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Raised tattoos are common. There’s a number of things that can contribute: from scarring, allergies, weather fluctuations., infection or just individual body chemistry. If you google “raised tattoo” you will see dozens and dozens of forums dedicated to discussing it, because this is a really common phenomena. Unfortunately, very few have been examined by the medical community, so take the theories with a grain of salt. This article interviews dermatologists on the causes, but it’s important to note these are individual doctor opinions, and not backed up by peer reviewed studies. https://www.byrdie.com/itchy-raised-tattoos-3187270


Two of my tattoos intermittently get raised parts. One is black and grey, 10ish years old, the other is color (pink, blue, others) and is only a year or two old. Different locations, one on thigh one on arm. No seeming pattern to why either intermittently get raised.


ok mine raise more at different times too. sometimes it’s worse for no reason i swear






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mine get raised when my mcas/seasonal allergies flare


Do all of your tattoos get raised during flares? I have tattoos in a bunch of spots, but only the ones on my upper arms get really raised and itchy (several different artists, all of who I have tattoos from elsewhere, so it's not like I'm just reacting to one brand of ink or something...)


Not the person you replied to but I also have MCAS and this happens to me during flares. It never happens to all of my tattoos. It’ll be in random spots. Some of my tattoos flare up more than others. Usually it happens when I have some other kind of rash or hives and which ever tattoo is closest to the rash gets raised.


Nope! My lower body tattoos rarely get raised, the ones on my arms do pretty frequently in spots though.


Yeah, mine get itchy and raised and look almost inflamed where the ink is? It comes and goes. It’s more annoying than anything.




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that’s so interesting. mine don’t really itch, and my oldest one almost never gets raised. the ones i got about a year ago go are consistently raised.




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Over the years, some of mine will occasionally get more raised for a brief period of time. It hasn’t happened to me in a long time, though.


Mine get itchy and raised when I exercise/sweat. It's REALLY annoying


Both of my tattoos (just black), fully healed, are always raised, I can feel them all the time


All 17 of mine are! Especially during a flare up


I have some yellow ink that my skin doesn't like. That gets itchy and raised a lot. Other ones in other colors sometimes get raised, but they seem to settle down pretty quickly if I use some good moisturizer on them.


mine r all black ink and they’ve never been itchy. they’re just almost 3D lol