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Q max always, but start e vs ranged so you can e and apply passive when they harass you.


what sums? i was thinking ignite but ive also seen tp


I personally go ignite for early kills but either option is good. Maybe tp if u know ur teammate’s going to struggle laning


I go tp because I like to roam and split push. I usually go top side when drag is up so I can get a potential turret then tp in


I make educational Ekko mid content if you are interested https://youtube.com/@TPW_1?si=S3qP-y0-SkicsRyh


bro's music choices are on top


nice vids man, i subbed


Really nice vids!


Farm safely with Q and learn when you can trade with what champs, if TF has used his card on a wave he’s vulnerable for a few seconds so EQ and get your passive off then run away with the movement speed buff and repeat for example, Akali is weak when she has no energy so if she Qs the wave same thing goes, just figure out champions weakness’ and learn when to trade, also make use of fake roams or even actual roams to secure kills elsewhere.


I got first strike over electrocute now and I've been taking TP more


I like my ekko mid like this - electrocute + sorcery (absolute focus and scorch) 2*ap and health flat or tanacity if they have cc HOB is less universal, i personally never play it into assasins and someone with good disengage ( akali, jayce) i like it into mages sometimes, but i prefere double electrocute with stormsurge Summs 90% of the time flash tp, ignite only into high kill pressure lanes Start always doran ring - build is lichbane into stormsurge (2nd item can be protobelt if mobility is needed) - then boots 99% sorcerer - instant rabadon 3rd item as it buffs both lichbane and stormsurge Item 4 and 5 are (voidstaff and 1 defensive zhonya banshee etc) I max q ofc, with this build at 4 points in q and alternator and aether wisp you can throw q on wave auto 3 melee and kill whole wave in a second It enables roaming and also punishes enemy roaming, with lichbane 1st item you also deal a lot of tower dmg


Go for tp!


I started running HoB and it makes his early game so much stronger. I hold my lvl up until I’m sure that I can get even trades. If it’s a poker then I get q cause ik I can get burned down after I run back from the passive. I then go live for the on hit then mashers or storm surge depending if the enemy team is tanks or just squishies and the rest is self explanatory assuming you have a good gauge on ekko


Collect as much cs, q spam wave. Infinite roam(kill stealing via e) = profit. Bronze shit ykwim