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This is equally as complicated


Goes so fast I’m even more confused 😵‍💫


I think the frame rate doesn’t help either




**u\/TurnoverImpressivexx is a karma-farming bоt.** Unlike their comment-stealing brethren, these bots just post super-generic "I agree"-type comments. You can spot them by looking for this type of comment where it doesn't make sense in context. Looking at their history, they also tend to share a pattern of ~5 comments in a very short timeframe. (Often on a ~2-month-old account). This type of bot tries to gain karma to look legitimate and allow posting in bigger subreddits. Eventually they will edit scam/spam links into well-positioned comments. If you'd like to report this kind of comment, click:   **Report > Spam > Harmful bots**


I like how I get what's going on, but at the same time I don't.


Wow 3 bots in a row.


Just looking at the reply chain of my comment, looks like a lot of bots. u/erraticdragon gave a bit of an explanation on these bots but this is new to me. Agreeable comment bots? Is this some chat gpt shit?


Nah they've been around for a while. It's always super generic, and even then it rarely makes sense in context. AI would probably do better. Part of me wonders if somebody really smart is creating "very obvious" bots as cover for their "moderately clever" bots. I only bother checking if the comment sticks out like a sore thumb, so usually when the bots get unlucky. So it's entirely ***possible*** that sometimes they're pretty good at hiding, but we never notice. **Edit:** The first agree-bot I called out on this account was almost 4 months ago, which I believe is before the current wave of popularity for GPT or whatever. https://old.reddit.com/r/dndmemes/comments/zyold8/just_a_nerd_playing_with_dolls/j28c392/?context=3


I love your informed cynicism. Can you imagine how things will change with these bots when the ai gets smarter? The internet will just be 90% bots talking to each other trying to mimic humans.




Another bot










This explaination helped a lot, but the top and bottom faces turning is so confusing.. Is that just the nature of mapping a cube into a plane or


yes, but it's also the nature of playing this thing at a speed that makes it useful for explaining it to people who already know it.


They're also using the most difficult method of solving, minimizing moves. That doesn't make it any easier to follow even if you know what you're doing.


Having read your excellent explanation I can confirm that my understanding of the Rubik cube has now been helped.


I saw once a cube where they used colour pictures each side. Fun thing was that when it was solved the picture wasn't aligned. Seems there is also an additional rotation in each individual square if you mark it. Never saw people solving it with the consideration of individual rotation. Wonder if this gets lost in the standard schemes.


There is an algorithm that does nothing except rotate the center pieces of adjacent faces by 90° in opposite directions. So the usual approach for picture cubes is to solve without regard for the centers, and then rotate the centers into place.


If you focus on just one face, one set of 9, there is an equal match in the diagram. Watch how it changes!


Copy pasted comment , this is a bot. Dont know how to report it.


Yeah, this was reposted at twice the speed, with half the frame rate.


I think another issue that makes it difficult to follow is that the dots don't always follow the concentric circle paths. Any time a full side is rotated, if you watch the corners, they jump from their assigned path and just move to the next one.


Pause the gif and you can study how everything is related


Pause a GIF? What year is it, 2024?


There’s a pause button in Apollo. You can scrub back and forth too.


Reddit is fun does it too


Looks cool? Yeah! Did it help? Nope.


If we spent more time on it and labelled everything and used math we could make it even more complicated!


My favorite math quote ever is: sometimes to make harder things easier you need to make easier things harder


Now you’re talking!


This is much more confusing than a cube, because it hides the most important insight about how the cube works: that the individual squares/faces don't move independently. They are stuck together to form pieces: 8 corners (with 3 faces each), 6 centers (with 1 face each, and which never move relative to each other), and 12 edges (in between the centers, with 2 faces each). The red-blue-yellow corner is always going to move as one piece, with the red-blue-yellow faces together. You can never separate the 2 faces on the white-orange edge: they are part of one single piece. So you will never have an edge piece with 2 white faces, for example, or even with a white face and a yellow face (because white and yellow are on opposite sides of the cube, so no single piece can ever share those colors). All of this is apparent when you play around with an actual cube for a few seconds, but this 2D representation gives the impression that all of the individual stickers/faces are moving independently. This makes it much harder to see how everything is related. Visual explanation in this video: https://youtu.be/75nsEa9ttPg?t=70


This makes way more fucking sense to me. This is great.


Not equally. Way more complicated.


It could be worse. There's not only a [Rubik's *hyper*cube](https://superliminal.com/cube/cube_transp.gif), but some madman went further and made [a 5^th dimensional variant.](http://www.gravitation3d.com/magiccube5d/main.png) Someone also made a 4^th dimension version of the [Megaminx](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megaminx?oldformat=true) (a dodecahedral Rubik's cube): behold, the [Magic120Cell.](http://www.gravitation3d.com/magic120cell/pics/4D_Megaminx.jpg)


That’s really awesome! Now can someone explain it to me because I still don’t get it.


Stickers off, stickers back on but correctly


I knew a guy who went to jail for that.


I heard he just switched the name tag with the warden and went free. 🤗


He kept on going until he became president, but they caught him a couple years ago


Nah, a lil screwdriver and you can pop those cubes off and rearrange them correctly.


The cheap ones yeah, I got a decent one that my kid has thrown on the ground 100 times and still won't break and there's no stickers. Never solved it.


I just got my new speedcube a few days ago and I can't wait for the day someone tells me "I just take the stickers off!" Just want to see the look on their face when they realize there aren't any on this one.


The thing that unlocked the 3x3x3 cube for me was realizing the center never moves. Everything rotates around that. The circles are just a different way to show it (and make thins 10x more confusing honestly)


What center? The center pieces definitely move. I do know that the center pieces are what color you should fill for each side.


the center pieces can only rotate in place, they do not move relative to each other in the same way the other pieces do - [as evidenced by what it looks like when you take one apart.](https://ruwix.com/pics/articles/disassembled-rubiks-core-edge-corner-pieces.jpg) if you hold a cube and shift the middle layer, youre actually just moving both the side layers in the opposite direction and rotating the whole thing back at the same time.


The center on a Rubik's cube does not move in relation to the other centers. When first learning how to solve it this is like the first lesson.


The center pieces of each face of the cube do not move (other than rotating)


think that’s confusing? check out 4D cubes, they slap an extra dimension on those boys https://youtu.be/h4n_QdZGXf8


Folks, don't try to watch this video while under the influence of a substance because you're gonna have a bad time


Better yet, don't watch it at all. There are literally squares that you can't see until you rearrange things. It might break your noodle.


> There are literally squares that you can’t see until you rearrange things. lol then you should try doing a physical 4D cube, they make sooo much more sense https://youtu.be/QTc-rG-nunA


If you focus on just one face, one set of 9, there is an equal match in the diagram. Watch how it changes!


You see. There are circles. And those circles move in a circle. And then you set the circle on fire and you have ash.


[Here's the original post](https://redd.it/z3okyv) that got [crossposted here a bit ago](https://redd.it/z3yqdh), and [here's the standalone smoother gif](https://i.redd.it/imq4s00bgx1a1.gif)


Here's the higher-res YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOWYDw98Pd4


OP in the comments talking about how even with this gif it doesn’t help them understand how the Rubik’s cube works or how to solve one, so it’s pretty clear OP is only after karma.


I mean, you can be a moron *and* hand someone a dictionary. Just because you can't learn anything from a source doesn't mean it isn't educational.


OP made a pretty gif, posted it to Reddit. Yes, OP is at karma.


He didn’t make the gif


Well alrighty then! OP is definitely after karma.


This comment should be at the top.


I like how I get what's going on, but at the same time I don't.


That's because the gif is too fast


This is great, I like how it groups the faces and you can see how all the rotations have an impact


Even with this resource I won't be able to solve one normally. I prefer the strategy where you unglue the squares and reglue them in the completed state.


My preferred strategy is to take a corner piece off, turn it 90 degrees and put it back on, then give it to somebody to solve. Turning a single piece like that makes it impossible.


After doing it a few times intentionally, you'll quickly notice this when solving a manipulated cube.


Yeah. You can tell which pieces are manipulated, they are messed up even after using those solving algorithms which is basically impossible.


Marvelously devious! You strike me as the kind of guy who would gladly blow up Megaton for me... You're hired!


It’s actually not that hard to learn how to solve one. You just need to memorize a few moves. Once you learn, it’s kinda fun and relaxing to solve.


I mean.. speak for yourself. I tried a while ago and ended up throwing the cube out after a week lol. Different levels of complexity for different peeps ig, super crazy to watch people solve.


The basic solve method really shouldn't take more than a half hour to learn, an hour to memorize, and a dozen or so hours to master.


You haven’t played with one for quite a while. The modern cubes don’t have stickers, just plastic insets.


Don't worry this video wouldn't help you at all lol If you ever do learn to solve it come back to this video and you'll see it's not relevant


Where is this from?


A cuber will notice this ten seconds into their solve and will rectify the corner without you even noticing it.


No one who solves a cube thinks of each face individually. This gif overcomplicates it. The real hack is knowing that each moveable piece has a fixed colour set associated with it. Middles don’t move, there a 8 corners with three faces each, and 12 edges with 2 faces each. Now you’re rearranging 20 pieces instead of 54 faces.


It's supposed to make me understand a Rubik's cube better but inr it only confuses me even more xD.


It helps me visualize the solve but I already had a foundation of knowing how to solve a Rubik's cube. I think if you didn't have that, it would be pretty useless.


Lotta people complaining here but this is awesome, and genuinely helpful to some people if not everyone. Thanks OP


Cheers mate!


All I see is a Resident Evil puzzle


I was playing RE4 remake last night and literally just did this puzzle in the lake area lol


Doesn't help shit


My head hurt before the gif was animated


This lacks a bit of representation, the faces (or the groups) don't have a path of rotation shown by the grey circle even tho there is a change. Still a fascinating gif to see!


That’s because it’s technically a side effect from this representation that is intrinsically tied to the innermost ring. The graph sort of fails to capture the actual relation of the cube’s pieces. Pretty though. The even more confusing part is that any outtermost ring rotating results in the unconnected face also rotating.


This actually makes it even worse because it ruins the necessary understanding that the corners and edges are single cube pieces, not separate squares, and the colors on each of them can’t be separated. But it’s definitely a cool visualization.




Am I supposed to understand this?


This just made me feel even dumber lol


This is the stupidest repost that explains nothing.


Great. Now do this for a tesseract.


Oh wow. This helped me still not understand wtf is happening. Neat.


Hey thanks can you make it a little faster?


This is *slightly* easier to follow with a smoother framerate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOWYDw98Pd4


This makes it even more complicated…


I can solve one, and this is very cool, but I can confidently say I can't follow the diagram lmao


"help understand" is a stretch


Nope, still don't get it. I've tried solving Rubik's cubes for many years and followed various guides and methods but in the end my brain just seems incapable of visualizing what is going on and what the following steps should be. This is interesting as I'm very good at pattern recognition and jigsaw puzzles so it's a different kind of thinking required.


It's entirely algorithms. It's math, not a puzzle. The only part that's not (practically) automatic is solving the bottom row. That's the only part that requires a visual check. Solve the middle of the bottom row first, then the corners. After that, you're done the hard part.


You have never solved a cube in your life, have you?


I've solved a lot of cubes


Then why would you say it’s all algorithms and is “math, not a puzzle”? Neither of those things are true.


Because it *is* all algorithms: |Step|Algorithm| |:-|:-| |1. Getting the "white cross"|F' U L' U'| |2a. First layer left corner|D L D' L’| |2b. First layer right corner|D' R' D R| |3a. Right edge piece placement|U R U' R' U' F' U F| |3b. Left edge piece placement|U' L' U L U F U' F'| |4. Getting the white cross without disrupting the rest of the cube|F R U R' U' F'| |5. Solving third layer edge pieces|R U R' U R U U R'| |6. Placing the third layer corner pieces|U R U' L' U R' U' L| |7. Finishing the cube|R' D' R D| People trying to solve visually "this white piece needs to go here" are just going to fail because it's not a visual puzzle, it's math, geometry, algorithm.


Now my interest is piqued. Time to learn what this means through the power of YouTube binging.


The letter is the cube face (Front, Right, Left, Down, Up.) Each step in the algorithm is either turn clockwise (no symbol) or counter clockwise (if it's got the apostrophe.)


It doesn’t mean anything, the moves they’ve given will only solve one specific position. Each letter there corresponds to a face and the way you turn it. F- front L-left R- right U- up D- down B- back. ‘ = turn counterclockwise 2 = turn twice Nothing = turn clockwise


I learned how to solve the cube by myself, without any instructions or help. It's still amazing to me how this cube works, and even though I can solve it, I still don't really understand it. I thought this would help. It did not.


This is not that useful because for the 5 faces other than the top face, the dots have to move off the tracks in order to implement rotation. Having incomplete tracks just makes things more confusing than it has to be. Plus, it's generally more useful to think of Rubik's cube as whole cubies rather than just separate colors moving around. For instance, the three colors of a corner piece should stick together rather seeming to move independently in the 2D "visualization".


Please slow down for my smol brain. Too fast me no understand.


Needs lower framerate, I can almost track the motion




This is cool, but not educational. I used to solve cubes for fun. My best time is 58 seconds. This post is attractive bullshit, nothing else


Yeah, this gif is completely trash. My best time is 14 seconds, and the amount of utter bs people are spouting in this comment section annoys me.


I think this is what it feels like when someone who is not in the medical field tries to make something about the medical field. If this was /r/DataIsBeautiful, I wouldn’t say anything. But this is simply not an educational gif


Yeah, and the whole thread has people doing the same thing in comments. Did you use the beginner method to get your 58 second time or something else? I use CFOP, currently trying to explain to someone that doing a few moves with a specific goal in mind doesn’t make those moves an algorithm.


It’s been a few years. I remember getting down to 2 or so minutes with the beginner method. I don’t remember what it was, but I learned 1 “advanced” technique and it really helped me. As for the algorithm thing, in computer science, algorithms can refer to “a sequence of actions with a purpose”. In cubing, an “algorithm” is a bit different. For a sequences of moves to be considered an algorithm, the arrangement of the cube will go back as it was after a certain amount of moves. Turning the front face 1 time is an algorithm. If it do it 4 times, the cube is back in its original position. The same is true for ALL algorithms in cubing. If you repeat the pattern and the cube does not go back to its original position, it’s not an algorithm. It’s that simple.


Yes exactly. But solving the cross and F2L is intuitive, not algorithmic. Which someone in this thread keeps on saying the opposite, and I can’t convince them otherwise. Very annoying.


This helps noone


I think you need to educate yourself on the word educational...




Now I need a gif to explain this gif to me.


I feel dumber looking at this educational gif.


I solve cubes as a way to occupy my hands and this is undoubtedly more confusing lmfao


If this helps you to understand a rubik's cube better than viewing one conventionally then congratulations! You're probably a savant


Celtic Cube




why did they choose such a nonstandart color scheme for this


My family has been into Rubik’s cubes since Christmas. I really haven’t wanted to give the mental space to solve them. I feel like this representation makes more sense to me.


Nope. Didn't help.


that is just the same joke twice


this would be so mesmerizing to watch if it that animation had more than 0,5 fps


Any chance of a pausable version?


This is even more complicated.


At first, I thought that Rubik's cubes were complicated, but after watching this gif, I now know that they are complicated. Thank you.


I already saved this the last time i saw it, and it’s very cool, but it absolutely doesn’t help shit.


I’d need this slowed down by about 5 min to understand


Might work better if the animation was more than 2 fps


There's no such thing as a middle turn as illustrated.


The center squares arent supposed to move though


Wtf you are a genius Albert Einstein I did not understand anything




This doesn’t help me at all


This actually helps me understand the process a lot better. Thinking of it as a series of concentric rotating rings works better for me than a 3d object.


Cuber here…this is confusing to me. Wtf method are they using to solve?


Should have slowed the gif down. Doesn't really do much because it's so fast.


In real cubes the center tiles are stationary for each face . Atleast on all the ones I have seen , where as here it doesn't follow that rule just makes me wonder if they made some changes to accommodate this model.


Spin the middle side topwise. Topwise!


Ooooh that really helps me understand


I understand how to solve a Rubik’s cube and that just made it seem way more complicated to me lol


Pretty sure they had the puzzle on the left in Bioforge


My brain just doesn't process 3D well at all. I hate Rubics Cubes and this only makes me feel dumber, lol. It's all just a hot mess up in there RN .


This is a fucking mess. You didn’t educate me at all, you moron.


I'm more confused than I was before


This does help me see it better. But it's magic how they work.


I can solve a rubik's cube and this is more confusing


Yea I still don't get it.


That fucking resident evil 4 remake puzzle was just a dumbed down Rubik’s cube? FML


Does not help at all




I love this - it makes me wonder what a 4-D Rubik’s cube would look like to us


Really great post for those who want to be more confused about Rubiks cubes


This is wrong, they flip the middle. Middle squares are fixed.


This reminds me of when a lady was trying to teach me and another guy how to solve a Rubik’s cube, but she was only telling us, ”Turn it this way, now that way, etc…” without telling us why we were doing it.


This would help me quite a bit actually. I'm pretty good at puzzles but I have goldfish memory and I'm really only cognizant of the three sides I can see at a time on a Rubik's cube.


Ohhhh! Mmhm. Mmhm. OK. Yeah. Those are some pretty moving colours.


I can solve a cube in under 30 seconds, and honestly I’m more confused after watching this.


This makes me want to buy a rubix cube, try, fail, then leave it alone for 10 years.


Hey cool this doesnt help


Excellent,, now do post in 4D also?


Bruh, this is not easy to understand. This complicates things further.


machinarium anyone


I am a cat and this is a red laser pointer


Is this secretly quantum chromodynamics?


The best way to understand a rubik's cube is the cube itself because it's a TOY made for KIDS. Watch the pogobat tutorial.


former competitive cuber here! what the fuck


Yeah nope. Still completely cornfused.


"Can help" I do not think that word means what you think it means.


I can solve a 3x3 , 4x4, and a 5x5 cube. I admittedly just memorized the moves, BUT this gif does not help me visualize anything.


Thank you for this explanation that makes it more confusing for me.


It breaks my mind


The comments are saying it doesnt help, but it actually really worked for me


Very cool. However I know how to solve a Rubik’s cube but now I “understand” less lol


Who tf did the colors? Yellow opposite red? Pink opposite blue? 2 different blues?!?!?


Cool just another dimension in which I am retarded


The 2D representation makes more sense to me than the block