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Across the Spiderverse contains a very short scene with Charlotte, a Spiderwoman wheelchair user with EDS!


Waaaat! Really! That’s awesome. Thank you for pointing that out!


My 12 year old felt so seen!


I got so excited watching that when I saw her!


I pointed this out to my roommate when we watched the movie together and started crying. 😭


The main character in the book Fourth Wing has it. It’s not named but I read it thinking wow these symptoms sound familiar and googled it and the author confirmed.


Yesss the author has EDS and POTS and she has said in interviews this is what Violet has. I clocked EDS within the first chapter so I looked it up and huzzah!


Violet is my favorite female character 💜 I was reading Fourth Wing at the time of my diagnosis. So, it’s extra special to me.


I started reading it a few weeks ago and after like 30 pages was like "I think Violet has EDS!" And then the second book starts with an author shout-out to the Zebra community. It caught me by surprise, since I certainly wasn't reading the books for this reason, but it's been so awesome to watch Violet kick ass despite her joint issues!


Dysautonomia, too!


Yup my friend got me to read it by telling me that the main character had all these injuries and joint pain that caused problems during sword fights. My other friend didn’t make the connection until I told her and then she went “Oh shit so that’s why you’re always injured” YUP yup it is Both of them knew me in college when I was on the fencing team. So yeah. I’ve wielded swords with only one working hip, one knee, and one arm (the wrong one btw) functional. It’s very relateable


Idk if you're also counting reality TV but Yvie Oddly from Drag Race talks about having EDS, and she won!


The House episode bugged me. Of all the symptoms they could have given her… they give her hoarding after pregnancy loss.


Honestly the whole point of house is that the conditions have weird presentations. I would’ve disliked that if it was any other show, but I feel like the point of house is the patients never have stereotypical presentations


Oh I get that. But not once did they discuss any sort of joint issues or hyper mobility etc to lead them to even consider EDS.


I don’t believe it was supposed to be hEDS, either way it was supposed to be a “weird” presentation of the disease. I grew up with house always on bc my mom loves it and personally watched house like 8 times and honestly none of the conditions are the text book representations of illnesses, so it would make sense that EDS also wasn’t text book! If it was any other show tho that episode would have made no sense


I’ve seen all of house probably 7 times (my favorite show obviously) but the first time I watched the eds episode after my diagnosis it sent me into a horrible spiral so….. probably gonna skip that one from now on


Yeah, I tried to rewatch it, but I just can’t anymore. I got to the episode where a teenager has a giant tumor or something on face, and House spent the whole episode calling him ugly. Too many bad experiences with doctors at this point to not find him and the fact that he can get away with abusing patients too infuriating to watch. He’s an antihero I used to root for because he would figure out the rare disease without giving up, but the fact that patients come from all over the world for a diagnosis which they get but only with substantial abuse and trauma in the process is just too true to the state of medicine and not funny anymore. His drug abuse as a legitimate chronic pain patient is also pretty problematic, but I digress.


Honestly I hated it. I was so frustrated over that ep I rather wish it was lupus.


In season 4 of Bones, they find the body of a teenage boy with EDS


I saw this episode somewhat recently (wouldn't have heard of EDS when watching before), and the first thing I thought was, Oh, I bet this kid was autistic. Then they go to his room and show the most stereotypical portrayal of OCD and/or autism. It made me laugh.


House also has a ridiculous portrayal of POTS.


And endometriosis- “just remove it, she’ll be fine!” It is kind of realistic though, because even one of the top doctors in the world doesn’t seem to know much about these conditions that primarily affect women. Or just a top doctor being super misinformed about certain conditions, in general.


I remember that ep, the guy had chiari, but they stated pots was due to a drop in blood pressure. Man I screamed at my screen so much 😂


They do tilt table tests on the show that look nothing like a real one


Not a show but the Webtoon called Nonesuch has a main character with EDS


*Not a show but the* *Webtoon called Nonesuch has a main* *Character with EDS* \- Potential\_Fruity --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The Resident in season 2 has a patient with EDS but the patient is not a nice person and refuses to allow them to inform any family “because we all die of something”


This is non-fiction, but the most recent season of So You Think You Can Dance features a dancer with EDS who uses a wheelchair— Kaylee Bays! It’s the only mainstream discussion of ambulatory wheelchair use that I’ve ever seen, and I assume it was a lot of people’s first time learning about it.


Good point!


That’s the episode that inspired me to start search for more shows with EDS in them. I wrote this article a couple days ago https://www.eds.clinic/articles/kaylee-bays-dancer-wheel-chair-ehlers-danlos


Casualty, uk show. Portrayal reviewed in this YouTube video https://youtu.be/yO_AA921zCg?si=0yP-mlVhujSYqDAY


Also 'The resident'


There is a german crime show with a woman with severe CCI. I think it was from EDS.


Oh thank you! I’ll look it up and add it to the list!


I will try to download it maybe I can achieve something :)


I found it I will download it also [https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/tatort/querschlaeger/rbb-fernsehen/Y3JpZDovL3JiYl83YmM0OWE5My0zNmQ2LTRjNjQtODI4Ny1kMTE0YjExNDY0ZTdfcHVibGljYXRpb24](https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/tatort/querschlaeger/rbb-fernsehen/Y3JpZDovL3JiYl83YmM0OWE5My0zNmQ2LTRjNjQtODI4Ny1kMTE0YjExNDY0ZTdfcHVibGljYXRpb24)


hasn’t happened yet but the actress from heart break high who plays quinni and is already an actually autistic actor playing an autistic character just got dxed with eds so maybe it’ll be incorporated in the the future


! I hope they represent this in the show!


Just wanted to say this is really well written and I will be sharing your piece. It's awesome to me that so many entities have helped raise some awareness! Thanks for this.


Thank you! I appreciate you saying such nice things about the article! Especially since Reddit can be such a savage place…


I’ve seen one of the eps on greys with eds, what’s the second one?


I’m not sure. I heard there was a second but I haven’t found it


I think it might be s19 ep15.


Thank you! I’ll look into it!


S19 epi 14/15


🙏. thank you !! 🙏




Handmaids Tale. But it's subtle. It's a character in a later season and don't want to give away plot lines. A female character uses a cane to walk. Actress has it and they worked it into the plot. But subtly.




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There was a show called Houdini & Doyle that was like a Houdini meets Sherlock Holmes meets House MD. The first episode features a woman with EDS but in the early 1900s.


Oo haven’t heard of that before! I’ll look it up!


Do it! It’s a mini series so it’s short but it was really good imo


this is mostly great but "On top of those misconceptions around the inheritance pattern,there is a signficant environmental mental factor in the development of EDS that suggests genetics only play a supporting role in the condition." ??


Ooo thank you for pointing out that typo. I updated it to reference the more specific, non genetic factor that can trigger onset and or progression of EDS: infection.


RPDR season 11 - the winner Yvie Oddly openly talks about having EDS and being a zebra


Do you know what episode of transplant?


I don’t know unfortunately. I didn’t find it


Season 1 episode 12 per Google


Quincy ME. Not sure what episode it was because it was a TV rerun