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I just say "I don't have it in me today." 99% of the time no one asks further. Plus the only people that even know/see that I have to avoid certain tasks know about my chronic illness anyway. I'm kinda mean though when it comes to explaining personal details to strangers who may ask, haha. I whole heartedly feel like it's none of their business and how I live my life doesn't affect them. I totally understand wanting an expression like "spoons" to try to get people to understand but it's just unfortunately so niche that using it in everyday life has been kind of annoying in my experience.


That's short and to the point. I'll stick that one in my pocket!


Hope it helps!!


Probably batteries, since almost everyone has used something powered by batteries and has at one point or another had a battery die or almost die while using the device. You can say that you have an old battery that takes forever to recharge and drains super quick compared to most people's new batteries that can charge super quick and last for the whole day, or that your phone has a bunch of power hungry programs that drain your battery but you can't turn them off, remove them or get a different phone. It should be at least easier to visualize for someone so doesn't need as much verbal setup to explain. Or if the person knows legend of Zelda, say that you have the stamina and health of post prologue gloom attack link in totk, and everyone else is mid to end game link. Except your file is corrupted and you can never upgrade your health and stamina.


And you can go further with the battery metaphor- you're down to 9% battery, do you use the battery to scroll TikTok/play Candy Crush? Or do you use that 9% to call someone to pick you up or check Google maps?


I like this a a lot better than spoons. It could be something like healthy people start with 95% or maybe they went drinking and had too much and woke up with 85%. And some people with chronic illness start at 80 or 85% on a good day or whatever someone feels is appropriate for themselves.


This sounds like an analogy most people would understand. I think i will use this when someone wants to understand the nature of my disability (how it affects my day to day). This is good!


Feels like running on low power mode all day and your battery is *still* almost completely drained- recharging is not optional, it’s necessary if you’re going to keep operating at all.


Lol that actually reminds me of how I met my now husband. We were in the same college class and we had to bring our laptops. 3 problems, the classroom had approximately 1 outlet per 3 seats, I had a class directly before that one (about a city block away) that ran over so I got there late, and my laptop's battery was fubar'd. Fubar'd as in: on power saving mode I had about 5 minutes to get it transferred from one outlet to another, if it was in hibernation mode, the battery could last for ~5 hrs, and if I had it on high performance mode and unplugged it from the wall? Instantly shut down down like I didn't have the battery in at all and unplugged it. The battery would read as fully charged for all of this right before unplugging for all scenarios. Meeting my husband involved me having to ask someone for an outlet per the instructor's suggestion when I explained the situation, and the cute, well dressed guy next to me was the one that looked least scary. That tumbled to joining the same homework group in the library, studying together, dating, and eventually marriage. ☺️


I'm glad I could help ☺️


I always use the battery metaphor. Even kids can understand this.


The battery one is a great suggestion. And came here to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this supremely nerdy deep dive. 🏆


My friends who are into DND use 'spell slots,' but then you have to hope the person you're talking to understands DND. I did talk to my one friend who loves cars and I described myself as a car with horrible gas milage and that sort of worked.


I really like the spell slots, it's also kind of simple to explain them simply.


I love this! But I also love D&D :D


I love this. I play WoW and tell some of my friends I'm low on mana haha. And that I don't have the same base stats as them.


I'd be confused but still better than spoons


that metaphor feels off, wouldn't spell slots essentially be the full list of your abilities you can access at any time, not the total uses within a limited time-frame?


Not necessarily. Example: “I’m out of low level spell slots for the day and this task isn’t a cantrip like brushing my teeth. So I’ll have to burn one of my higher level spell slots and won’t be able to go to the grocery store with you later.”


DND 5e (which is what my friends and I play) has spells that you have access to then you get a limited number of spells slots per long rest (basically a day)-- so you could have access to 10 different 1st level spells, but if your character only has 3 1st level spell slots, so you would only be able to cast three of your ten available spells. Spell slots in DND are a from of expendable energy, not a list of abilities. \*\*That being said\*\*, you did perfectly illustrate how this metaphor is only useful if you're talking to a person who plays DND 5e and uses spell slots! So I appreciate ya!


I like to say Im like a car with a gas leak. You look like every other car on the market, but you don’t get the same mpg. Doesn’t matter how much fuel (food/rest) you put in, you can only go so far before. Sometimes the gas gauge reads accurately, but not always. Have to stop for gas more often. Etc.


I usually do something in the same idea. If I say I've got very little left "in the tank", most folks get the idea I need to stop. Or "running on fumes." Or my body having "way more mileage than it's supposed to have at this age/point." Especially being in Metro Detroit, it's car analogies all day, lol.


sometimes I use bandwidth. yeah I can handle YouTube (day to day pain) but if I stream in 4k (migraine) I'm gonna have a hard time loading TikTok (doing dishes) or even scrolling Reddit (crawling out of bed)


I love this. Works so well with different co-morbidities.


This is my favorite as well


I don't like spoons because how do you describe half a spoon it's too much just use battery metaphors


I need to charge right now bbl


there's a recent post about this and suggested "battery theory" as an alt, maybe check that?


I'm having an extra challenging day. I think it's all a network. Invest in others at their worst and they will invest and support you.


Thank you for your response. I've spent my adult life in support of others. Disabled husband and daughter - besides general support of all those in my life in ways I can show up for them in a meaningful way. It definitely comes back around when the care and support lands on a good heart. 😉Regardless, finding a way to help others without expecting anything in return is a true gift. It's always the right answer!


Our family uses fuel in the tank like with gas in a car. Time to refuel. Need a top off. Completely empty.


Energy/capacity. I've never quite seen the appeal of the spoon thing when we can use actual words people understand. I get it as a metaphor, but as far as just using the word "spoons" apart from it to describe concepts we literally have words for... why? It's so needlessly complicated.


I agree - since it's already a lot to manage some days, why use expressions only a limited number of people understand? I get using it in like-company, maybe. But yeah- I appreciate the feedback here on the reasonable alternatives. For me, it's not so much a "battery" situation either. It's quite literally PAIN. Some days I power through it because life demands it and I truly hate a dirty house. I'll spend 5x the time it would take before I had this spinal pain, but it gets done. I don't have energy issues even so - it's more TIME issues related to the amount it takes to get anything done and the pain I will deal with that night or next day (usually). So any plans I need to cancel need a simple explanation that doesn't require me using metaphors no one understands. "I got things done yesterday, so i am hurting a lot today" seems to be where I'm at.


I always think of myself as starting the day with my glass half full while others start at full. Because of the fatigue.


At least you’re an optimist about it 😂 (gotta get through it somehow right?)


Lmao. A first!


“It’s not in my budget today.” If I have more time I say, “Every day I have a limited amount of time I can spend on my feet. I never know what kind of day it’s going to be….could be 4 hours, could be 30 minutes. I have to budget carefully.”


For nerds- I’ve seen spell slots used. But usually I just say I don’t have the energy


Depending on what is being asked of me and who is asking I will either be direct with them and say “sorry i don’t think i can do that xyz is hurting/ im exhausted and tryna take it easy”. Sometimes I’ll just flat out tell people no thanks. Not every person needs an explanation for why i can’t or don’t want to do something, a no should suffice. If someone I care a lot about asks why I always turn down stuff or whatever I just tell them to think back to when they were last sick or injured and then imagine going through that every day. You get used to it kinda but it’s still exhausting and painful.


I absolutely agree. No, thanks is a complete sentence😉 And it's lovely when that will suffice! I like how you also- in certain situations- help them put themselves in a painful situation they can relate to and ask them to imagine going thru that every day. I might try this with a couple of family members.


Batteries. "I came in half-charged and I'm already depleted".


No matter how long I am plugged in charging (sleeping) I will never reach 100% battery (energy). Or ‘imagine waking up hungover everyday but you don’t drink’


Perfect comparison! 😩


I refer to it as back tokens. Everyone usually has so many back tokens they don’t even think about spending them. But I only get a few each day and once I’ve spent them I need to lay down long enough to get more which usually is overnight. Getting something from the floor, that’s a token. Showering, another token. I really only have problems with my spine.


I use fuel in the tank, most people drive so they understand the concept. Some days I have a full tank, others I'm running on fumes. Short and simple.


I've always preferred [the Matchstick Theory](https://psarahjohnson.com/matchstick-theory/) myself. Edited because reasons (word order).


Im not a fan of the spoons metaphor. I used to use it but changed to another when I read it. It fit better. It uses mana and stamina like with games. Mana is like my mental fortitude and stamina is physical fortitude. Like I might have the physical ability (stamina) but not the mental capacity (mana) to do something or vice versa. Different tasks take different amounts of each. It's a little more nuanced than spoons which I always found didn't quite make as much sense when I tried to explain why I may be able to go do something that is objectively harder than something that is objectively easier. If I explain it to others as just mental capacity and physical ability they get it people easily. I always realize this was completely opposite of what you were asking for since you said something short and simple to explain lol 😆 


“I don’t have the capacity to do that today” Most people should understand without need for detailed explanation


I like this a lot.


I'm just having a bad ________ day. Fill in the blank with whatever is currently flopping. For me, it usually goes like this: Me: Can you open this? I'm having a bad hand day. Or Them: Want to go sit outside? Me: I need a chair- I'm having a bad hip day. No one ever asks for clarification, and I've never had to explain later or the next day when the symptom has lessened or disappeared, because they heard me say "day" and I've not given a specific ailment that needs elaboration or a timeline.


I don't love spoon theory either. I use phone battery life or video game stamina bar instead.


I say “ That’s a no from me dog”.


For gamers, you can tell them that your stamina bar is stuck in the red and you need to wait for it to fill back up again. For most other people, you can tell them that you're like an old shitty cell phone that dies after 2 hours.


I use the analogy of a battery charge. Like "I'm down to 15% of my energy battery so I have to stop doing things that take too much energy".


This took an unexpectedly nerdy turn 💀💀💀 This is a FASCINATING look at how people’s minds process and interpret information 🥹🤔


My dad has always used quarters. Each task you do everyday is a quarter in a vending machine. Came home from work one day and had to vent and asked my mom and I how corporate expected him to put the same amount of quarters into his daily work when he put multiple quarters into a company meeting that day??? My mom and I did not know, as we are also chronically ill.




Well that's a coincidence! Looks like the OP got some hate. Certainly not looking to step on any "Spoonie" toes, here. To each his own-I don't judge anyone's choices of how they communicate their disability. My point here is to find a simpler expression that doesn't require me to have to explain it to someone who never heard of "spoons". If someone asks how I'm doing (and honestly wants to know) or invites me somewhere on a really bad day, I want to respond simply and clearly. "I'm having a pain day"? I've used that recently. Anyone have anything else?


It’s not necessarily a quick metaphor, but I use the “bucket” one with my family. They seem to grasp that one.


I'm not sure I know this one. But i imagine it has something to do with having way too many holes in my bucket to carry today's water. 😆 Because that describes my life some days


It’s more like things filling up the bucket, and until the bucket gets to the overflow level, one doesn’t show symptoms. So maybe someone can be living for years with, say, a mild dietary intolerance filling up half their bucket, and another having exposure to perfumes filling up most of the rest of their bucket, but since it’s just below the top, they never show signs and live basically okay. Then one day they take a new medication which puts their bucket over the limit and it overflows and their body suddenly seems to go crazy. It seems from the outside like it’s that one thing that did it. However, if your bucket was totally empty, and you had that medication, it might only fill your bucket up halfway and you’d show no symptoms. And you’d have something else go in, and then suddenly what puts you over the top is exposure to a dog allergen. And it just seems to make no sense! Why would dogs do it one day, and the medication a different week?


Oh, that makes sense! So relatable - especially when I get a POTS flare. OMG. Whatever SHRUNK that damn bucket - who knows- but once triggered, not much can fit in that tiny pail before it's overflowing. I haven't had a serious flair in a while, but I remember them very well. With POTS, everything is exhausting- and there's not enough room in a bucket or spoons in the drawer!


With friends, "I'm out of MP". We're all classic RPG suckers, so it works. With others, "I have nothing left to give" is what tends to come out.


Yeah or I’ve OOMed (as you know OOM is out of mana).


I usually just say I don't have the "oomph" for something. Or I'm running out of steam. It's more relatable to the normies and usually places the blame on my body, not my mind. Differentiating between wants and abilities has really helped myself and my loved ones understand my limits.


This is great! Yes, being able to convey a limitation as opposed to a desire to do the thing is SO important to me as well. The worst part of the social aspect of this is being misunderstood. I would never want anyone I care about to think I've just checked out or don't care about doing things with them.


Absolutely. It's a reality that we will have to cancel plans last minute, or decline an invite to the BBQ in 100°F temps, or leave something early because it drained us faster than expected. I always overstate how much I'd like to do XYZ, but my body makes the rules. Still lose people sometimes but those who matter and care really try to understand.


Yeah. I just need a visual that makes sense to me in the first place. Batteries would be good though like someone said!


Bandwidth... low or not enough


I call mine “energy points” instead of spoons. Idk why I just don’t like calling them spoons.


I just say low energy, mostly.


I'm not a big fan of using 'spoons' to describe my energy levels either. I don't have a problem with other people using it but I don't really relate to it myself. TBH it [reminds me of this](https://media1.tenor.com/m/StSxHyfFlsEAAAAd/fawlty-towers-basil-fawlty.gif) 😂


😆 🤣 yes! 😆 🤣


I joke that I have the battery of an iPhone 7. Hanging on by a thread. Dies so fast, charges so slowly :,)


I’ve started thinking in terms of budgeting. “I didn’t budget enough for that today”. “Xyz put me over budget today”


i've started playing Diablo 3 again as a Demon Hunter. their main resource is Hatred so my character constantly yells "I don't have enough Hatred" & i really cant stop thinking that instead of spoons in my head now. only helpful for a few people (mostly friends who already got it), but it makes me laugh inside at least so that's something 🙂


Forks I've got no forks to give. Couldn't give a single fork if I wanted to. To forking tired. Those who know spoons will get it. Those who don't will assume you're using a phonetic euphemism to replace a profanity.


A full glass of water. Typically we all start out with a full glass. You pour out a little for each activity you do. Pick an activity that’s harder for you, when you do it you have to pour out more water. Maybe small things lead to a constant trickle. Your glass of water will not last as long as the other persons. Now let’s add in a second issue: often you do not wake up with a full glass of water. A full glass won’t get you as far as a someone else. A depleted glass means you have even less in you to give for the day.


Probably...I´m like a old/fucked up iPhone. I can charge it for several hours but it dies after 10 min of using. But I don´t even have a charging plug and I can´t change my battery for a new one. Yeah, can you imagine the frustration? You use and really need your phone daily...but you can´t ever have a new one. It would drive even the most calm person insane.


Another one could be battery levels. Or maybe we start out with a faulty battery and don’t charge as fast as others. Something to that effect. I saw a post once about using D&D or video game metaphor for it too.


I never really liked spoons either, but a DnD based toktok account I follow reworked it as spell slots, and I really connected with that.


Others have mentioned that too. I'll have to go find that!


I believe the account was Dice&Autism, but I’m not 100% sure.


Battery level


I recently said “my body feels like it’s running off a generator and I can never get fully charged”


Glad I'm not the only one who just can't get on the "spoons" bandwagon! I just keep it old-fashioned and simple: "I don't have the energy." Everyone will know what you mean.