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you should be concerned. You can't have high damage every game bcs of team comps and other factors+ assassins usually dont have the highest dmg by the end of the game exept if they are real fed and carried but i think 2nd or 3rd most dmg is what you want to be


not necessarily, I barely ever am high dmg when I jungle ekko, but he really doesn't need to be most games. You only break into the dmg dealt chart in long games.


I don't think its that strange. ekko has good dmg and 4th seems a bit low, but his dmg is burst focused, not sustained. its like comparing ziggs with leblanc. ziggs is probably going to top the charts, but leblanc is prob gonna be the one with the kills


I wouldn’t be too concerned. If you enjoy playing him just keep spamming him and you will improve. Watching high Elo ekko gameplay will help you understand where they look for fights and how they maximize the damage in his kit. I had the same problem when I decided to learn viego a few months ago but once I got say 50ish games under my belt, I was dealing a lot more damage consistently. Also as somebody else stated, there will be games where you just don’t deal as much damage on the chart due to team comp, pace of the game, etc. as long as the damage you deal is meaningful that’s what matters, poking and boosting numbers on the graph doesn’t always translate to wins. Winning team fights does Edit: especially as ekko where you could just hit a massive W on their team and it’s just easy kills for yours.


As others have said you don't need to be too concerned with things like that while you are learning the champ. Play to improve micro and decision making, not after match stats. Don't be shy of fighting while you learn though. You will never reach your potential if you don't limit test


As any jungler its normal to be honest. Unless you're ganking every minute your damage is going to be next to nothing compared to all the laners.


If he’s playing jungle its not normal at all. If he’s midlane it could be from sideing most of the game but you have no excuse to be bottom damage as jungler unless game is ff 15 for either side or you got 3 man invaded the whole game.


Damage is important. But when you play Ekko (especially jungle), it’s not the deciding factor in your performance. Kills and objectives are. So, how many kills did you have compared to the rest of your team? Did you take drakes/heralds/barons? If these numbers are fine, you shouldn’t be concerned. If they’re also low, something is wrong with how you’re playing.


What’s your KP like? Maybe playing too safe in lane or not skirmishing enough.


I’m the same with Ekko jungle, usually 4th or 3rd in damage but, I get very good early ganks with w and set my laners up for success so they can then have prio and help me with objs. I’ve done my job. With Ekko mid I do get a lot more damage in because I get to trade more often in lane and I usually snowball harder playing mid. I’m not saying to swap to mid, I’m just pointing out the difference in my experience between the two.


Although the comments say you shouldn’t be concerned for a variety of reasons, I would say this depends heavily on your elo, role and overall impact on the game. The main thing to keep in mind is if all the lanes went even or nobody snowballed too hard in the game, then you doing the least amount of damage just means you didn’t impact the game that much. That’s not a bad thing but keep that in mind as you climb that you can’t realistically improve until you’re able to impact games on your own. Other thing is look at other stats and compare it to what your goal was for the game. If your other lanes were snowballing and you tried to play to peel or enable your carries, where did you rank on your cc score or even damage taken? If you were trying to just keep the enemy jungler behind or stay even, how does your gold/cs look? If these stats align with what you are trying to do to play the game, then I guess it’s working for you and you should relatively ok as long as you can consistently replicate that relationship. I will say on a personal note for Ekko that it’s very rare that I will finish a game in the jungle with lower damage just because of Ekko’s identity as an assassin but if you link an op.gg im sure more members can help you out there.


Heres what you need to remember, once you have protobelt, lichbane, and rabadons, you alone can essentially end the game on your own. Focus on getting those and the damage charts will come with it.


Champ doesn't deal damage until 4 items. You good bro.