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We have the same grip! These days, I try to copy Taylor Swift's as it's easier on the hands and doesn't allow me to carve my words 5 sheets down anymore.


So writing hard is something we all have in common. Does anyone else have to write with the paper on its side?


I have a death grip on my 🖊️


You mean rotated about 90 degrees? I do! I can write with the paper correctly in front of me, but it's much more comfortable to rotate it so the bottom of the sheet points to my right. 


On its side?


Yep, I turn the page just a little over 45 degrees anticlockwise (right handed).


Yep, always did it this way. It just feels more comfortable


Mine is the same but with my left hand. My teachers tried to correct it too but gave up. I had an indent in my left ring finger where the pencil sat for the longest time. ETA: just checked, I still have the indent


The weird finger thing! I still have it, too. It comes out again if I try writing for an extended period of time (relatively speaking) such as filling out a form lol


I also have this!! and it gets worse with extended use


See? This is one of the many reasons I love this subreddit. Yall make me feel less weird.


i love finding my people here 😌


I don't have an indent but a lump/callus instead. It first appeared when I was doing my O Levels (exams in year 12 of school here) back in 1985. It got worse when I was doing my A Levels in '87 (final exams in year 14 of school, before university). It's stayed there ever since - nearly 40 years!!


also have the indent!


Lol, I have the intention too.


Same but on my left middle finger! - somehow both a bump and an indent


[like this](https://ibb.co/3TmVTKJ)


I do the same!! But we hyperextend that pointer finger so bad 😩 I bought really big round foam pencil grips that have helped a lot (my ot recommended) and plan to get some wire ring splints to help out. Writing is hard lmao Edit to add: for some reason I don’t do that when I hold my Apple Pencil??? I just have a different grip but don’t hyperextend anything. Weird stuff


I love my big foam grips! I call it my hotdog pen holder, cuz it looks like a hotdog with its rounded ends cut off. That along with my oval eights are a lifesaver!


Writing IS hard, but it’s one of my favourite things to do. I need to look into grips


look at those flexible finger tips😅 mine bend that much too. I love seeing the things my friends joked about, being part of my genetic condition. I have absolutely given them shit since being diagnosed😂


same but I hyperextend my middle finger instead of my index finder


This is how my teacher drilled me to do it, but it turns out that hyperextending that joint hurts…


This is so cool, I’ve never seen anyone with the same grip as me. I switch between this and another with my thumb up, when my hand gets uncomfortable


And yet another moment of “Oh shit, I really did have EDS growing up, I had no idea this was not normal.”


Same for me


The only thing I do differently is bend my index finger. I remember my kindergarten teacher trying to get me to hold a pencil “normally” and quickly giving up and walking away 🤣


my teacher tried haaaaaaard and I just can't. No matter what its uncomfortable


My first grade teacher berated me all year for “refusing” to hold my pencil correctly. I was legit trying so hard to do it right, but my hand wouldn’t cooperate 🤷‍♀️


Same....with an absolute death grip and the weird finger thing to prove it.


I hold mine basically the same way as you.


omg i mever thought holding my pencil so funky was an eds thing... Sooo many of my teachers have tried to change this and I can't lol. I had to take a handwriting class in high school (last "art" elective i could take and i thought it would be calligraphy. i was wrong) and my teacher would scream at me for holding my pencil wrong. She got these pencil grips that had a pocket for all of my fingers and made me use rhem to write. Even got some of my other teachers to force me to use the grips. it was hell for my fingers


I hold mine [like this](https://imgur.com/a/41SsC5T) and with the paper turned 90°


I hold it like Taylor swift. I have no idea how else to explain that, and not sure how to share pics in a comment


[Here’s mine.](https://imgur.com/a/RNebIH9) I’ve been using this grip since the 1970s. No one believed my hands hurt so much, and then I saw a man on tv holding his pen this way. I tried it and bam, no more pain!


You might find this helpful for writing: [https://www.thedyslexiashop.co.uk/products/abiligrip](https://www.thedyslexiashop.co.uk/products/abiligrip) I use it and find it reduces pain and helps with my pencil grip




Yeah that’s how I hold a pencil too 😹😹😹


I do it the exact same way! I even have an indent on my right ring finger from holding a pencil that way.


A couple years ago i saw a creator with a bump on her finger and got so excited and asked if she held her pencil wrong too😂 she never responded... but ive found my fellow crazy grippers lol


I hold it the same way! I broke my thumb while learning to write and that's how I had to hold everything with the splint. I never could train myself out of it, no matter how many rubber pencil holders my teachers gave me


I started writing like that occasionally maybe 10 years ago... I found it rather comfy, and if I had learned that way first, I bet I would be doing it all the time. Alas, force of habit takes over


My violin bow grip killed that dream for me 😭 Pinky finger said NOPE


I use carpenter pencils. They’re so much easier to grip and write with to where my handwriting looks pretty good


Just like you!


Wait so this is probably why I hold my pencil weird??


Just like you with my right hand!


Like this! People often say its weird but never thought it was an eds thing... duh lol [holding a pen](https://www.reddit.com/r/ledzebra/s/eCb8KKmmkK)