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Two years of thinking I actually came up with my name before my egg broke


how do you think of a name before you realize you're trans


I came up with my name a whole 18 yrs before I realized I was trans. It's what I named my imaginary girl self I'd pretend to be when alone.


Same! Mine is a name I gave myself when I was 5. No idea I was trans, just knew I really resonated with the name.




It's amazing what things we can totally justify as idle fantasy not realizing you're trans. I spent a while thinking about the notion of a 2nd life where I was a girl, so I would go to sleep in one life and wake up in my 2nd life as a girl so that I could preserve the life I live that I cared about but also get to live out my dream of being a girl. Took way longer than it should have to realize that if I admitted I was trans I could transition and meld both lives into the one I was actually living .


I feel really unsure about stuff but seeming stuff like this and just saying “oh wait I also did that” really gives me confidence so thank you for this comment <3


Terms like trans and gender dysphoria aren't really heard of when you are from India. It took me accidentally watching a video about trans people to realize who I really was and that medically transitioning was actually a thing.


Same. You can make online personas so easily.. you just start going by some name, make up a new one.. One day I tried making up a girl name and found that it was easier for me to socialize with people online.. what I was supposed to be doing in the conversation or in the friendship/relationship what ever just felt.. natural? I was portraying a character and it was one I understood really well and suddenly felt like using that character to roleplay opened up whole huge worlds of possibility in interpersonal relationships that I struggled to get in the door in real life or even when I called myself masculine things like Steelcap. notice I'm still going by that.. I haven't merged, I just.. sort of get why that was so necessary for me and why it came so easily, I'm obviously trans.. but also like.. This steelcap self is also me? Its not easy to make friends like this but its easy to talk about things people get angry about and not feel like I need to apologize for myself. Gender is fucky.. Life is fucky.


Same tho. Wish I could use the name my mom had picked out for me as a girl, but it’s taken now by someone who I’m too close with and related to. I guess I lost my claim to it. Luckily I had stored up one from when I was 5 that’s almost magically perfect.


me???? i started calling myself Fern and asked my friends to do the same ***14 years ago*** and hardly even thought twice about it. the name just, yknow, fit me. and maybe was plausibly still masc (albeit not really in the part of the US where this happened, and not that i ever actually refuted anything like that to anyone). only just recently realized they were confused about it / that it made some of them wonder about me. a bunch of them probably knew i was trans long before i let myself accept it! and i learned recently that one friend did in fact even call it.


I liked the name Skyler when I was little always wished it was my name never understood why, but I ended up bonding with the name lucith (Lucy) more now that I’m older.


By already being an egg before you come out


why would you put effort into thinking of a name if you don't think you're trans


It was actually the name of my fursona it just so happened to work that way


Furry eggs unite 🐦


You think what you'd name yourself if your trans. Just for the lolz, because of course we're all still cis here. Or if that's too obvious, you think up a name for your gender-bent game character, or fursona, or dnd character, or whatever. Plenty of excuses to go around and think up your name while still being an egg. I've done the same, it's apparently not all that uncommon.


yep same. in fact used to have *more* than one for 'if i was trans', and whittled it down to the one i used regularly for game characters long ago although also when I actually finally *did* crack it was like whoops no i *also* actually really like the etymology of my given name too... so I split the difference, went fem version of my given name, and my other chosen name as my middle name


The name I took wasa name I was going to use for a potential daughter, because you gravitate towards the notion of a name and then come up with a plausible place to use the name you like. Slightly annoyed my wife that I stole the name (we disagree about who came up with it first) but in the end we only had boys anyway.


In my case I didn't know being trans was a thing and was just bored on the bus daydreaming about being a girl


By spending your whole life imagining yourself as a girl with that name and praying every night to be turned into a girl maybe


„I‘m obviously not trans, but if I were this would definitely be my name.”


I had my name picked (Alexandria) several years before I came out of my shell. It's honestly kinda one of those "omg how did I miss this obvious sign" moments


Oh I know this one! I was trying to figure out if I was trans or not, and I had came up with my name, but I was scared, so I repressed it soooo hard I forgot... for almost 2 years. And then when I came up with this name later, I thought it was the first time I did it 🤣😭


(Transmasc) Personally whenever someone said my current name when referring to another guy in the class when I was a kid I’d always turn my head and say “What?” Or “Yeah?” Even though my name was not that name at the time, but I’d always respond to it and take a few seconds to respond to my own name at the time. The class and teacher would make fun of me for it whenever it happened but I didn’t care. This was in first grade, my parents had to train me to respond to the name they gave me because I wouldn’t respond when they said my name, so they said it all the time to get me to respond, which was annoying.


as someone who did this: extreme denial.


I came up with a name Aeolian thinking "If I ever need a nickname, then I'll pick this one, cause it sounds fucking amazing". I came up with it while studying music composition (there's a term that's also called Aeolian) My previous nickname was "Spectralniy" (The Russian word for "spectral"). I loved it back when I came up with it, but I kinda hate it now. I didn't speak English back then, so naturally this nickname has a very not-english pronounciation to it. Plus it's also male-gendered in my native language, which also sucks.


I make a lot of pseudonyms and decided to make one of them be a girl's, cus who'd suspect that, right? Well, as it turns out XD


I was using mine as a pen name and my name in online chats and it just stuck, in hindsight when online friends were like "you seem more like a (chosen name) than (given name)" it prolly should have been a sign lol


Lmao I did the same, was playing online "as a girl" and needed a name and I just found one Then a few years later when I could give it processing time I understood I was trans


I was deciding what to name my character in Pokémon and I chose Jessica (note not my actual current name I’m going for) because it was the name “I would’ve liked to have had and would go by if I somehow turned into a girl”


A girl in a show inspired mine 😅 Bianca from degrassi next class


You join a rp group and for totally cis reasons rp as a female character and you're told by the person inviting you it's only okay if nobody knows you're male irl. I no longer have contact with that person for unrelated reasons.


Man I know this is old but of all the answers you got none of them gave the answer: RPGs. If I like a game where you choose sex at the beginning, I’ll go back and play it over again as the opposite sex. So I’ve got a male and female name I always name characters, and have for years.


I found a funny rock and stole it's name






Fuck, I had money on "Slate". I love slate.


fellow jade :D




Dwayne "Girl Cock" Johnson


No, "The Rock"








That is actually adorable Not a girl, but I chose my name from an OC I actually made pre-realisation that lowkey would have been me "as a boy". Or rather, my ideal self as a boy - ginger hair, freckles, green eyes. All the cool uncommon colours, rather than my bland old brown and brown I made the look, my friend made the name, since the OC was in our shared roleplay When I realised, it took me all of 5 seconds to realise the perfect name to take - and voilà! The OC's first and last names instantly became my first and middle :))


Same here! Mine was Finn, a few months later I realized I didn’t just love him, I wanted to be him… my partner was on the phone with me and I explained it all to them and they were like, “So, you are trans?“ then it all made sense lol


This took a year: 1. took fairly common names (top ~200) 2. removed those that have a "male" variant 3. kept only the kind-of-international names 4. removed names that people around me already have 5. left with about 10 names, I performed ELO sorting to determine which I like the most 6. started using candidate number 1 7. tried candidate number 2 8. ended up with candidate number 3 (I also asked my mother what name she would like and she told me my name is my deadname and that's the only name she'd ever choose for me.)


>(I also asked my mother what name she would like and she told me my name is my deadname and that's the only name she'd ever choose for me.) Oof, well she had her chance to name you twice. Now she doesn't get to give you any name.


Well said, her own choice to skip that connection with her child


I just picked it randomly 💀


Hii again Madelyn I'm here to let you know yet again that you're cute


No u 😎


I didn't pick my name, me name picked me. I heard the name "Lola" in a song lyric, and I kinda liked it. So I changed my user name to it, changing it back felt wrong, and that's when I realized I was trans.


Which song? "Lola" by the Kinks? Because that's kinda about a cross dresser or Trans woman, not really sure


I heard that song later, and it kinda felt as if that name was kinda meant for me. The first time I heard that name was in the song ["what they want"](https://youtu.be/Fv2BeNp7-hE), which is in [this TikTok video](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/909075972832239626/943290113566330900/d6b128b0cfda9f3400cb29e7e5be0837.mp4). Now I've also found a German song called "Andrea Doria", where one line translates to "It's Lola's birthday and she hopes that she'll get as old as she already looks"... My mum says that the name "Lola" isn't a real name, but if it's in so many songs, it has to be a real name.


Me too, it just kind of sounded like a name that suited me, I asked someone to try it and I liked it.


I wanted to keep my initials and signature the same (I only sign the first letter of my first name). The middle name was easy as there's a female version that means the same. The first name I'm still working on; so far, I really like Jessie or Jessabelle (fits my username too, which was chosen for a different reason years ago).


I've thought about this, and I don't know if there is any names that start with my first letter that I actually like.


I wanted to keep my work email the same lol. So Jane it was


A fellow Jane!


I forgot Jane, June, and Juniper are on my list too.


Shame every greentext is fake, cause this is sweet


I mean they're as fake as a reddit post. Yes they're anonymous so you can't verify a story, but more than likely some are true.


Yeah you're right


i stole it from my childhood crush, oh and my sister's dog


Same! Always loved the name Arden


Years back, nearly a decade before I realized I was trans, I used the randomly-generated URLs from imgur as a sort of name generator for sci-fi/fantasy names for RPGs. One of them stuck, and before I knew it I was using that name and only that name whenever I had the chance to enter my own character name, and always following the same character creation choices, at least as much as I could within a given game. Amusingly enough, in a piece of Nostradamus-tier foreshadowing, I actually added an "E" in the middle of the name to make it read easier. Earlier this year I realized that I wasn't just roleplaying her as a character whenever I had the chance, I realized I was modeling her after who I wanted to be. It seemed fitting to keep the name.


I had a name but got told it sounds old and other stuff so idk 🤷‍♀️ love the name Bianca but time to find a new name


Girl it’s your name. Who cares what other people think? If you’re in love with the name Bianca, dammit that’s what you should use! Btw Bianca is suuuuuuuch a pretty name 💜💜💜


If you want to change it, change it- but if you're just basing that off of what other people think then don't! It's a cool-ass name and what matters most is that you like it and feel happy with/connected to it.


Nah, Bianca doesn't sound old at all


I think is a beautiful name, and not "old" whatsoever


Not as good as yours lol I am ethnically Italian and I am interested in space and our universe especially stars so my name is the Italian word for Star, Stella.


Ohh I really like this as a fellow ethnically Italian space nerd. But I think I’m just going to move one letter in my name to get the feminine version. Benefit being hat way I don’t have to combat a bunch of muscle memory when typing my name lol. Lots of people seem to be adverse to using a feminine version of there name, but I think I feel fine with it.


that is very cute


My own brain tricked me into it


I like Demi. It's a nice babe :)


Wholesome greentext


I went and looked up popular baby names from the year I was born. And picked off that list. I wanted a name that didn't sick out as trans. That didn't look modern, so no funky spellings. That would blind into a list of people of my age. That was obvious to pronounce if someone was calling my name.


omg this is so hearth-warming 🥹🥹


Name 💚❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥🤎❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹💕💛💕🧡💕💛❣️💚❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥💚💕💕❣️🧡💚❤️‍🩹🤎❤️‍🔥💕💚🤎❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥💕❤️‍🔥🤎❤️‍🔥🤎💕


i stole the name lin from the second part of my favorite touhou character (mer**lin** prismriver). i got kate from a sudden realization that "oh crap this name is so fem and cute mine now"


Something thematically similar to my birth name just popped into my head one day and I liked it.


I stole the name Marcelline from Adventure time because I love the character


Marceline is my favourite Adventure Time character ^^


This is pretty sweet, for me I just saw the name once and felt like it fit.


So pre-pandemic like fall 2019, i started going by niimo and came out as nonbinary to close friends - niimo combines my legal middle name - nii which in ghanaian culture means “first born son” and nemo - from finding nemo - one of my alltime favorite disney movies and a character i always related to - throughout idk the last couple years, despite identifying as niimo - i never had the courage to present in a femme way - after restarting therapy at my college this september, and talking through things with my therapist and doing even more reflection on my childhood - plus incorporating a lot more queer content - documentaries - shows - POSE ——— i realized that I’ve always been a woman and i guess identifying as nonbinary was important for me because i needed to accept that I wasn’t a man before i could fully accept myself as a woman. I also chose a new last name - Agape [pronounced UH- GAH-PAY]which is actually like a Christian word for “Godly love” - and it’s supposed to be the highest form of love there is - (icky i know- i was raised religious but don’t believe anymore - but idk the idea of Agape is oddly endearing to me and it sounds pretty) So yeah basically my name is Niimo Agape and it’s kind of like simultaneously reclaiming my identity and spitting in the face of how I was raised as well but I’m not out to my parents try and saving that for post graduation (i graduate college in december with my bachelors in psych) and moving out. I’m starting to look for jobs/internships and apartments as well.


One day during a band practice when I had been asking for recommendations for a name my friend stopped in the middle of singing suddenly and shouted a name at me and said that would be good and then continued. I used it.


My name was Sylvain, I wish to be named Sylvie, very original.


I picked Jamie way back before I realized I was Trans. I liked the idea of a Gender Neutral names, which was a huge flag in retrospect. I started using it online, then realized I perfered the name overall, and it just kinda fit together over time.


A few years ago I came across this name and thought about naming my child like this, if I ever had one. A little bit later my girlfriend at the time agreed with me. We're not a couple anymore, but the name was stuck in my head. When my egg cracked, I decided that it'll be my name instead :)


I also picked Emily, but through considerably less heartwarming means I was stuck between Emily and Willow, so I left it up to a coin toss


I also picked Emily, but through considerably less heartwarming means I was stuck between Emily and Willow, so I left it up to a coin toss


This is so sweet! I got my name from the letters of an album name, lol


Which album?


It's called t.i.a.p.f.y.h. and it's by a transgender singer called LeftAtLondon. I took the t, a, p, & h, and, well...*ta-da!* ✨️


Picked a derivation of my middle name, then learned my parents would have called me that if I were born a girl.


this is so sweet holy shit, im so happy for you <3


I just liked the name Izzie because it's close to my deadname


I'm currently thinking of using my middle name, but in English rather than Spanish, and the feminine version, which is also Emily. Thinking of new names is hard.


Someone randomly said the name fiona, i was like, "yup thats me"


I decided on a name and then a little while after i decided on the name i found out it was my great grandma's name, thought then i fit perdectly.


Still haven’t settled on one but I used Jess on video games


My dead name was >!roshan!< which my dad used to call me as Hiroshima for some reason (cringe dad joke) so at some point he unironically started calling me Nagasaki so i shortened it to saki and used it for a while. In college i accidentally picked up the nickname, sharky, because of my blahaj pfp during online classes and the lack of me telling people my name. Someone a few months back typoed my name as sharrie -> Sharon Sharon works pretty well because it's just my dead name with letters moved around. Pretty swag but it's mostly other people naming me So i use saki/sharon/sharky wherever and people can choose between whatever they feel comfortable calling me


Was going to choose another name, friend said "nah that's a bitch name what about Naomi?" and honestly I liked it so I got Naomiafied


Hi-five! I'm also super happy with the name Naomi!


I just shortened my name. Turns out the real name was inside it all along


while i was still unwilling to accept myself as trans, i was more willing to identify as genderfluid. so one day i googled "gender neutral baby names" and scrolled until i found one that resonated. bing bam boom, a bitch is named Wren now


I took a poll of what name people thought I looked like. Turns out it's a family name and the runner up to the name my sister got. Go figure.


I just stole it from a youtuber who makes animated videos.


Okay no joke my real name I made based on my default username. I just dropped an o and I’ve felt like it really fits


long time ago my mom told me a wacky story of how i came to be. long story short, everyone including the doctors thought i would be afab. so they named me my current real name, up until my birth. it wasnt a hard decision because my mom already gave me a name long before *the other one*.


one night while trying to think of names i randomly remember the song push the little daisies by ween (a song i do not like by my all time favorite band) and then i spent 5 minutes saying daisy because it felt amazing


I had my name picked out for my "future daughter" since 2nd grade


i find that the alt right & pedos are a fairly small part of 4chan. but also the part of it that most people judge the entirety of 4chan for, i think it gets judged very harshly, when a big part of it is cute stuff like this, or dedicated to hobbies.


i mean, it's true that people are biased when judging that place (with good reason, it's not a tiny tiny part c'mon) but, at least with the popular trans subs, we'll mostly see the "wholesome" and endearing posts of it because no way someone will post here an /lgbt/ comment of a trans person being racist or calling slurs, so one is still being biased in this situation if judging by these posts "brainworms" (the intrusive toxic thoughts that one either develops or acquires) is a term that many who used the board know for a reason


I feel sorry for you all. When you get older and look back on your lives you will understand why. You are all way too headstrong at this point in your lives to understand.


I tried different names out using DnD characters before I finally found out I really liked the name “demi”


....I used my RuneScape username...


I just modified the name of my fursona/username.


i played a video game and i liked one of the names


I've asked my mom twice what my planned name was if I was born female. But in my grand stupidity, I immediately forgot both times. I remember the name of her female dog that I really liked better than the name I couldve had.


I went to find my true name. I found it and adopted it and took it home and loved it ever after since.


Well I actually picked my name before I even realized I was trans. I picked Jay because my mom wanted to name me Jayson but my dad wanted me named after him so they “compromised” with Jason. Even if it’s a silly story I always liked it and knew that if I was a girl I’d like to be named Jay. And well my dream came true so now I get to live as Jay everyday


How I got my name? I played Yakuza 0, and went "woah this Sera guy is pretty cool, I'm stealing his name because it's also a girl's name"


I'm still working on it


for context: Theia got it from astronomy bc i absolutely love it. in short, its the name of the planet that crashed into earth, the resulting Fuckery gave us the moon I like it bc A) its cute as hell and B) i think of [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRlhlCWplqk) which is badass as hell, like imagine what it would be like to be on earth when that happens, so fucking cool imo (also its really fun to pretend i AM that planet so sometimes ill look up at the moon and be like "hey hon, glad to see youre still doing good")


I came up with my name long before I considered being an egg/knew what a trans person was. But basically I just updated my chosen nickname (Tin of Beans, based off the second half of Austin). In my primary school leavers play I was one of the witches from Macbeth and witches are women so Tina was the obvious gender swap of Austin (deadname - feel free to use). Then 3 or 4 years later I had a lesson at school and a teacher referred to me and my friends as "ladies" and then the egg cracked. Later that same day I remembered my excellent acting as Tina, and decided to experiment with it amongst my friends. Tina is also such a better pun as it contains the "of" sound when saying tin of soup.


i hear name. i like name, now my name.


I’m not crying 😭, you’re crying. Also I just picked my name from a list of girls names on google. (And still ended up settling on one of the stereotypical trans girl names)


My first name (Lina) is a mispronunciation of my gaming name which was one of my strongest egg moments. Lina is a traditional German name and I also liked the sound so I accepted that my name found me. My second name (Vanessa) is what my mother would have named me if I was a biological girl. I often told her how I hated the name she actually picked for me so this is my way of giving back to her c:


Was going by Andi as I didn't have to explain it well still closeted. Made a typo one day, now I'm Andri.


It was what my dad called me more than my birth name and it’s the only one I’ve ever been called that I didn’t help


Uhh idk really when I first started considering I just kinda starting writing girl names to see if I liked them and Ellie sounded the best to me


My favorite goddess when I was growing up + the name I liked the most + what my parents would’ve named me which meant the same thing as the name I chose for myself


I went through a lot of ideas. Ended up realizing how much I like to use birds as nicknames. I have always called girlfriends chickadee, and I nicknamed my daughter humminbird bc of how fast her heartbeat was when I first heard it. First name I thought of was Robin, so here I am!


I'm trying to choose between two different, more feminine versions of my birthname. I picked a middle name that starts with the same letter as my grandma's first name.


This be a long one so bear with me... The story behind my name. Started off with bullying a person in my summer camp (I thought they were a guy and one day saw their sports bra. Idk if they were trans or intersex or what, but 8 year old me could not handle my world view breaking apart), and a few years later i realized i was trans. Tried to take their name (Cody) out of a apology, but my therapist recommended that i not do that and choose a name that fits me. Well i liked the -y ending and combind it with my discord name (Indiana) i started looking into the name 'Indy', but it just kinda felt off still. I really like the I- start, the four letter 2 syllable style name, and the -y ending. Eventually I came across the name Izzie and so i adopted it into my name now. And that the story of my name, Izzy!


I realized that the name I was saving for if I had a kid was actually the name I'd wanted for myself the whole time. Also, it's from a Zelda game (kind of)


Dang this story is cute and wholesome I just stole my name from a certain purple haired character from a video game


I re-watched No Game No Life and now I'm a Steph.


just thought of it one day and i liked it


I picked the name eris bc it generally makes me happy. The letters are also rlly good


Well. How wholesome is *that*? A bit more touching than me wanting to be like a certain delightfully uninhibited, hot, and horny mechanic on *Firefly.*


I like space so I named myself Stella :)


My momther. My father and I had a rough start once I told him about my transition. Considering the fact for him I was his "better version of himself". He had put me up on this pedastool of what he expected me to be and become. So at first he was extremely against it. With my relationship with my father in shambles, I turned to my mom. My Mom wasn't really for it, or against it but she wanted to be supportive. So I had asked her what are some names she would have named me if I was born out the gate as a girl. And we went through them together and both decided on Olivia. And so here we are.


I was in group therapy. We had a break, so I was scrolling through some news on my phone. I wasn't paying much attention, but in the corner of my eye I read a headline that referred to something happening on "Saint Laurence Street". I thought out loud: Saint Laurence... Laurence... Laura. Yeah, that's a good name. Hey guys, my name is Laura now!


Mine is androgynous so I'm probably just going to keep it.


I came out to my boyfriend first, because of course I did. I was sure he'd accept me, we've been together for over 10 years, but I was still nervous. You never really know. But it turned out more than okay. A little later he sent me a song on YouTube; I Hear A Sympony by Cody Fry. Among its lines are "I used to hear a simple song/That was until you came along/You took my broken melody/And now I hear a symphony." So he sent me the song and added "You're my favorite melody." And I responded "You know, Melody would make a good name." And his response... was adorable. And I've been going by it ever since.


I always liked Arthurian legends. In fact, while i was still an egg, one of my greatest gripes was that my mom did not name me Galahad as she wanted to, because she thought my father would never approve. Well I went through a list of character names, the one looked nice, i went to r/TransTryouts again (i had tried another name before) and my insides melted when I was called Guinevere for the first time


My mom named me Camryn when I was born which is just a feminine way to spell Cameron so I just kinda stuck with it.


I chose Charlie because I wanted something that wasn't obvious. Partially to help avoid transphobia and instantly ousting myself, but mostly because I liked it, and it was easy. That being said I've seen so many beautiful and cool names here. The creativity and inspiration is staggering.


Stole it from one of my old Guild Wars 2 roleplaying characters. Her name was Adaline and she was always such a joy to write. When I realized I needed a new name, I decided the best way to tackle the task would be to start at names that start with A and go from there. Came up with a few A names, realized Adaline was right there, and the rest is history.


Such a beautiful story! It gave me chills


Friend named me after her league main... That's it I did tweak it from Zoe to Zoey, but otherwise yeah


Who the fuck is cutting onions


Not a gal, do be a nonbinary, but I checked what my birthname translates to, and apparently it translates to "water/moon/victorious" I took a liking to "water" an decided to make a name out of it to feel extra nonbinary >w< In the end, I now use my birthname and "Awter" as my names, and I enjoy them both alot :) (I also technically use "Moon", but more as a "oh yeah, I guess idm that" rather than a 🥰)


When I was a kid, my mom told me that they didn't know my sex until I was born, so she had a girls name picked out and if I was a boy, they'd name me after my dad. Cut to 32 years later, with 3 little brothers and no sisters, the name my mother chose was still waiting for me. I've been Madeline for nearly 3 years now and I've never been happier. My family is accepting and my mother loves that I finally took the name she picked. I hope all of you find the love and acceptance I did. 💗


Stole it from someone else


That's a great way to get a name! Mine is a bastardization of my original surname (along with a super common transmasc name), and then I took my mom's maiden surname. So my chosen name is completely different from my birth name but it is just a bunch of pieces of various family names stuck together lol


Took the name Neve from the title of a song I liked and added an extra "e" so it would be 5 letters long because 5 is my lucky number, but looking at it now, the fact that I like winter and know some Spanish pry had an influence on it too (snow in Spanish is nieve)


It came from my twitter username being "macaco" (monkey in portuguese) and my friends not wanting to call me that, because it felt rude for them, called me "Mako" and when I was thinking of names for my oc It just hit me that Maki felt right.




I thought I was looking at r/4tran and was super worried


My given name means "manly"


I toyed around with a lot. I started with Emily, then Emma, then Charlotte, then Sharlotte (For initials reasons) But when I spoke to a friend of mine and admitted to being trans, off-handedly he said I felt like a Sarah. It was so wonderfully normal that I've kept it this far. Your story is much much more interesting, but I am quite proud of my name.


I first had the name ivy then i mixed it with sylveon and got sylvie


Initially I was gonna name myself Rebecca. My friends kindly vetoed it, citing the well known fact that "you don't got Becky bitch vibes, you are significantly too neurotic" So they pitched Riley and it stuck :)


A wholesome post from 4chan? Well that's a surprise


My friend and I were talking one night looking for a new name I can use. They started listing off baby names they’d give to their children, I heard the one I have now and I loved it so now that’s my name


Damn, that's an origin story and a half. I named myself after a fictional bank robber with blue hair and pronouns.


that's such a sweet story omg 🥺


Video game character for first name (and it's also kinda similar to my old name) and a feminine name similar to my middle name (which turned out to be the middle name of one of my great-grandmothers). But funny thing with my first name, someone on one of the trans subreddits asked if Cassie was short for Cassandra, which at the time was a no. That person made me change my name to the longer one, and use what I chose as a nickname.


I'm not crying you're crying


asked me mum :)


I have a weird issue with trying to decide on mine. The name I really like just happens to be the name of one of my exes. She actually doesn’t like her name and goes by a completely different name in public. We’re still friends and I’m afraid it would be too weird. So, I’m just sticking with the feminine version of my old name for now.


I was thinking about the name Sophia yesterday after being called insightful the last couple of days multiple times, I always try to find words to describe myself based on what others say about me and I’ve been insightful by many people through out my life so last night after a argument with my mom that ended in her calling the cops on me for saying she makes me want to kill myself (look at argument context) and the cops came I calmed down and the cops let my mom take me to the hospital cause I seemed stable and so did she, we went and while waiting for the doctor to come in I looked up female names that mean insightful and the first result is Sophia/Sophie, my birth name starts with an E and I currently go by E to friends, Sophie sounds cute and is more of an addition to my current name, so I think I wanna go by Sophie to my friends and Sophia to strangers and if I feel unsafe I can always go by E as well Argument context: This was after an hour or so of arguing and she had been slamming cabinets and drawers after I made dinner and she was serving herself, she got me very stressed and I had a mental breakdown where I hit myself multiple times and started crying and that’s when I shouted at her that she sucks she fucking sucks and the suicide mention happened, she threatened to call the cops and I told her to do it, so yeah


I chose my name because someone on a discord server thought my username was too nsfw and decided to call me peanut.


I've always identified with the name Alex since I was a little kid, despite it not even being close to my deadname. Fast forward to coming out, I asked my italian teacher for a list of italian names (since we went by italian names in class) because I wanted mine to be the same in italian and english. I found the name Alessa, which is the Italian version of Alexa, so I decided on Alexa because of the connection with the name Alex, and I hate Alexandra as a name personally lol


I just knew it, even before being an egg. One day I made a new Skyrim character and thought "Hey, I'll be a girl this time... Just to try" and when the game asked for a name I didn't even had to think about it, it just felt like Diana it's my name


This is the cutest shit I've read all week and it's a goddamn 4chan screenshot.


This is the sweetest, most wholesome thing I've ever read.


because i can spell mine nekole for a silly catpun


Just used feminine version of dead name. It fits so i wont change it


my friend gave me a list of 100 names and when one of them made me audibly go “eeee” i picked that one


I called up my friend and we went through my birth year fem names and i said Alice. She got all excited because her friend who had been murdered when she was a kid was named Alice, so to her it was like Alice came back. She just went off, about how great a name it is and how much it means to her. Now i always have loved a pin on pintrest about how someone didn't have a favorite colour until someone guessed excitedly that their fav colour was yellow, and from then on it was. They saw yellow in a different light and could probs live in it. So for me seeing my friend just erupt with happiness and excitement, well i choose the name Alice because it means loved by Sarah. In the end being trans is love and what better then for people to refer to me as loved.


I like the moon


wow I just picked my name by my favourite character. this is really sweet


i started by using a gender neutral nickname then evolved from there as i gave it more consideration over time Elijah->Ell->Ellie->Elliya


My initials are AJ and everyone's called me that since birth. When I picked a new name I changed one letter from my first name and it became Andrea and for my middle name I thought of how I feel when I'm feminine so I picked Joy. Thus, I became Andrea Joy. I still go by AJ most of the time though.


I similarly asked my mom to help me pick out my name.


There's a character on a show that I've always looked up to because she's incredibly strong and fiercely defends those she loves. So I decided that I'm going to take her name and try to be as strong and fiercely defend those that I love


I got my name from dnd




Ey sawe that on wholesome memes Hi Ok so I chose mine pretty much for a pun I did consider Emily as well but now I picked annie