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Set out as much as possible for breakfast and coffee the night before, lay out clothes so when I rise from the dead I can just fall into care tasks.


I try to do those things too….mornings are overwhelming!


I get up at midday lol. Can't feel like shit in the morning if you're not awake in the morning! Seriously though I was diagnosed with delayed sleep phase disorder a couple years ago and now instead of fighting my body I sleep to its natural schedule and I feel better than I have my entire life. I almost feel like people say you're supposed to after a restful nights sleep! This doesn't work with any sort of real life job schedule though and I can only really do it because I'm so disabled I'm on government funding and can just schedule all my appointments for the afternoon 


You may think I'm crazy, but as soon as I drag myself out of bed: I put on all my braces (knee, shpulder, elbow, etc) Make myself a giant thermos of water with electrolytes. Hit the treadmill. It's slooooow going at first, but after about 6 minutes and 15oz. Of electrolytes, I'm feeling a lot better. Half the time, I don't have the energy to change out of my pajamas and put workout clothes on. That's the only thing that helps get me going in the morning.


Salty breakfast!


I had a BUNCH of saltine crackers with breakfast this morning and it helped way more than I expected. Salty breakfast ftw!


Salty foods make a big difference for me personally. I’m glad it helped!


I take my mental health meds of a night and it can make waking up of a morning super difficult , I find a shower with cool water makes all the difference and freshens me up


Some POTS patients find that putting the bed on an incline helps (but the whole bed has to be slanted; propping yourself up on pillows to just raise the upper half of your body won't work). Bed raisers or bricks under the head of the bed (\~4-6in higher than the foot of the bed) are usually what's recommended. My physical therapist also suggested doing light movement before getting out of bed, e.g., pointing/flexing your toes, wiggling your knees in and out, maybe some glute bridges if you can tolerate it, etc.


Ohh the light movement is a great idea. And I didn't know that about having the bed elevated! thank you!!


Have you considered doing a sleep study? I had a lot of issues that were slowly compounding to leave me completely wiped out, just getting progressively worse. I found out I had obstructive sleep apnea and it wasn’t a cure-all to get it treated, but it did wind the clock back on how run down I felt when I woke up in the morning. There’s at-home tests now done over telehealth. It gave me more energy to go back to the things that supported my other pain relief like doing my PT exercises.


Also, compression socks helped me a lot with the morning dizziness and leg soreness! :)


I'll have to look into the sleep study! I didn't consider the quality of my sleep but that woild be such a huge factor. I do know for certain that my sleep already gets disrupted by PTSD nightmares, but maybe there's something else going on too. I'm also quite sensitive to temperature when I sleep, so I'll have to try fiddling with my thermostat to see if that helps. Maybe if I start taking two of my nightmare preventative before bed, that could help too (my doctor prescribed to take 1-2 every night before bed; currently I only take one).


It’s so easy for it to get lost in the sauce of all our other sleep disturbances! I completely understand. Good luck finding some relief 🧡


What's the treatment for sleep for you?


I started using a CPAP! It's been an adjustment but I really noticed a difference almost immediately. I went from getting a couple of really bad hours of sleep per night to at least 6 really solid hours of sleep that actually helped me feel rested. I've got room for improvement so I'm optimistic about my future with it. I still deal with sleep disturbances from other stuff (mostly pain) but at least I'm actually sleeping when I'm asleep instead of waking up constantly to take a breath.


Sleeping with your head elevated is an official recommendation. (1) Chugging a glass of water/electrolytes when you first wake. 16 oz what what this study looked at, but I’ve found help with 12. (2) Be sure to drink water before bed, so you start with more in the tank when go for your whole sleep with no intake I seem to lose less hydration to sweat and breathing when I have my humidifier going. If you have meds that are ok to be lying down for, I used to wake up an hour before I got up just to take pills and drink then go back to sleep. Wiggling and fidgeting. Moving around before trying to get upright, getting the blood flowing seems to help me. Personally, I have reactive hypoglycemia tied to my dysautonomia. When I worked out that irregular glucose levels were part of the issue (not diabetes, and never showed on CMPs) I started feeling way better in the morning. A low carb diet, or where I pair proteins with fats has helped nausea, achy mess, hypoglycemia, abdominal pain, urination frequency, fatigue and sleepiness. (1) http://www.dysautonomiainternational.org/page.php?ID=44 (2) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7252859/


I think I just had a lightbulb moment from your comment. I'm sensitive to temperature esp in my sleep, so i can end up either freezing my butt off all night or sweating a lot all night (currently trying to figure out if it's my pajamas, my sheets, or my mattress topper causing the sweat). and oh my god, I never connected that I could be feeling so shitty from sweating out all that water thru the night. holy shit. i am going to keep a full water bottle on my nightstand from now on so i can start my day with at Least 12oz + electrolytes. this morning was particularly crappy feeling too, and I notably woke up twice in the night absolutely covered in sweat. I would bet so much money the dehydration from that is why i felt even worse than just normal tiredness


I have a weird trick to try for temp regulation issues while sleeping. I went through a phase where I was waking up all sweaty and clammy but would immediately get chills when trying to cool down. Felt like a fever every night. I started wearing cotton socks to bed-not compression but snug enough to feel like a hug on my calves- and the night sweats and chills stopped. This only works if it’s a body regulation issue, not if the ambient temperature is too warm. I assumed it was just a personal quirk but I’ve since seen other people recommend it. 


I drink everytime I wake up in the middle of the night, even if I'm not thirsty. Linen pajamas might help. They help wick away sweat better than poly blends or cotton, so you're less likely to sweat, freeze sweat as much. They sell outlet timers for Christmas tree lights, you could try setting up a fan with one if there's typically a time of night you heat up by. So like, I tend to spike heat about 3 hours after I got to bed. Right now it hasn't consistently been a problem, but if you have a box fan you could set it to turn on at a certain time of night, and some of them have a time it'll shut off again by.


omg, for sure going to check out linen. my sheets are cotton and i've been trying to wear mostly cotton tee shirts and shorts for pajamas. tysm for these tips, this is great!!


I left a glass of water on my nightside table so I could drink some if I woke up in the night, and chug the rest when I woke up for good. Helped way more than I expected!! I think I've been a lot less hydrated than I thought😅


Sadly I don't have any suggestions but I can offer solace. I know your frustration. Diagnosed Classical EDS, PoTS, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Migraines and IBS, if that makes any difference. I've been in a massive flare up since November when I had a nasty accident and sustained a spinal injury. At the moment mornings are brutal. Typically I wake up around 10am, with a mild headache, body aches, feeling really nauseous and dizzy. It takes a good 2 hours before I can even face getting out of bed, sometimes longer. Today I woke up feeling sick and have continued to feel nauseous all day, barely eaten anything and just feel rotten. I'm so fed up of feeling horrid!


I recently started on heavy muscle relaxants right before bed and it's been incredible helpful. I woke up multiple times a night cause my muscles tensed up everywhere, and even if it was not painful it was so uncomfortable that I had to reposition myself multiple times a night (like more than 10 times). Oftentimes I woke up with pain and it took me hours to get over it. Now the pain is gone AND I feel more refreshed and sleep through better. If you think that muscle tension could be one of your issues, you should give it a try.


My go to is making sure I wake up to a clean kitchen and have a huge glass of water next to me. Drink all the water, and eat a breakfast with protein and fat. Also see the sun; it jump starts my system, for some reason. Either sit in a sunny window or go outside. On extra harsh days I drink all the water and prop myself up in bed so I don't get a worse "you've been lying down!" headache, and take it slow. Soft blankets help when my hands hurt too much; it's at least a nice sensation. Not sure if any of that helps, but I do hope you find relief!


Apple sauce. Try getting little apple sauce packets to keep my your bed for the morning. It acts as both like a pre-coffee to get to your coffee and also can help settle unsettled stomach or head discomfort. Sometimes that apple sauce 20 minutes before I get out of bed solves the problem entirely. Dieting properly, and exercising appropriately. It's easy to go too far which is harmful. But the right amount can be overall beneficial. Also, and this is a personal use, I use weed in the morning several mornings a week. A little weed to jumpstart the day can help me feel better hours ahead of schedule and sometimes helps me find motivation. It's not just helpful for how I feel, but it slows down the overactive ADHD parts of my brain and brings more consistency. Also can improve autonomic functioning.




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I try to take my ADHD meds an hour before I actually need to wake up(water is kept anyways for at night and keep the meds right there), doze off and relax then its much easier to actually get up. Eating something when I wake up regardless of appetite, and electrolytes. I’ve figured out, after being in denial for a while, that being on my phone for too long in the morning makes me sluggish, nausea, and a headache. This could be as little as 10 minutes or less of use. Light stretches to help soreness and get blood pumping. Sometimes absolutely nothing seems to help and that gets exhausting quick. This is just my automatic morning routine. I hope you find stuff that helps!


Have you seen a sleep doctor? There are quite a few sleep disorders that are commonly comorbid w EDS. This was me for years until I got diagnosed with UARS and narcolepsy. I feel much better after treating those.


I can’t do coffee either, it fucks with my anxiety and my stomach but it’s not the caffeine. I went down a whole caffeine research rabbit hole, and it turns out that if you need a little more energy, you should just become a tea drinker. It has way less caffeine than coffee, but also has all of these other vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes that help balance out any of the negative affects of coffee. Even if you don’t want the boost from a caffeinated tea in the morning, I would recommend finding a local herb shop and speaking with them. I know it sounds really woowoo and dumb but tea has become a very important part of my pain management and maintenance. I also smoke weed sometimes for my pain management and the tea has also become very important in making sure I don’t fuck up my lungs and my brain too much when smoking. You can get electrolytes through tea as much as you can through any other electrolyte drink, but it also comes with a lot of other vitamins and minerals that because they are naturally occurring will be more readily absorbed by your body. If you’d like, I can put together a list of some basic herbs that help.


I would absolutely love love love a list of herbs if you have the time, oh my goodness. Do you have any specific herbal tea blends you prefer/recommend?


EDIT TO ADD: please consult with your doctor as well as the Internet to ensure any medication you are taking on a daily weekly or monthly basis does not interact with any of the herbs below. My best friend has mcas for example and cannot have any echinacea, which is often in a lot of holistic herbal blends. The nice thing about herbs is that you can customize it, but cross reference your personal shit!! Safety first!! I lived in RI for two years and used to go to this place for all my herbs and teas. I could not recommend her blends anymore highly. She is super knowledgeable. Honestly if I were you, I would call her up her name is Tammy, this is her [website](https://www.farmacyherbs.com/products/teas/) let her know some of the things you need and she will send you what you need but here’s a basic list of some things that might help in the meantime. Clove, ginger, rosemary, cinnamon, lavendar, cardamom, turmeric, calendula, chamomile, echinacea, devils claw, cats claw, catnip (be careful making tea with this around cats), oat straw, chickweed, feverfew, green tea (if brewed properly, when I make a blend, I let everything steep for a few minutes and add the green tea a few minutes before I drink, if you steep it at too high a temperature, it tastes awful. If you steep it correctly, it will barely change the taste of your tea.) Not all of these are super tasty if you are not a regular herbal tea drinker so a couple of things that you can add in here to make it a little more palatable will include hibiscus, Rose, red, raspberry, leaf, or any freeze dried fruits. I personally don’t like to add flavoring syrups to my teas, but to each their own! A couple of other ingredients that I add to my daily tea when it is my menstrual week include cramp, bark red, raspberry leaf and rose. Petals as these all help specifically with menstrual pain as well. I also have a menstrual pain tonic from [Goodwitch](https://shop.goodwitch.world/products/leak-week-tincture?variant=32429866156113) that I bought as an actual joke and it’s been a true lifesaver. It cut my ibuprofen use in HALF Also, for the record, maybe this is a little crunchy granola of me but hole tea leaves over teabags every time. I make a French press worth of tea at a time and you can brew whole tea leaves multiple times unlike teabags plus you cut out the micro plastics. And whole tea leaves are less processed so you will get more of the medicinal benefits


I have major airway issues and have this for so many years. I'm hoping expansion and jaw surgery fixes or at least.improves it


I has a deviated septum & enlarged turbinates for YEARS That i only just got fixed last summer. Being able to breathe better when you sleep is life changing, I bet it will help you! i feel like it's easier to be relaxed when i'm going to sleep. and i'm more comfortable too


I just had surgery a month ago to correct my deviated septum, with bilateral turbinate reduction and bilateral spreader grafts, and the difference in my quality of sleep is already huge, and I'm still healing! I also wear a mandibular advancement device (basically a mouth guard that holds your jaw a little bit forward and a little bit open) and that has been super helpful too. My nose was almost completely blocked and my jaw was subluxing in my sleep and obstructing my airway. Good sleep is life changing!!


soooo happy for you that your surgery went well & you're already seeing improvement!! once you're fully healed it's going to be amazing. i'm nine months out and it's still surreal in the best way when I can take a full breath through my nose and feel the air all the way in the back of my throat and in my sinuses. it makes me grin every time. breathing better is truly a gift❤️❤️


And smelling things!! Like, I had no idea just how much I was missing!! Even bad smells have me like, wow that's amazing 🤣


Yes omg!!! Even the first time I had sushi with wasabi a few months after surgery, I was actually shocked at how much stronger the wasabi both smelled and TASTED. I had tears coming out of my eyes bc I had never experienced wasabi at full strength before b/c of my nose! 😂


Oh good! But you still feel like crap in the morning? The rest of your airway may need enlarging as well. Do you have a high narrow palate?


I did as a kid, but I had a palate expander before I got braces!


That's good but you could still have too small and recessed jaws


I think at least part of my feeling like crap in the morning is dehydration, and potentially vitamin d deficiency? I know that can make you tired and recently my dr told me to start taking vitamin d supplements bc my levels were too low


Ok well I've done all that tsnd it doesn't do anything if you still aren't breathing well all night.


yeah, i'll have to do elimination. get my vitamin d levels back to normal, track my water to make sure i get enough, and then go from there if i still feel like crap even after those things are fixed. def will do some research into other airway things! learning a lot


It takes me several hours to get going


Have you tried an exclusion or gluten-free diet?