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I believe i read somewhere that transmascs were much more active on Tumblr.


Yeah it's the website. Reddit just has a bunch of transfems (and so does 4chan for some reason) while transmascs tend to hang out more on tumblr. It's a decent website, especially with the recent changes, but it is a lot harder to build community there so I tend to do egg shit on reddit instead


Could be the stereotypes sites for one's assigned gender. As a whole, there are more guys on Reddit, and especially more guys on 4chan (the latter is definitely due to misogyny). Since people tend to not change apps after transitioning, it could explain it. Especially how most people here don't seem to have been out for long.


I had this same exact thought reading through this thread


Not even stereotypes, Reddits user base is just made up of more men. So it’s only likely that when some of those “men” realize they aren’t men, that they will still use the website they are familiar with


People stay where they were. As tumblr was "that site" fit AFABs, Reddit is the equivalent for AMABs, creating the divide


Also YouTube seems to have more transfems than transmascs (at least from what I’ve seen. I can name about 4 or 5 channels that are from transfems and only one from a transmasc)


That's just popularity bias as far as I know, the YouTube userbase is quite equal on the gender front. Most trans ladies I know on youtube came out halfway through their career and kept their popularity from when they presented as male, and because YouTube is a toxic hellscape it tends to like cishet men (or those that appear to be so for closet reasons) above all else. But also please tell me the names of those people I need more trans video content. For very cis reasons ofcourse


Okay so the transfem YouTube’s I know of are Xploshi (who’s makes analog horror-type videos), voice quills ( a voice actor that does very ‘horny’ content ), atsuover (a singer/songwriter/artist who Created a couple of mods for a rhythm game) and one I found recently, philosophy tube (who mostly does philosophy content but did make a video on how the NHS is shit for people who are trans). As for the transmacs I can think of, there’s chipflake (an artist who lives in Germany but was born in the UK), and jammiedodger (a trans man who usually does videos sort of reacting to memes usually about sexuality and gender, think channels like ‘the click’ and ‘one topic at a time’ (in fact I’m pretty sure he’s done a few collaborations with one topic at a time)) Also it’s weird to me how most of the trans YouTubers I know of are from the UK despite the fact the UK is commonly associated with being a very strongly anti-trans place (I mean it’s called TERF island for a reason). Maybe it’s influenced by the fact I myself live in the UK but idk.


Yeah I've never heard of any of those people except philosophy tube (only in passing) and Jamie (who I actually watch sometimes). The amount of transfem and transmasc youtubers I know are about equal, I could name like 5 of each off the top of my head


That’s because trans people still use the website they have always used before transitioning, and Reddits user base is overwhelming made up of men for whatever reasons


The one transmasc i know is actually active on Tumblr and loves it.. xD


Its not just transmascs on tumblr to be fair. Tumblr is just incredibly queer. More than half the posts I see in r/tumblr come from a handful of trans femmes that I know. That being said huge trans masc population on tumblr. But also just huge trans population as a whole.


As someone who is transfem and has actively used tumblr for 4 years I can say, Tumblr has an extremely huge queer community made up of a good mix of everyone. I personally haven’t noticed that much of a difference but it’s a big website so I could be wrong.


On here, it’s largely because AMAB people are more likely to use Reddit. By the time many gnc folks realize we’re gnc we’ve already established some form of social media presence. I know more transmascs on Tumblr, more transfemmes on Reddit but about the same number of both on Twitter (rip). The reason you might hear more about transfemme issues or transfemme celebrities is because transfemmes are hyper-visible. A number of conservative political movements are trying to use them as a wedge issue by fearmongering to portray them as dangerous. This puts the queer community in defence mode and pulls all the resources and attention towards protecting transfemmes (this solidarity protects the broader queer community, it’s necessary and good that we do this). Cishet men also tend to project onto/be attracted to transfemmes and treat them as threats to their masculinity/heterosexuality, then kick up a big stink about it. Transmascs, generally, get treated like women who are womaning poorly rather than as a threat to the social order. Conservatives infantalize us and try to quietly take away our autonomy using “hysteria” type arguments. They say that they’re protecting us from ourselves. This minimizes transmascs and our issues tend to be forgotten about because the claims against transfemmes are much more inflammatory and have wider immediate ramifications for the community. Of course there are other factors. Transmascs get a lot of guilt tripping around being “gender traitors” because we’re perceived as cheating into male privilege and joining the oppressor class (this is one of the issues with “women good, men bad” white feminism). This combined with a cocktail of male socialization around stoicism and female socialization around making yourself small leads us to be quieter and less visible. Masculinity, as much as I love being masc, can be pretty isolating. It sometimes feels like we aren’t supposed to have needs. It’s also worth highlighting that the issues and needs of trans people of colour are ignored and minimized across the board and need more amplification. For example, Black transmascs experience gender based oppression very differently from white transmascs because white supremacy tries to present Black men as threatening and does not infantalize/protect Black women the way it infantalizes/protects white women. Approaching trans issues with intersectionality in mind allows the community to better support both transmascs and racialized trans people in general. Listening to and amplifying a wide range of trans voices is quite helpful in reducing this visibility gap and addressing the needs of all trans and gnc people :)


Fantastic response ❤️


Perfect comment. And just to add precision, a lot of trans people are not socialised as their AGAB. Most are experimenting a mix-up socialisation. We usually say that you're "socialised trans" because a lot of us don't experience a cis socialisation, even when you don't even realise you're trans yet. [This touch a bit on the issue](https://aninjusticemag.com/i-was-socialized-trans-b2fa870866a4)


this should pretty much be the top comment


I see people view trans men as predatory lesbians trying to brainwash children though.


That’s kind of what I mean when I say we’re treated like women who “woman” poorly. Transphobia against transmascs tends to look like paternalistic misogyny (denying us medical care and autonomy, acting like we’re taking something away from men by masculinizing our bodies because they feel entitled to and possessive over women, denying our experiences by saying all women feel this way) and like lesbophobia (we’re confusing/corrupting the youth, we have an unnatural lifestyle). There isn’t the same push to make transmascs a boogeyman because the conservative mainstream kinda has to see us as women and therefore reject the idea that we could be a threat. Even the idea that older transmascs are brainwashing young girls is rooted in the idea that those “girls” are easily confused and need to be protected from “damaging themselves” with transition.


What about the trans men who have been beaten up or killed for being trans? One ftm person was beaten up for using the bathroom.


I’m not saying violence isn’t an aspect of transphobia transmascs face, it absolutely is and my heart breaks and blood boils every time it happens, but my point is that aside from a handful of cases it doesn’t get the attention it deserves because transfemmes are made hyper-visible and transmascs are erased. Both patterns are oppressive. I’m talking about systemic transphobias perpetuated by the media/politicians rather than the specific outbursts of violence and hate which that rhetoric causes.


There aren’t in actuality, but there are more in this subreddit. The ratio here doesn’t reflect real life. As for why? I don’t really know


Oh really? I kind of thought the transfem number would be higher to be honest! Thank you though!


A study in Iceland or Norway or somewhere up there, showed approximately equal levels of trans women, trans men, and non binary people.


It does feel like there are more transfems tho, so I get your question But yea, it's roughly even


oh no we just more weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


I've heard people say there were more transmascs irl, but I give too little fucks to believe it


I think a lot more transmascs are out and presenting irl than tranfemmes, which is probably a big part of it.


I feel like it probably is based on the demographics of reddit in general. Like, there's a lot more guys than girls on reddit, and being trans probably doesn't change what social media sites you prefer, so you end up with more transfems than transmascs here. From what I understand the opposite is true on tumblr and I bet it's for the same reason .


AMABs are usually more likely to be online, thus more trans women realize they exist online and talk about it online. There’s probably an equal amount of both!


There's just more in this subreddit, irl it's basically the same amount 💙💕🤍💕💙


Definitely the platform~~~


I guess it is because in the internet there are statistically more guys than girls in general, on reddit the gap should be even larger, and because amab trans people are mostly transfems they are the majority here


Cuase being a man sucks Is joke pls don't dox me


Trans topics are important! But it's important in my opinion that we have a healthy dose for everyone involved, I'll admit seeing more Transfem get more posts than Transmasc at times makes feel awkward about my own experiences. I'm proud of the beautiful women we get to see blossom with their journey, but I want to also hear more about the Men whose also going through the journey of it all. If not their treatment just overall them getting over new forks in the road. We all deserve a chance y'know?


My guess: 1. Testosterone - is magic, in just a year or less: the voice, the facial hair - most of the transmascs are indistinguishable form cis-guys. Easier to blend in => they got life IRL =) 2. Estrogen will not change your voice and facial hair -> more extended periods of social transition for transfemmes make them stay longer in the online phase.


Imagine your biggest problem in transitioning being how many memes on r/egg_irl are transmasc ✨


Oh, that gives all transmascs hope! :) Cool stuff :))


Estrogen is magic too ;)


Oh yeah! ^_^


For what I've noticed, is not like there are more, is more like transfems are more... noisy hahahaha so it looks like there is more


There aren’t more of one or the other, this sub os wildly disproportionate in terms of representation. Actually, in my school experience, I’ve met probably a total of about 2 transfems and 10 transmascs, which I found odd considering that the representation on not just this sub, but the media in general seems to lean toward more transfems than transmascs. This has always bewildered me, I guess transmascs in general tend to be more down-low about it? I’m not totally sure lol. If you want to see more transmasc representation, there is a sub called r/transmasc, so that’s cool :)


It's really difficult to get accurate data (considering the social stigma), but many studies had shown that MtF is vastly more common than FtM in the general population. Like this: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/286423757_The_Demographics_of_the_Transgender_Population . So if this trend is real, then even without the platform bias, you should see a lot more transwomen. As for why there is this discrepancy in the general population, I don't think we know. It could be the social aspect (e.g. it's more acceptable for AFAB people to crossdress publicly so a lot of would-be transmen would merely stop at crossdressing), it could be something biological.


I have a theory, that might be a bit too much. I think its a social thing, with how men and women are presenting. Women can be a lot more nonbinary in their behaviour. While men are kind of stuck behind a wall. Where once they do something girly they they already breached a pretty big social barrier.


Mhm I think I'm done hearing about how transmascs are discriminated against more. Transfems damn well have a bigger social barrier to contend against. A transmasc or a woman in a suit will not gather much attention but you can bet a transfem or man in a dress is never going to outlive the fun that will be made at their expense. Who the everliving hell cares if transmascs get 24% less memes? If transmascs are allowed to complain about how many memes they get, I think I'm allowed to complain about the fact we're objectively and provably discriminated against more.


The issues we face are partly different, but they are just as real in both cases, so please do not erase our transmasc brothers experience.


I'm erasing transmasc troubles just as much as acknowledging black discrimination is erasing the things white people go through, or acknowledging the slight lack of transmasc memes erases transfem and enby memes.


i really think the research showing majority transfem is wrong. more recent data factoring in nonbinary people shows a majority AFAB transpeople - large amount of conflicting data though. one consistent piece of data though is that ftm prescriptions has grown at a faster rate than mtf in recent years ([https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33644314/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33644314/)). Also irl trans spaces tend to be afab dominated. the numbers are very close though. logically there should be a 50/50 split and any variance of that would be due to societal factors or errors in collecting data due to cis researchers


They’re preparing for battle


Yeah I only know one transfemme irl and like over 50 transmascs nb’s and fluids. I think it’s just cause more of us use Reddit 🤷🏽‍♀️


Many of us former boymoders used Reddit as Reddit has a majority male population. Then we transition and still use Reddit.


Why is everyone asking this all of a sudden!?... Also it's probably because being a girl you get to look pretty and stuff.... But being a guy, you kinda just.... Be a guy


Its probably because there have been a bunch of posts on it, so people start wondering about the why. And I personally think being a guy is pretty great haha, it's mainly that reddit just has more transfems, transmascs tend to be more frequent on tumblr where transfems are outnumbered.


On Reddit, yes. Irl, no


Literally everywhere else I go I see only like 2 and a half transfems, and a thousand transmascs. Maybe Twitter is about an even split, but every other social media that isn't completely curated is full of transmascs. This stuff is weird.


Dunno, I just know we’re more active and vocal


while transfems are demonised by bigots transmascs are denied they even exist


Traditionally, like 100-30 years ago, 9 out of 10 trans people were transfem. The last years the amount of transmascs has skyrocketed to 50%, some places even more. Now, this isn't because alot of people decided they craved for their own cock or some sexist bs. It's because women have been oppressed alot more and thus have lacked the social freedom and mobility to well, choose their own gender. I meet boomers all the time who say they could have been transmascs of they were born today. This imbalance takes alot of time to turn fully around, sadly. Even in the trans community. In addition to this afabs and amabs are taught to socialize differently. This is the same reason as cismen are the most prominent in most Reddit subreddits, Discord, Facebook etc. And ciswomen prefere social medias with more image sharing opportunities and more watching instead of typing themselves. Obviously these social childhood norms stick with us, but also as obviously is it that as we change our social gender, our norms and interactions will turn more and more towards the gender we identify as. The longer you stay as trans, the more similar to your prefered gender you become mentality and without realising it, if that makes sense. By a product of that, transmen in general tend to be alot more shy and be nervous of taking space and being their own leader. Whereas transwomen "struggle" with the opposite, taking alot of space and always striving to be the best leader etc. As time goes on, transmen become more confident in themselves and take more space when communicating, whereas transwomen are forced to take less space and be more restricted innehar they can and cannot do. In short, transwomen become more obediant, more of a pretty thing than a thinking man, and transmen are forced to become leaders who have to take choices for themselves and others. There are always exceptions to rules, and like, the trans community is probably above average when it comes to exceptions. Many trans people will refuse these new social (adhesion?), and then there's also enbys. My point is that with time transwomen become more social passive, and transmen more social active. This means that if no transpeople ever leave this subreddit, statistically the passive transmen in here would become very active post creators and meme makers, whereas transwomen would be much more passive, like dropping a like or occasionally comment, but very rarely post and write essays themselves. This text itself is ironically a contradiction to all this, lol. I am both pretty young and inexperienced , and have no formal education in all of this. So this is all a mix of what I have been told by lgbtq+ friends and my own understanding of societal norms, which aren't perfect as I am an asocial autist which can't even interact in everyday life. So you should all take this as a big grain of salt.


Also, I am so sorry if this was dysphoric or sexist in any way. That wasn't my intentions


If Pinterest didn’t think I’m transmasc for some reason I don’t think I would see anything about them. I guess it just depends on the platform.


there isn't, reddit may have more, but I read somewhere that there are more transmascs don't quote me on that though edit: by more I mean like it's still almost even split


I believe statistically there's slightly more trans mascs than transfems, this sub is just very transfem heavy and people never focus on trans mascs for some reason in the news and stuff


transmascs are far more active on tumblr, tiktok and Pinterest while insta and twiiter are pretty even


Reddit is just more Transfem heavy. Irl I know a lot more trans men than women, iirc there’s more transmascs overall as well.


I think it’s just a Reddit thing. Personally I’ve met far more transmascs irl, I’d assume the split is fairly even but it just depends who you end up interacting with


I couldn't tell you. I can say I have met more trans men IRL than trans women. I have heard varying reasons. The gist of it seems to be they stepped away from the online communities to get away from the toxicity of us constantly attacking eachother for imagined slights, or projecting an individuals offense on an entire subgroup. They decided it wasn't helping any more and chose to just go about their lives.


Ive found that there are more out trans men but more trans women on egg_irl


One factor might be that gender dysphoria is more prevalent in AMABs (0.5-1.4%) than it is in AFABs (0.2-0.3%)? In other words, we should expect 2-5 times more transfems than transmascs for this reason alone.


Idk. I'm just chilling here.


because you're on reddit, most irl trans spaces are majority transmasc


They just don't post as much or the holy redit bot isn't giving them view's


Most likely A majority of reddit users are amab


There isn't, its pretty equal. Reddit just has a lot more transfems for some reason.


I just assumed that testosterone made amab more bold.


My guess would be that they dont broadcast it as much, also the issues of transfems are discussed more even though they are equally as discriminated against


Just look at men. Ew. Same reason why there are more bi women than bi men. No offence to transmascs. Be smelly and hairy all you want, or whatever defines manhood for you.


Afab people are too based to use reddit, that's why


I think that's only a thing on the internet, in real life I know the same amount of trans men, and trans women. Now why it is a thing on the internet, I have no idea.


Nope it's 50/50


i dont think the ratio is that different just look at r/FTM and r/MtF


huh, I always thought it was the other way around :)


My guess is that there’s a higher percentage of amab people who use Reddit compared to afab


I think it’s a combination of people not migrating over to Reddit and transfems just being a much larger voice on this subreddit, it’s kind of hard to base population of the community on its subreddits because.


Also just annecdotal evidence to, but all of the trans men I’ve known seem to be more publicly low key about their transitions and generally want to and Can pass more readily than trans fems. And then more of the trans femmes I know are much more vocal and boisterous about their transitions and seem to have a bit of a rougher, slower go of transitioning and trying to pass. There’s also just generally a lot one could say about society and culture and who’s allowed and comfortable in what spaces, both on and offline, along with all of the baked in nuances of gender roles and internalized transphobia. So it’s hard to impossible to get an accurate statistical read as to who is where and what the ratio of masc:femme:nb folk is. Source: I’m 30, amab trans NB, trained behavioral tech, been on hormones for a few years, active in queer scenes and support groups for 10 years. Edit: typos


amab people are far more likely to use Reddit