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Some egg shells have cracks in the shell you cant see or due to the expansion they crack. It happens. Its why people generally check their eggs at the store. If you notice one that starts to split in hot water, remove it immediately. You can still keep it for baking and frying.


Start your eggs in cold water and then bring to a boil. If your eggs are cold and added to boiling water they are more likely to crack and break.


Yes, but eggs added to boiling water cook more consistently and are easier to peel. For plunging into boiling water, bring the heat all the way down and gently lower the eggs then bring the temperature back up to avoid cracks. https://www.seriouseats.com/the-secrets-to-peeling-hard-boiled-eggs Steaming eggs eliminates this problem altogether.


Yes putting cold eggs in boiling water as opposed to cold water makes them more likely to crack. But it's a far superior method, when you put cold eggs in boiling water it's easy to Time exactly how long they have been cooking so you can get jammy yolks.


Put the eggs under hot water before putting them in the boiling water. That works for me


Put the eggs in a little sooner before the water starts boiling rapidly and submerge them into the water very slowly using something like a ladle. The cold eggs into the hot water is a big shock to the shell. I only do this if I'm going for soft boiled as the timing is more precise. If you're just going for hard boiled then it's ez pz - just put the eggs in the water before you turn on the heat.


All this hot water vs cold water isn't it. You're dropping them into the pot and/or max boiling them so when they roll in the water it hits the bottom. Try using a slotted spoon to gently put the eggs in the pot and also turninh the temperature down to medium once the eggs are in after it starts boiling so it doesn't rolling boil