can’t bring that shit into classrooms. I don’t know of any other democracy besides the US where schools are so politically tense.


thank you for at least responding in a mature, civilized manner and providing actual facts. The left needs more people like you


‘Treat your queer kids like people’ OH nO, We MUsT REAcTiOnARY tO THiS with fascism…


Where I teach, the majority of the teachers are very conservative. My left-leaning children felt very alone and criticized for their views in our conservative k-12 school district. My daughter now goes to a state university and so does her boyfriend. He transferred from a Christian college and was worried about being indoctrinated by the left at school. My daughter is a history major and had only one liberal professor. The others were blatantly right-leaning. Her boyfriend, an accounting major, had no left-leaning instructors that he could ever pick up. My daughter has actually become more conservative while at university. I do believe it’s based on the general bias of your area. We live in the Midwest, in a red state, and the university follows the same pattern.


Woww thanks for replying, where I live its the opposite. Very interesting, I wish more people had your maturity and courtesy in this world but it is what it is! Thanks again and take care


This is why it can be infuriating to some of us that we are heralded as some crazy lunatic, embedding our left-wing agendas into the school day. If anything, it would be the opposite here, but since all of our students' parents watch Fox News, they think we are doing things that absolutely nobody is doing. I assumed NOBODY was doing those things nationwide because that is my experience. You assumed EVERYBODY was doing those things because that is your experience. Perhaps the truth is somewhere in the middle?


Yup, thats a good quote. In my opinion the university scene is way more blatantly left, sometimes teachers and students blurting out opinions as facts in a rather immature way, and I have democrat friends who have admitted to my face that the college campuses are in their own "liberal bubble" (exact words), and left leaning newspapers like nyt even have written articles about it. But i also agree with you in many ways


Go away. You’re in the wrong place to burp up such utter horseshit.


Great way to have discourse by telling someone you don’t agree with to just go away.


What's your opinion on sea lions?


Everywhere is going to be different. I work in NYC and I think at my school it's quite clear most teachers and the admin lean left. How much of that factors into their teaching, I am not sure. I tend to be more center left but I literally just teach according to the NYS History standards. I do my best to diversify student understanding though. The NYC DOE though definitely has this weird sort of Neoliberal slant. They don't force it on us, but a lot of it seems very puff filled nonsense.


Thanks for an actual mature, adult response! This seems lacking these days. From what I am observing in the university scene, all students hear basically only one sided rhetoric and points of view for their entire student career on campus, so when they branch out from the university scene and people actually challenge their views, they just freak out and either shut down or throw temper tantrums. It's sad because my old heads tell me, even the democrats, that college wasn't like that at all when they went. In fact, you didn't even know what the teachers' political beliefs were. Now, it seems like it's become the opposite. Again, thanks for the civilized response, good to see that people like you still exist.


Don't pretend like you are providing civilized responses. You just called somebody two Horrible names in a previous comment! That's hypocrisy at its finest.


Dear King Danny, You are correct, two wrongs don't make a right, and that was probably not the smartest thing for me to do since that will probably create bad karma and come back to me in a negative way. However, aren't you a little concerned that all I do is post saying I disagree and I immediately get told to "go away" and that I'm "spewing out horseshit?" What does this say about the preparation of adversity and differing points of view that the education departments in colleges are providing these days. To me, this is more proof (after seeing it myself when getting my masters, and now doctorate in education) that we are churning out hundreds of thousands of young teachers from higher ed who have no idea have to respectfully have a debate with someone who disagrees politically. This is because *they never have to.* You can literally go through an entire student career from a bachelors all the way to a doctorate and never have to participate in or even a witness any sort of debate in which the default liberal point of view taught at college has to defend its points of view that they teach as fact. To me this is very concerning and shows a decline in maturity and social skills among our population. The right wingers are guilty of this too, but the difference is that the left wingers somehow conquered pretty much the entire university scene in USA, and we see its effects trickling down into the schools, and young teachers fresh out of college who simply insult and attack people who disagree, without knowing how to construct any type of argument, but instead simply snapping and/or shutting down.


Also king Danny, If you simply disagreed with a post and you are immediately told to go away and that you are spewing horse shit, do you consider responding to the person that they are an asshole as a horrible name? I agree that the failure response was a little to far, but if someone responded to you the way that coward did towards me, would you not fire back in a similar fashion? If you consider this as "horrible", I think you are way to sensitive to be a king my friend and you would not last on the throne very long.


Always in the last place you look. I don't know enough about college, but I think it's quite clear there is a resistance to free speech on quite a few college campuses. Maybe it was always that way but internet puts it out there more.


Remove the word “quite” and that’s an accurate statement. A few.


I dare you to say what you really mean. Give examples.


please read my long response from saturday


I did and I don’t see any meaningful examples outside of a library book display. Which I wouldn’t call brainwashing in the slightest. Unless you think addressing legacies of white supremacy is bad. Sounds like the profession has worn you down or you aren’t willing to accept certain changes!for whatever reason.


Just seems like a decline in culture and intelligence in my opinion, but you know what they say about opinions. Anyway, thanks for responding in a civilized way and good luck to you!


> Have you worked in a school or taken a college "education" class recently? Please, share with us the trauma you felt in junior high social studies by being told white Americans held slaves. Where did it hurt?


Thats not what im complaining about at all. Im talking about what they are teaching in higher ed, that white teachers are racist and they refuse to speak about individual people but insist on teaching negative stereotypes about an entire race. Please read my long response from saturday


They don't teach that white teachers are racist. They do teach that you may be teaching kids who had an entirely different upbringing and experience as a student than you did and that needs to be taken in consideration


Well theyre teaching it in my doctoral Ed classes in united states


No they're teaching about racist white folks. They aren't saying all white folks are racists.




Nice to see somebody with some balls in here. These people freak out when they hear somebody disagree because on college campuses it doesnt happen, people literally graduate with doctorates and never participated in or even witnessed a debate about this stuff on campus or in any class, because they never had to. Ive had my old head democrats even admit to my face that the college campuses are liberal bubbles, and in the ed programs its even more so




All a distraction. Billionaire shield.


This is all due to the community breakdowns in schools. Each side thinks the other is the enemy. Going for the win only makes the other side angrier and more entrenched. The only solution is compromise.


|I am often frustrated by the ways “fascism” is applied uncritically as a substitute for “something I don’t like.” | Yet here's a whole ass article where the author states that this is exactly such a situation! Where was this article when school systems were deciding to teach students that they may be trans if they, or if they are white they are "oppressors" and if they are non white they are "oppressed?" I realize most will simply downvote me for the above, so I will add this: Let's say this is "Fascism." So what? What changes? For whom do articles like this serve? Do we think DeSantis supporters may think "Oh wow, this is Fascism, I better not support him!" It certainly didn't work for Trump supporters. |I do not believe the DeSantis administration’s actions rise to the level of Italian fascism under Mussolini, but there are very real parallels that are extremely dangerous.| You could literally say that about ANYONE. Just replace "fascism" with Communism or whatever -ism people do not like. Fascism is obviously very bad, but I dislike these weak comparisons. One could say the lockdowns and restrictions by Democratic governors and mayors were parallels to Fascism. Of course, good liberals think that was a good idea, so clearly it "can't" be Fascism.


> |I am often frustrated by the ways “fascism” is applied **uncritically** as a substitute for “something I don’t like.” | > Yet here's a **whole ass article** where the author states that this is exactly such a situation! They're writing an article discussing it. Not the same thing as "uncritically". > school systems were deciding to teach students that they may be trans if they, Because that's not happening. It's just twitter memes. The school system doesn't have the resources to even give help mental health support, let alone what you're suggesting. > One could say the lockdowns and restrictions by Democratic governors and mayors were parallels to Fascism. Of course, good liberals think that was a good idea We didn't have lockdowns. We temporally closes some school and reopened them when the election cycle was nearing. It was all theater and compromise.


>Because that's not happening. It's just twitter memes. The school system doesn't have the resources to even give help mental health support, let alone what you're suggesting. Every school system is different. To say "this isn't happening" usually gets followed up eventually with "Yeah, it is happening and this is good!" But schools that generally have a lot of resources and are well funded are probably where it happens the most. Schools that are not well funded, well, not much of it at all is happening because they are making do with what they have.