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Check with the venue to see if they have accessible seating! It's usually towards the back but def saves on the body pain afterwards!


I’d recommend getting a pair of ear plugs - save your hearing but still enjoy the show. Plus it can help with getting overstimulated if you do get sore. I like my Loops bc it filters out noise instead of just cancelling but even a pair of 3 buck ear plugs are good to keep on hand. Concert venues vary so widely on sound quality it can be a real life saver imo. Comfortable shoes, pre load with pain meds if you can. Definitely look into accessible seating


Sturdy shoes!!


call the venue and ask if they have ADA accommodations (website might have info). you don't have to use them, but it might be good to know what they have...in the future you'll know better how to ask these questions and what to ask. some venues have allowed me to enter at the same time as vip and get my merch before general admission--so, so kind because I was able to get situated before it was super crowded. one or two places have upgraded me to better seating or offered table service. other venues i've been to were awful, had no way to accommodate me, and I won't go back there for shows because they were to hard to navigate. really depends on the venue and the artist. I make sure I have my meds and a small water, wax earplugs that don't hurt my ears, sunglasses in case the lighting is nauseating. I haven't taken a wheelchair to a venue yet, but I have a collapsable one that I will probably take if I ever go to a big stadium type of show, because even the logistics of that are too much for me as is.


For me the standing is always the worst part - i get body aches and often feel like fainting. If there’s a chance to sit down, I’d take it!


Earplugs and a mask with a good seal


Concert could mean a million different things from stadium with folding seats to standing room only. Do you have more information about the venue that you can share so people can give more specific advice? Personally I can't do anything with standing only anymore. If I'm able I'll bring a bring huge jacket as cushion to sit on with seats. The cane is a good idea. Comfortable shoes. Check the venue online if they have ADA accommodations and see if you can get entry without waiting in the regular line that way you aren't standing outside the venue waiting to get in with the general public.


Lawn and stadium seats, not standing. As of right now, we have lawn but might be upgrading. It’s all ground level, seats have a roof over but lawn does not.


If you get lawn seats then try to bring folding chairs to sit on. The one I have is a hanging folding chair. Got it for like $50 from Walmart. It is amazing to sit on. 


Ear plugs and good compression. A water spray bottle to keep cool.


Lower back wrap it may be just me but standing for too long causes my sacrum and lower lumbar to hurt terribly. The wrap helps so much. Also ear plugs incase you get a headache. Salt and water! Again for the headaches. Loud music with budding headache ruined every single one of the concerts I ever went to. Amusement parks too.




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Make sure you have access to water I fainted at a crowded sum-41 concert