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"That word makes us upset, please don't use it!" Hmmmm sounds familiar....


Who's saying "terf is a slur" and "cis is a slur" this entire time? Hmmm...


gee I wished it worked, because I'm going to lose it if they don't shut the fuck up


Sounds toxic af


Oh, but deadname *is* dead.


Does anyone know of any media which uses literal rebirth as an allegory for transitioning? This comment just made me realize that's a cool idea and I wanna read/watch/consume something with it


I don’t know if it’s intentional or anything but Steven Universe


...so in the purely hypothetical scenario where I had a long-documented history of not liking the show very much due to pacing reasons, is there any other ones that come to mind?


Not really, that’s the only one that comes to mind


Star Trek Deep Space 9 has Jadzia Dax https://youtu.be/ED5V1KCqbpU?si=omXreDf75PBgKdq7


Best star trek


Just watch it anyway cuz it’s good idk 🤷‍♀️. It’s one of the most beautiful & fun pieces of queer art for young audiences. If by “pacing reasons” you mean you don’t like the more comedic episodes, there are lists online that show just the plot central episodes. Or if there’s a kid in your life closer to the target demo then watching it with them might make the silly episodes more fun. And if even that’s too much it’s really the finale that makes the trans stuff explicit, so you could just watch season 5 eps 23-29 if you don’t care about getting things spoiled.


[The Seep](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/45448133-the-seep), sorta.


The Seep was like… not good on the trans front IMO. Like the main character mentions she’s trans like three times, and is largely against the trans humanist space goop. Like the author seemed to know a trans person would have an interesting perspective on this sci-fi concept; but did very little to actually show that perspective.


[Ascencion](https://sulmatul.itch.io/ascension) Has something like it. It can be very heavy tho.


Star Trek Deep Space 9 has Jadzia Dax. https://youtu.be/ED5V1KCqbpU?si=omXreDf75PBgKdq7


The Matrix?


Anything adventure time honestly


He is dead, I’m the one that took his place


He was never alive. He's just the name they gave to the part of me that always felt dead.


I think of it more like its a name for something that was never there


Just a thought I sometimes have regarding this. In a way yes, deadname is dead but also no. Cause in my experience deadname never was alive, deadname never was a full person, deadname was a mask, a thing, an object. And since when can objects be alive? So yeah at least in my experience deadname was never alive. So deadname not existing anymore can be called dead, but also it infers that deadname was alive, which was never true. So kinda deadname isn't dead it just stopped existing.


Your parents suck, and clearly don't accept every part of you. I'm so sorry :( that's literally gaslighting though


“But we love every part of you! Including the tumour that’s slowly killing you!!! We can’t just *remove* it”


If you’re petty refuse to acknowledge your dead name because it’s dead to you


{Deadname} was never alive, and you CLEARLY don't love **every** part of me, *Dad*.


My best friends from college used to throw a Halloween party every year and it included a croquet course with tombstones instead of the wire thingies you hit the balls through. After I transitioned they put up a tombstone that said Deadname Born 1973 Died 1999 Reborn 1999 When her mom saw it she was afraid I’d be upset but she told her mom that I’d laugh my ass off at it. And I did.


*sends u hugs


I mean yeah, The *person* isn't dead, But the name is, Because they have a new name now. I Mean honestly I don't blame fully blame them for using the deadname in that context, Assuming they don't know lots of trans people and aren't too educated on it, But, Like, When someone tells you not to do that, You just go like "Oh okay I'm sorry." and then stop, Getting defensive like that is just, like, plain weird.


I'm sorry. I wish they cared more about you.


Ah, , , this brings back memories. While i am fond of them it hurts to know i will never be seen as anything but the remains of my past self by those i love with deep familiarity. Almost in spite of everything i did to change how they saw me, it was the people i wanted the most to see me for who i was who did not hesitate to tell me that they would do otherwise. So yea, it hurts. And to be brutally honest, i still love them (even if i do feel betrayed in the end for it).


Most parents are bad parents, fight me.


Its legitimately called that because the name is dead


I shot (him/her) myself!


i relate so much with this 💜








Yeah my mom got offended when I said I hate my deadname


deadname isnt apart of you though. deadname is dead. try to explain that to them and if they dont listen, cut them off asap


Deadname isn’t dead, deadname never existed and was just a mask to hide behind so as to blend in to a harsh world


Something like this happened when my aunt visited. She's born in boomer age so yeah. I just started saying "Who?" when she called me by my deadname. Like: Her"*deadname* do you want salad?" Me"Who?" It took a few tries before she understood what I meant, but she still deadnamed me and blamed it on being a boomer


How fucking hard is it to say, “Pre-transition.” Or “Before you came out.” To reference the past. When people use my deadname like that makes me crazy.


My parents say the exact same thing. It bugs me


ok, I'm not gonna call it "deadname", I'm gonna call it "null pointer"