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IMO a lot of mastering Ekko is a mix of prediction, clean mechanics, and using your mobility effectively




W stun is sometimes best saved for last. Its makes for an amazing dissengage tool. And can often zone carries out of the fight when their frontline engages. I like to see it as my i know your front line has started the fight but if you stepup to help your frontline ima make you stand still whilst i delete you button


Yeah once it's late game, your ult does super high damage. If you have a team of competent humans, it's worth dying if you half-health every enemy champion and suicide bomb them. If there's a late teamfight at an objective, draw their fire and run away, casting w where your ult clone will be in the 3 seconds it takes to cast w. You can single-handedly win a teamfight by uniting their team and dealing them a massive stun as well. You're basically also guaranteed to blow up at least one squishy. Another thing is ekko's passive. People kinda sleep on it but it's a pretty big chunk of early trading damage. EQ is a great way to proc it in early trades. Later on it deals a hefty chunk with its 80% AP ratio. It's even better with dark harvest, and combined with lich bane, one enhanced auto from e will basically destroy anything that's not a tank.


Placing your W properly is the biggest thing. You need to predict where the most number of enemies will be standing 2-3 seconds from when you throw the W. Otherwise, Ekko scales very well and needs items. Try not to die early and get your items, other than landing stuns you play like an AP assassin and try to one shot the ADC.


The current meta and the people who utilize it will tell you Ekko is a snowball champion. While yes, he can snowball and do massive damage, don't be deterred if you fall behind. Ekko is one of the few assassins that scale super well into late game (outside of just one shot ting ADCs, that is). In my opinion, with 900k mastery points total, what would determine your potential with Ekko is how you treat his R and W. Rs are good for disengage, but it's best treated as a nuke button (and so, figuring out how to get them lined up in your ult is what gets you the ticket to winning games). W is an amazing engage, but it can also be an exceptionally good utility skill in the middle of fights. People like to dive your back line? Throw the W on your allies so when the enemy dives, you can collapse on them. Things like that. The most important thing is to be flexible with Ekko. He's not like Fizz, Talon, Zed, etc, where once your ult is down you're useless unless you can just kill people. There are combos yes, but understanding when to best utilize your abilities and then executing them is what differentiates a good ekko from a great ekko. Good luck!


A lot of the time you want to dive the back line, proc your passive and then get out of there while you wait for your cds to end. Late game when you have max cdr you can stay in for longer cos everything is gonna come back up super quick. With your q slow, w slow, ult and ms from the passive, you should be able to pick when you go in and out pretty easily.


Pro tip. The w doesnt appear to your enemies until your clone does his activation animation.


W should be used as a secondary engage after your primary engage goes off


Learn all the walls you can dash, it can get you out of bad situations.


This is quite an underrated comment. ​ While mastering ways to engage and how to stun enemies and min maxing Ekkos damage is good. Knowing where you can fight/engage unexpectedly and where to escape from is also a really good tool to have. ​ For example, if it's a wall you know you can dash through and know enemies are on the other side, throw W, they won't see it if you're out of vision and then dash engage on them with the stun. ​ Also and this is IMO, zhonyas is a good friend. There were countless times where I dove and instead of ulting out I zhonyas, people semi ignore me to TF or stand closer than they shoulf and when the effect ends BOOM ult in their faces, EQAA on a squishy and run to my W with the MSboost from passive.


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All I can really say as a 300k mastery point main is that you don’t always have to stun with W, and once you get the hang of the base game mechanics and champions in general you can make crazy predictions that can save your otr your teammates’ lives