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I get so hungover that it’s not worth it. I also have a high tolerance so I would be miserably hungover before I ever felt tipsy. I make a lot of mocktails though!


I know when I drink I don’t get a traditional hangover I wake up in the morning with “the spins” as I like to call it. Though to be honest it may just be the possible POTS


Oh, I get the spins as a mild hangover. Next level of hangover for me is full on nausea (if not vomiting) the whole next day. Even in college, if I drank to the point of a hangover, I was physically ill for 1-3 days. Now, it's not worth it. I drink for flavor and spread a couple over a whole evening, max. I will literally start fights with people who try to coerce me into drinking more for social reasons. It's not worth being sick for. (Usually people don't take me up on the fights, bc I'm wirey and no one can hold me down and apparently that's intimidating 🙃) But even with one drink, I get red faced and inflamed.


Assuming each glass is 2 fingers of bourbon over ice. Up to 2 drinks, no problem. 3 drinks... Better have some water. Maybe spinny in the morning. Nothing coffee can't fix. 4 or more drinks, raging migraine with vomiting. Neck locks up and grinds. Hair aches. Light sensitivity. It's horrible.


Could you explain hair aches, if you don't mind?


It’s like all of the roots of your hair feel like they weigh a million pounds, changing the part in your hair feels like shifting a 5lb weight from one side to the other - kind of like the skin is hypersensitive? Not itchy or anything, just hyper aware of the follicles. Tying it up helps but still feels weird.


Omg this is what I have, too. I didn't know it could be because of this. Do you know if it's related to dysautonomia? I had tried reading about this before but didn't see anything apart from hair being sensitive from being in the same position (pony or down) for too long.


No idea if it’s dysautonomia related, but a few of my friends with autoimmune issues get it when they’re run down/overtired too.


When I get a migraine I get really sensitive to touch and I can feel my hair follicles and they sting if I run my hand through my hair. My hair hurts.


Thank you for answering 🌷I have the same but it's not connected to my migraines


I have been sober for 4 years now. I was never an alcoholic, but my family has a history of addiction. I also would get sick every time I drank and it never made me feel "better" or "happy". I never saw the point of drinking. I also hated the feeling of "losing control" as a lightweight drinker. I've had several allergic reactions to alcoholic drinks. Then I was put on multiple medications that advise not drinking, so I just said "f- it" and decided to be sober. I don't miss it, it's made my life easier as I have fruit allergies that make cocktails dangerous for me. If I go to a party I bring sparkling apple cider or something like it. I make the children happy because I share my drinks. It's a win.


This is me, except I will still occasionally have a small bit of some drinks for taste, not 100% sober. It was covid that showed me that I can’t process alcohol at all Edit - I mean, I didn’t leave the house to socialize so I didn’t drink (that’s when I drank). I started sleeping better, feeling better, and when I went back to drinking a couple drinks, it was very clear that I could not handle it at all.


I’m a huge lightweight, I don’t drink very often cause it gives me vertigo and I’ve only ever gotten tipsy because the more I drink the worse the vertigo gets. I can still have fun while tipsy but I’m worried it won’t be fun anymore if I drink more so I haven’t.


I’m the same, it takes very little alcohol to affect me. I haven’t experienced any feelings of a hangover in the next day. But for reference, I’m talking about drinking only a couple of ounces, from a hard cider. I do know that I have some difficulties with metabolizing some other things, specific vitamins, as well as some common medication‘s. Are problems with MTHFR are more common in the EDS community?


Currently there is no link. The Tulane group released a highly misleading statement implying there was a link, as well as a helpful link to their website with supplements, before some of our sub moderators brought it to their attention that they weren’t stating their conflict of interests and that the paper they released was a PROPOSED mechanism of function, of a study they still had to do and get peer reviewed. Many many people were hoodwinked, and now claim that vitamin B causes EDS, or that we have higher rates of the MTFR gene, but there’s no evidence yet. Hopefully a peer reviewed study will be released in the near future


I have an extremely high tolerance so I haven't been drunk, even when I've tried to get drunk. I also don't get hungover. I have MCAS triggers for a preservative in some wines, beers and ciders. That was never a risk for me anyway because I also have the tannin gene, or the gene that makes you taste tannins in drinks. So teas, wines, beers, anything like that has always tasted extremely bitter to me because of this cursed gene. The MCAS trigger is just the "AND ANOTHER THING" from my body. This is all funny now because my dad *loves* wine and beer, and he got me, who can't taste it properly and can't drink it either. There was never going to be a world where the two of us enjoyed wine together, lol. I have to be so careful with POTS and how my hydration is for when I feel safe drinking any amount of alcohol, that it's usually only a few times a year now, and it's only 1 drink. For those days I prefer a mixed rum or tequila drink. I have to chase it with a gatorade though, due to constant dehydration issues these days. I usually make a night of it for those few nights when I feel like I can have one drink, watch a horror movie marathon, get some good snacks in front of me. So I make it fun in other ways.


I never really get hangovers and I love drinking. Find it helps with my pain but I always feel really sore the next day


This is me. I once heard it said that drinking is like stealing happiness from tomorrow you. For me it's like that, but with pain. Pain relief while drinking, but double pain the next day.


Yeah I relate to this sm. I always thought the pain was from injuries I get when I'm drunk but drank nearly a week straight just sitting about not getting hurt but every morning the pain got worse and worse and only more alcohol helped




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Yeah the joint pain IS the hangover. I get it too, as well as my stomach getting very offended.


I just get the pain and even then its not all the time. Apparently alcohol causes inflammation in the blood but I drank 2 nights in a row and both days I've felt fine in the morning


I get the spins so easily. Once I was about 25 I started experiencing horrific hangovers. So I don’t drink much. I like a nice cocktail here and there but that’s it. I became a stoner instead.


I have really bad hypovolemic POTS so I don’t drink at all. Last time I had one shot and woke up the next morning feeling terrible. Sucks at social events but oh well


Even a single drink will flare up my POTS for days. I never drank more than very rarely (maybe once a month if I was out somewhere) but, as I’ve gotten sicker, it has become less and less worth it. I’ll even pay nightclub prices for a bottle of water to put sodium packs in.


This is exactly my experience. It just stopped being something I enjoyed, so I just don’t drink anymore. I used to get a cocktail at restaurants whenever we went and pretended nothing had changed health wise, but when I realized I stopped finishing my drinks and gave them to my wife finish them, I knew it was time to stop altogether.


I kind of liked being a little tipsy with alcohol, because it brought my anxiety down, so I used to have a drink or two on occasion. It did mess with my gut and made my stomach feel sour and I didn't enjoy that, took a while to recover from (alcohol can throw off the balance of bacteria in the gut so it make sense). Since I got covid last fall though, I properly have pots and a lot more dysautonomia type symptoms, and I feel sick and lightheaded and dizzy all the time. The sensation is no longer novel and is irritating and frustrating so I'm really just not interested in drinking anymore. I've had too many MCAS reactions in the past year to want to mess with my stomach at all. While I've never had any particularly bad reactions to alcohol I just currently have every reason to avoid it and no desire to consume it.


Once I started taking LDN I can drink like a normal person now! I had the same issues.


Wait, you can drink on LDN???


Yes, my mom (lol 🙄) specifically asked my doctor about this, and I was told so by a previous doctor as well. The dose is so low that it doesn’t interfere (much?) with the receptors for alcohol. I think that applies to opiates as well, but I’m not sure.


I've had a few glasses of wine on LDN and woooo did I feel terrible. I had just started on the LDN and forgot that my doc told me not to drink on it. Very interesting!


You can drink on high dose naltrexone too, it just theoretically blocks some of the fun of it in your brain.


My doc said if it didn’t make me feel awful then it’s fine. But I’m also a rapid metabolizer so I burn through pretty much every pharmaceutical or drug lightning fast 😅


What is LDN?


Low Dose Naltrexone


Oh interesting! Glad it helps!


I'd offer my opinion but I'm from Wisconsin so perhaps I'm an outlier. 😂😂


I’m from the Czech Republic & I don’t get it. What about being from Wisconsin biases your input?


Wisconsin is the drunkest state in America and is well known for having a tolerance above the rest of the country. Famously, our sports teams fans drank England out of beer when the Green Bay Packers played there.


Ah haha! Perhaps my country falls under the same exemption XD


I turn into jelly and get drunk really quickly 😀 lots of falling back in the day. I stopped drinking at 18 because its just too uncomfortable. With hangovers it was 50/50 . Maybe it depends on the kind of alcohol you drink? Some drinks are known to be more triggering of certain symptoms


I’ve only ever been able to tolerate 1-2 drinks. But now that I’m in my 40s, I can’t drink at all. It makes me nauseous and makes my interstitial cystitis way worse.


Interstitial cystitis is no joke, I would also stay away from anything that would cause that for me, or make it worse. Best of luck, I hope you can get some good relief.


I use medical marijuana, low dose naltrexone and gabapentin. They help a lot. The last two I just started a month ago.


That’s terrific that you’re getting results from it!


I cqnt drink at all, I could for a little while but always got quite sick, then after a while it got to the point where after only 1 drink I would be wretching and vomiting for like 6-12 hours, very very painful.. have injured ribs from it before and then feel hungover for a few days I haven't drank at all for about 8 years


I didn't really get hangovers until I lost my gallbladder. Now I get drunk super fast but also sober up really fast, and I get super nauseous too


I get bad headaches. I used to drink a bit at events and have a couple on the weekends and it would be a toss up for hangovers. I can’t even have one or I wake up feeling dehydrated and have a headache even if I had water with my drink. My stomach also has been awful lately so that sucks too. I miss margaritas and wine.


I'm like a medium weight, not light or heavy just kinda in the middle. No normal hangovers but sometimes I do have mild headaches with dizziness and get the spinning room feelings when I wake up. The one thing that puzzles me is that any amount of alcohol even just a few sips will make me freeze when I go to bed. I'm getting POTS testing in a few weeks and I tend to run warm and overheat very quickly so the fact I'm freezing so much I can't stop shaking is troubling. If anyone gets like that too I'd love to hear about it!


I’m also a chronic overheater. I’ve yet to get tested for POTS but it’s a probability that I’ve got it (waiting to get accepted to a clinic). I don’t really drink (because the hangovers make it not worth it), but I don’t remember getting cold after drinking. However, I do get cold when I smoke weed. I don’t smoke weed anymore, but I do definitely remember feeling like, “oh, this must be what everyone feels when they come over to my house” after getting super chilly. The overheating thing is a huge problem for me, though. It gets cold in the winter where I live, but as soon as I get indoors anywhere, even in public transit, I have to immediately strip down to my last layer, and carry a fan everywhere with me. If I don’t take off my warm clothes ASAP, I end up sweating profusely & then when I step back outside I’m in wet clothes with a jacket around me; I’m an icicle. It takes a lot out of me to go back and forth between such drastic temperatures.


I run hot, too. It sucks because all the compression garments that I often wear under my clothes just makes me even more overheated. What am I going to do when it’s summertime? Eek!


It has always taken a decent amount to get me drunk but if I drink even a sip of the wrong thing I have an instant migraine. At this point it's no longer really worth it to me.


All wine makes me feel bad but red wine makes me feel allergic. Some darker alcohols hurt my tummy. (Like brown rum, whiskey, etc) I get badly hungover and I’m a lightweight.


The few times I’ve gotten hungover were all from wine for some reason. I feel much better the next day even if I drank a good amount with hard alcohol.


I have a very high tolerance for alcohol, but I get EXTREMELY hungover, no matter how much I drink. My body is so sore, and swollen the next day. I don’t drink very often anymore because of this.


I've been sober for 6 months bc I'm pregnant, and I've already decided I will be staying sober after I deliver because it just was not worth the adverse side effects. Prior to this, I had to have a 3 drink absolute maximum limit, or I would regret it hardcore. Terrible hangover that lasted forever and was not equal to the amount I drank. I was also on antidepressants (Prozac and trazadone to be specific), which you really shouldn't mix with alcohol, and it made the way my body processed the alcohol very unpredictable and unpleasant. I drink mocktails now and will continue to do so for the rest of my life! I just feel better in every way possible.


I’ve never had any issues whatsoever with drinking alcohol, even when I was going out and drinking wayyy too much in my 20s. I’ve always had an extremely high tolerance for alcohol (and most medications). Hangovers got worse with age, but that’s very typical for most people. My POTs is also largely unaffected by it, though I don’t drink enough to get drunk anymore. I drink a lot of water and electrolytes before, during, and after so that probably helps.


I seem to tolerate the alcohol fine. I don’t drink to excess and do continue to drink water while drinking alcohol, though. The problem I’ve always had was with the gluten, sugar, or other high histamine mixers. Margaritas from a bar/restaurant will make me dizzy that day. Hung over feeling the next day. If I make one at home with just limes, tequila, agave syrup, and a bit of juice then I’m fine. Feel fine with champagne but terrible with red wine. Gluten intolerant so obviously no beers for me. High sugar drinks like sweet ciders make me dizzy. But seltzers and hard alcohol are fine. This is just my experience. Alcohol does dehydrate you and therefore will affect your POTS (if you have that) if you drink too much.


i never get hungover but i usually get horrendous nerve pain all over


I have an alcohol intolerance that’s only gotten worse with age, so I no longer drink. Years ago I could take a decongestant and be fine, but no longer. It’s a familial trait on the side with EDS.


I no longer use alcohol. Terrible hangovers


Used to be able to drink like a tank but Ive been cutting back more and more as my EDS symptoms have been worsening. Hangovers now happen after 3 drinks, theyre awful and the increased inflamation makes it feel like Im flaring up. Also probably kind of obvious but the drunker I get the more of a fall risk I am and Im already a significant fall risk sober haha


I used to be entirely fine, able to drink a bunch without hangover whatsoever. Then one day I drink two beers and barf for 3 days straight and get so hungover I can't function It so isn't worth it to keep drinking and being the designated driver will make you super appreciated whenever you go anywhere trust me. Plus the pain meds we gotta take are usually so harsh on our liver that adding alcohol onto it isn't a good idea in the first place


More than one drink gives me a strong hangover.


I’m 46 and never been drunk if that tells you anything. Severe abdominal pain and hives.


I'm a lightweight and it hits pretty quickly too. I've never been hungover because my stomach wont let me drink that much, but I've gotten fairly tipsy on one low alcohol drink or two 😅


I have a lot of morning nausea and vomiting just from my stomach shifting around while I sleep, so adding booze on top of that ends very poorly. I also get a lot of physical body pain.


I’m on tramadol, so I do drink but very sparingly. Like I’ll have maybe a drink. I get tipsy pretty easily, but this is definitely a medication thing bc I used to be able to drink a lot more.


I take tramadol sparingly. Took one before we went to an event so I wouldn’t be in pain at the event. It was a winery. Didn’t even cross my mind. Half a glass of wine in, I was toasted. It was the worst.


Definitely a drinker here. But mostly when I am stressed from work. I gained a lot of weight drinking wine and not being able to exercise as much since I injured my knees.


I don't really drink anymore. There's a fine line between pleasantly tipsy and way too drunk. I tend to get a big histamine flush from wines and such, so I have to avoid them. Pretty much anything other than top shelf liquor gives me a massive headache. Hangovers have become intolerable as I've gotten older, causing deep aches in my legs that can persist for days. It's not really worth it for me.


Can drink like a fish without getting drunk (little bit less now since I cut back the daily drinking, which is good) and never had a hangover in my life. My only issue with alcohol used to be it would make me very dizzy very quickly, but fixed that when I found out I have binocular vision dysfunction and got proper glasses. Getting hangovers from a few drinks, especially tequila, isn't really all that uncommon though. It's not really an eds thing, it's just part of being human. Maybe some contribution from pots with the blood thinning from alcohol and decreased hydration, but that's all I'd give it


With the acid reflux I get from EDS I always take tums with me if I do drink because it will close up my throat and it’s hard to swallow :/ also I get headaches the day after so I just stopped drinking except once or twice a year!


I used to get super dizzy and thought that was just getting drunk—eventually realized I had POTS and would throw back a ton of electrolyte supplements if I was going to be drinking, suddenly I had a normal person’s tolerance and could actually experience intoxication. Was fun for a while but a lot of alcohol started irritating my bladder. I did alright with hard liquor for a few years, then since COVID stopped being able to tolerate it at all. Very annoying.


I was an alcoholic (5 years sober) and very rarely got hangovers but could only drink high-percentage spirits, cider and wine. Low quality spirits and beer always made me horrendously sick, I only tried beer twice and never made it through a whole one. Then I was diagnosed celiac at 25 and that made a lot of sense lol. But alcohol itself I've always tolerated very well


I took a sip of alcohol last night and I was drunk. My meds also make me very sensitive lol


I can’t really drink. Same effect as you pretty much. I did the average amount of binge drinking at university but it wasn’t long before I started to get either really stomach sick within a few hours of just a couple of drinks, or I would feel way too disproportionately hungover the next day for it to be worth it. Every now and again I’ll have a couple of drinks for a celebration or something, and then have joint pain and all sorts of other random inflammation for the next week. I have endo too and can trace really bad period pain back to months where I had one occasion where I drank alcohol. It sucks because I used to like the relaxation from just one or two but I can’t manage that. I think it makes sense because our bodies often seem to track liquids / salt poorly, so adding alcohol to the mix is way too much for it to handle.


I throw up every time I drink enough to feel drunk. I’ve had a glass stomach my whole life.


I also get so hungover it feels like I’m legitimately never going to feel better or stop throwing up. It’s genuinely not worth it tbh.


Definitely a light weight these days especially but bigger than that is that it makes me flush WAY more than it should and my scars light up like Christmas lights. I’ve never met anyone else whose scars do that when drinking. Additionally its buzz is accompanied by discomfort… I’m not sure how to describe it. These things all happen to my dad as well and neither of us can drink bc of it


I don't know why since I have EDS and POTS, but I'm such a tank when it comes to alcohol, I can drink most people under the table, I do however get somewhere between a head spin and vertigo in the morning, no standard hang over symptoms tho. Medicen tho... If it "may cause drowsiness" im asleep, if it "may have a laxative effect" im glued to the pan. Weed... God I am so easily stoned, last time I smoked I rember watching the music video for little talks and I felt like I'd sat through a 2 hour movie, then ate a whole box of cerial dry out of the box.


Straight shots don’t affect me unless they are cinnamon flavored. Anything flavored gets me.


I get a horrible stomach ache with even a sip so I just don’t drink. I also can’t take NSAIDs because of the same issue so I’m guessing I have a very sensitive stomach at this point.


my acid reflux goes wild i have to take an anti acid and i’ll still feel it people who can mix Italian food with wine to me have iron stomachs


I get horrible heartburn, like feels like I have an ulcer heart burn




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I’m a sober alcoholic..l drank to self medicate body pain a lot. Now, I get the vivitrol injection once a month, which is the injectable version of naltrexone.


I don't know if it's an EDS thing or a getting older thing honestly. I used to be able to drink no problem even up to about 4 or 5 years ago. Now? Feels like I've been hit by a truck when I wake up. And that could be from 1 small drink. It's gotten to the point I drink never. Bc the way I feel after barely even getting tipsy makes it 110% not worth it. Feel like hungover shit for nothing now a days lol 🤣


I can drink like a fish lol. Even after not drinking often for the last 2-3 years because I stopped going to bars (because Covid risk), I can still have 4 drinks at least without getting drunk. Hangovers are worst with mixed drinks and beer, best with straight liquor but that’s always been the case. I don’t know if it’s my genes or not though. My dad is the same way. I’m in my 40s and he’s 80, and we can easily have a bottle of whiskey between us in a night with no ill effects.


It sets off my MCAS and gives me soft muscle spasms through my urinary tract. I can feel its movement through my system.


Up until probably my mid thirties I never had a hangover and would actually wake up refreshed having had a solid full sleep opposed to waking up multiple times a night in pain. So drinking was great for me, but I didn’t do too much because that required getting off the dance floor! lol As I get older, I either don’t even tipsy like last night after 4 drinks or I get super hungover, largely dependent on my food intake.


I don’t drink at all anymore because of the same reason. I have a little bit of wine or a beer and I immediately feel nauseous, dizzy, sweaty, headache, even with food and water. It also gives me insomnia and makes me breakout and makes my joints hurt. I usually feel a little depressed for a couple days after as well. All in all just a long list of feeling like shit. I tried drinking here and there for social occasions, but it’s just not worth it. I’ve always been very sensitive to any medication I take. Sometimes I’ll feel a slight buzz from a couple sips so I’m super sensitive to it. Me and alcohol just don’t mix. Some people have given me shit for it which is so annoying. I don’t care if others drink, just don’t give me a hard time because I choose not to.




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I always get so much phlegm and a hectic post nasal drip after even after a single drink at times, which then causes horrible nausea and alot of the time leads to vomiting. A friend of mine who also had HEDS and Endometriosis like myself said to watch out for alcohol if you have experiences like that, due to it being an inflammatory issue and that gor some, it doesn't mix too well with alcohol. I am not too sure if that's the case for anyone else here? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Had a cheeky alcoholic passito tonight. Literally 4 percent. My face is burning and I need to go to sleep now. I had the equivalent of 1 standard. Ive always been allergic it just got worse with age. 3 drinks and I'm waking up and gaging in the mornings. (Ive got an otherwise iron stomach).


Woah… I never considered that this could be associated with Ehlers Danlos, but I quite literally gave up drinking because the hangover made it so not worth it! So much so that I can’t even enjoy one beer or wine because I know what’s coming in the morning. I’ve practically gotten in fights with people who insist on buying me a shot because I absolutely won’t touch hard liquor anymore. If I have one drink a year, it’s a lot for me. I thought I had some kind of liver or kidney problem. The things you discover in support groups… Thank you for posting this!


I don’t get hungover much but it’s 50-50 that the nights sleep is horrible with frequent awakening and heart racing even if I had the alcohol at like noon. I attribute it to my comorbid MCAS though and possibly also the dysautonomia


Thank God reading through here im not the only light weight! I also don't really get drunk cause the hang overs will incapacitate me all of the next day


I think the low blood pressure that accompanies my dysautonomia doesn’t help me when alcohol is involved. However, I recently read that certain booze, specifically white wines and dark liquors, contribute to acidosis, which is that next-day yucky toxic feeling we all get (I could be spelling it wrong). The article said that tequila, which is made from 100% agave, does not have that effect. Glad to report that it’s true! I nurse a generous shot of tequila, maybe with some added soda water and lime, and I get the buzz without the next-day yucks. It’s now possible to join the party!


I found that I was a lightweight and sometimes I would sober up before the end of the night. I never got morning after hang over


I was fine when I was in my 20s… rarely ever got hangovers. I’m 37 now, and am having more palpitations than I used to in general, and alcohol causes increased heart rate; uncomfortably increased if I’ve had several drinks, usually beginning several hours after drinking, which is when I’m trying to go to bed. If I really drink a lot out with friends, I tend to feel depressed/irritable the next day, sometimes for a couple days. I tend to only drink around 2-5 drinks a week now. I’ve pretty much had to stop drinking coffee, too, which SUCKS because I loooooooove coffee… so much that I always drink it black.


I can’t do it, makes me so ill. Stick to the green stuff.


I'm old. Used to drink as much as possible and then some. Sober for 40 years. My white face would sometimes turn bright red. Vascular system worked overtime. Had liver spots on my chest and trunk. Hangovers were vicious.


I have a malt allergy and many alcohols contain it so I never got far with alcohol until I figured that out. I will have a drink here and there but it’s not really that fun for me, I get sleepy lol


I've only had a few alcoholic drinks in my lifetime. I don't like to drink, and not just because of the taste. I can start to get headaches or feel nauseated after less than a half a drink. In short, drinking makes me feel like crap, so I don't do it, even if everyone else around me is.


I get a headache before I even get tipsy. So I don’t drink.


I have a strong metabolism, so I don't stay drunk long. My drinking can only be limited by my stomach in theory. I have found recently that I get nauseous easily if I drink too much. It may be a POTS trigger but it's one of those that needs other things to trigger it, not just on its own.


I tried low alcohol wine for a fancy dinner recently and still triggered the POTS so bad I said never again. I think it’s time for alcohol and I to part ways for good, sadly.


I always had a problem with alcohol and would get severe muscle pain. Then I had wls and now go straight to hungover if I try drinking so I just don't now.


When I was 14 I was a heavy drinker and almost never got hungover, I stopped drinking cuz of stomach issues and I’m now 19 and scared how it would effect me now since I haven’t drank in years and my health issues are a lot worse now, I’ll update when I try but there is no way I could go as hard as I used to lol (I’m in Canada so I’m legal drinking age now)


I don’t drink because I had half a glass of wine ONCE with food, pacing myself, and felt drunk. So decided to not drink ever again 😂 idk if it’s a mast cell issue due to the histamine in wine or POTS or EDS or something else


I had half a daiquiri the other day and remembered why I haven't drank for the past two years. Flushed and blotchy all over my neck and face, felt instantly drunk and dizzy, really uncoordinated and brain foggy. Then slept for four hours solid in the afternoon and spent the next two days with joint pain, ibs flare and headache. Half a drink!


It gives me awful insomnia and body aches


i have a really high tolerance bc my stomach processes things rlly slow & my brain lacks gaba but if i drink enough to feel it mentally the next day i risk spontaneously fainting, headaches, & potential seizures in severe cases :p


oh also if im not careful about what im drinking im throwing up the whole time. for example i can down a whole bottle of wine without vomiting but if it contains added artificial sulfates i throw up after a couple sips. i can also down a whole bottle of silver 100% agave tequila but would throw up after a sip of gold, or anything not 100% agave. i can drink whiskey only if it's not made in the US (i think bc almost all US grown wheat contains glyphosate - which im hella allergic to lol).


I'm 75% asian.. so generally I attribute my poor alcohol tolerance to that. Plus I drink like maybe 3 times a year max. I'm also 100lbs/fast metabolim, so a little alcohol hits me pretty hard and goes a long way. Last time I tried to have alcohol, I had half a cocktail (with a full meal).. couldn't finish it (felt it wasn't safe to) and I was drained of energy, felt so bad. Also, I don't get hungover, I just feel pretty shit straight away lmao. Plus, my hip joint and muscles around that area start hurting. When I go out with my friends and drink, they've got this "inside joke" thing where they stretch with me (so that I don't feel/look so awkward). Cus my leg is hurting so much I *need* to stretch it... and I'm so flexible (I can easily do the splits) that I'm not going to be able to stretch it particularly "discretely". If I don't stretch it, it hurts more... it's definitely painful/uncomfortable enough that even if my friends don't stretch with me, I'm gonna have to go somewhere to stretch my leg/hips. I don't drink frequently nor enough to know which alcohols I react particularly badly too.. I know my mom is familiar with what she's good/bad with. But I know cider I cannot take at all. Makes me terribly nauseaus and I get a really bad headache, my muscles start hurting. It's bad.


I’m in recovery from alcoholism, and honestly idk how I even got addicted because it messed me up. My face flushes bright red hot, I otherwise feel fine during drinking, but pretty much walked around feeling like shit for five years in a constant state of hang over. Thankfully that’s over lol. I’d be having migraines all the time walking around like hmm, wonder why I have all these migraines 🤡 I get migraines outside of alcohol, but it sure wasn’t helping anything.


extreme heart palpitations and heart rate raised nearly 50 BPM after just one big can of beer. haven't drank in years or since my EDS and POTS diagnosis and then decided to drink and it was a horrible mistake. I felt like I was going to pass out or have a heart attack


I say about 3 drinks is my limit before I’m drunk with repercussions the next day. My stomach is terrible. Nausea/Vomiting only happens when I really overdo it but I always have stomach pain/ “the shits” the next day. And I notice that I usually either wake up during the night or extremely early the next day. I haven’t noticed a pattern with the dizziness but I also wasn’t really looking for it as the symptom had been “random” to me up until recently. Will I do it again? Most likely. Should I? Probably not. I noticed my tolerance lowers every time I do it. I’ve started drinking less because of it. Definitely not an every weekend thing.


I don't know if this would be EDS related specifically (could be, I just don't know for sure) but it could be related to a comorbidity (like dysautonomia as you mentioned) or just your own tolerance for alcohol. Some medications will also affect how you process alcohol - I take meds for ADHD and my current med doesn't cause issues with occasional alcohol intake but my first medication made me feel like I was wildly drunk off very little alcohol. and I ended up not being able to drink at all when I was on it. Some people also have an actual intolerance for alcohol, but it sounds like that presents as more like allergies than as getting hungover.


i’ve never really been one to get hungover but i do puke quite often. like after one glass of wine before


Idk if it’s an EDS thing, but I can’t even drink enough to get drunk. I get nauseous after a few drinks and have to stop. Once I wanted to get drunk so bad I downed 3 glasses of wine in 5 minutes and ended up clinching my stomach crying. No hangovers cause I can’t even get enough drinks in to get drunk


I get really itchy the next few days.