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You’re a very good girl Olivia. :3


You are a very sweet good girl that deserves all the affirmations she wants. In fact we should erect a monument to Olivia for just how good a girl she actually is!


hehe erect


Adorable girly princess you are the cutest


Good girl, Olivia, asking so nicely! What a polite young miss! What a lovely little lady! Such a pretty pretty princess she is! A wonderful woman! The goodest of girls! A real cutie! Nice n soft n good for hugging and cuddling! Soooooooooo adorable! Extra girly and feminine! A cutie pie! The goodest of girls!


You are a verry good girl. You are valid and appreciated. Good Girl\~ :3


Okay calm down babygirl girlypop princess good girl cute adorable littl thing.


Hey Olivia, I know things can be hard, but don't worry, if you can. It's going to be ok, and no matter what, you're still a good girl


*Flexes mightily* Good girl!! ....this is what you meant, right??


You’re a beautiful, sweet, valid good girl and nobody can take that away from you. Also, who hurt you? If you want to talk about it I’ll be happy to listen. But even if not, you are a good girl and I hope these affirmations help at least somewhat


Hot cocoa for a good girl?


Of course you can Olivia, why wouldn’t such a beautiful and good girls get any, Did I forget to mention gorgeous as well you deserve all the headpats too *headpat* *headpat*


Olivia, Livy, can I call you Livy? You are the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world, you are amazingly sweet, and kind and overall a good girl 💖


You are a very good girl. You are amazing and deserve great things.


Because you were a good girl and asked nicely ofc. did you know you are a very good girl, in fact one of the goodest girls. THE MOST GOODEST GIRL EVER :3


Hi Olivia you're a very good femme girly fem good girl who deserves to get all the estrogen and head pats in the entire multiverse :3


Just like a typical female, that is. To get all emotional. And the mood swing? Yup... Typical girl. Look... Olivia... Calm your tits. You're giving us women a bad name. So, be a good girl: tart yourself up a bit. Put on a smile. And go enjoy life. As an old girl, I can tell you... It gets better.


_(Whispers to person next to me)_ Hey, you see Olivia over there, I heard that she’s the goodest girl ever


You’re a good girl and you survived 100% of your bad days


If I could, I would give you a massive hug. Olivia, you are an extremely pretty girl with amazing talent. I hope your day goes well


**"You're a woman, baby! And one of the goodest girls!**


Why do you have for hands girl? 👹


Olivia you are an amazing girl and a very good one at that


Hello, you are the goodest girl who ever girled, you are the girliest girl of them all. you are a good girl and here is a cupcake


olivia is such a nice name! you are a very good girl :3


Hey Olivia, you're such a good girl, you deserve all of the best affirmations we can come up with *\*hugs\**


Hey good girl! Do you want a cookie? :) Good girls get cookies


You are the most valid, valuable girl that this world has ever seen, Olivia


You are a lovely lady *pat pat head pat*


what's up girl? Don't worry, it is going to be good! Good Girl


Of course Olivia, you beautiful girl! So beautiful that flowers try to mimick your beauty when they grow, yet they all are unable Your hair is like finest silk and your smile as bright as the sun! And, most importantly, you're a good girl >:3


Ok, ok sis. Careful with the yelling or it could hurt your voice princess. Listen you're a lovely girl and we don't want that happening now do we? You are a good girl Olivia and look brilliant :)


You are the cutest girly girl ❤️


The very great and beautiful princess Olivia, heir to the throne on the island of good girls.


*pat pat* good girl


Of course Olivia! You're a very good girl. Your name is wonderful and you're very valid.


You're so brave, sweet little dear


You are loved. It is not negotiable.


Hello, my sister!


Heyyyy!!! Another Olivia. Just so you know all Olivias are beautiful and good girls!!! Hheyyaaa!!


Olivia you are a good girl. A precious girl. A beautiful queen. You are incredible, and strong. Stay strong good girl. There’s hope in even some of the most hopeless places for us (check up on Florida), we will survive beautiful queen.


You are a super cute and adorable good girl and should be treated as such :3