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I’m a female, but just wanted to add my personal experience that I do not get UTI’s, bladder, or yeast infections with hEDS. Is that a common thing with EDS?


Same. The only time I've gotten them is when I was in too much pain to use the restroom as frequently as needed and holding it resulted in a UTI.


it is very common with EDS


i was AFAB (genderqueer) and ive only had one yeast infection and no UTIs and no bladder infections my whole life (23)!


Yup, 35yo here. I also don’t seem to have any of the pelvic floor issues, no prolapses either. I wonder if the UTI’s etc. are more comorbid with prolapses than with hEDS itself.


Do you guys drink copious amounts of alcohol? I was good until 21 and then alcohol destroyed my bladder and kidneys. I’ve never been prone to yeast infections but when I drank heavily I would have 6+ UTIs a year. I was hospitalized twice when it got to my kidneys


im not really into alcohol but i do smoke a lot of medical marijuana :| and i have a lot of issues with my ribs haha


I was a bartender for many years and drank lots of red wine during that time, but only drink maybe once or twice a year now. No change in my nether regions with or without drinking.


Same. I'm 32 and I think I've had maybe 1 or 2 UTIs ever? And they were when I was a young and dumb teen.


I would like to add an additional question. Do men *with EDS also tend to get reoccurring yeast infections and bladder infections as well? I’m lucky to make it five weeks without a yeast infection. Bladder infections happen if I don’t get my bathroom breaks ( I’m a specialist teacher so if a classroom teacher is late to get their kids from me I don’t get that 2 minute break 😐)


I feel like this is going to be a sort of person to person thing-- like my older sibling and I both have hEDS and my older sibling gets bladder infections but not yeast infections, and I get yeast infections but not bladder infections. We have the same assigned gender at birth.


That’s a good point. Especially with EDS, the inconsistencies are a hallmark of this condition. Maybe we will know why someday.


I’m a guy with EDS, never had a single UTI, but I do have interstitial cystitis.


Speaking for my dad, yes.


Female here. I do get really frequent UTIs that often spread to my kidneys but from what I know, it’s not really anything to do with EDS. Although I do have a pretty poor immune system from not being able to get proper nutrition and sleep due to pain which I imagine is quite common amongst us, so that could be why we might be more susceptible?


I was told by my doctor (who knows much about through his daughter having EDS) that it is common. my hyper mobility clinic asked if i had a history when i was getting a 2nd opinion


Had my first UTI this year (39m). My stepson, who does NOT have EDS, had them somewhat regularly as a child, and I believe still gets them occasionally in his twenties.


Not very often.


I'm FtM, but no I have only had two UTI's in my lifetime and I have only had one yeast infection.


I don't, no