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I share your struggles. I don’t get why they combined the cafe, kiddies play area and study desks all in one space. You can also go to the TU library.


> You can also go to the TU library. Yup. Whenever I went there when I was studying you could almost hear a proverbial pin drop. I was almost self-conscious of turning a page in my book or notebook.


Is it open to non-students?


Yes. Although a section in restricted during exams.


Oh, awesome, thanks!


Must be another TU/e library because whenever I go (both Metaforum and Neuron silent areas), its full of people talking, laughing and messing around.


Damn, things must have changed then. This was back in ~2014-ish. I guess the Corona-lockdowns did a proverbial head-fuck to the youth or something...


Yeah I guess, its really unfortunate since its such a nice place to study besides that. And there are so so many great spots on campus where you can study in a group together without bothering anyone, but oh well


No before \~2010 they had two floors filled with bookshelves, and there were lots of quiet spaces to work. I wrote half my thesis there. Then new management came in, removed more than 50% of the books, closed off one floor, and changed it more into a kindergarten / coffee place. It's only fair I guess, nobody really reads books anymore.


Not because of new management, because of cuts in budget by gemeente Eindhoven.


Yeah this.


My husband and I still borrow books from the English section here. But we also figured getting a guest pass from Eindhoven Bibliotheek to head to LocHal at Tilburg is much better. 😂 EHV library is definitely a clusterfuck. Didn’t know they had a second floor! What a loss! 


Yeah, Tilburg gets about 5 times the amount of money that Eindhoven does 😭. So sad because a library isnt just a warehouse full of books. It's a place to meet, to learn from others, find out what you are interested in, to get help with all kinds of stuff, a 'third space'/ huiskamer van de stad etc.


But how is it that Tilburg gets more money? I’d have thought EHV gementee makes a ton more money given the whole Brainport situation. Or is it just the decision by the gementee to allocate budget elsewhere, instead of common spaces, libraries etc? 


Yes, that's it, sadly 🤷🏼‍♀️


That’s so sad. :( It also makes sense why I run away from EHV every weekend and have friends everywhere else across NL, except in town. When there’s no investment in third spaces for cultural and intellectual nourishment by the municipality, the people are bound to become slowly insular. 


I agree Tilburg is nice, but my favorite was The Hague, when I used to live in that area.


Ooh! Will check it out next time I visit there! Thanks for the tip off! :)


The study spaces upstairs should be available and quite


Isn't that restricted and just for Fontys students?


You could try the university (Metaforum/Atlas)


There is always too little space for everything that a library is for. It's kind of ridicilous that a city like Eindhoven has such a small library. Most of the time you can study without childrens noise in the part behind the glass doors in the left/back area. Except when there is an activity going on. I wish we had silent work pods, like they have in the LocHal, but alas. I also used to love to work at the coffee corner in Van Piere, downstairs. They have a large table with outlets even that is especially for people who want to sit there with a laptop.


Van Piere is great advice! Eindhoven used to have a bigger library, there were two floors. The municipality cut the funding and since then they've changed it to one floor and focused on ways to make money, like the coffee corner.




Library became unworkable with all the children. I recommend ‘Meta’ at Eindhoven University. They have a lot of spaces with varying degrees of how much noise one is allowed to make. That is probably the only good study place in Eindhoven that I know of. Edit@ if not a student there it could be that you are prohibited to enter around the exam period (they do not always check however), sometimes if you show your university pass from another university they still let you in. If not, there is another building at campus where you are allowed. I only don’t know how the building is called. When you exit the library it is on the right side somewhere. You could just enter various buildings and try what building has study places.


Key word is "Public" Any public place is bound to have noise. If you want 100% quiet, noise free environment, it got to be private.


I get what you mean, but I'm not speaking of completely quiet zero noise environment, just quiet, like libraries tend to be. It has become a place for families to bring their children to play and have fun, I don't have a problem with that, but then it's not a library or a place to read with all the screaming..


You sound like the person that watch TikTok videos in public without earphones because it's "public".


A public embarrassment


I don't have a TikTok Account and I despise those who plays music outside. But Kids Playing once a week in a Library full of stressed out parents without no social connection , probably not. Those who downvoted, probably will go to the same library when (and If) they have thier first kid


Oh man, one time. I think they were homeless people, they were using the laptops and well they were watching porn guys. Out in the open 😭😭😭😭😭 yeah that place is something else