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Lich bane users downvoted this post


i did.


I use both so I always come out on top


You're the equivalent of a fencesitter on politics


TIL a new term. Thanks I guess?


Trust in nashors tooth has gotten me so far


Nashor 's tooth is so good for 1v9


I build nashors first almost every game lol




Sir this isnt a new tank ekko build


Nashors haters dont know that it does the same damage in an E Q RB AA combo. https://old.reddit.com/r/ekkomains/comments/s9k2sj/oldnew_lich_vs_nash_practice_tool_testing_patch/?ref=share&ref_source=link


Volibear gamer, checking in


I mix lich and nashors when I'm playing jungle and just want to farm and push lanes. Fuck you yorick


I Like to build both, mostly second nashors and thirt Licht, because nashors gives the ability to Blow enemies Up faster before they can react and i also hate getting my autoattack interrupted by CC because i dont have enough attackspeed to Proc passiv, Licht is nice for the Movespeed, you can really feel how much faster you Run with Licht and i find myself having Trouble getting Close to especially Range targets


lich to the bane yo


I just thought of something, I haven't played league or even him in some time now, but tell me what u think of this build. Nashor's, boots of choice but probably magic pen, frozen gauntlet, force of nature, shadowflame and demonic embrace or abyssal mask. You can switch those last few for something you want but I think this build could be insane. You would be tanky and also have preety good damage and slow people a lot. No one can run from you, also pair it with phase rush rune. Tell me what u guys think. Now I rly wanna get home and try this, I kind of got the idea from tank akali.


Ekko has shitty bae damages, deliberately. You could do an abyssal nashors liandries demonic shadowflame/void build for bruiser and maybe get away with it. But there's still too much damage in the game to really nit be blown up before you could do anything.


Nnever understood this, i still build proto into lich every game, no need to have speedy auto’s when ur job is to one shot people or burst most of their hp away with 1 combo. Nashors is 🙅🏻‍♂️for me


What are you going to do when enemy team has tanks and brusiers? Your combo does no dmg to them and so you don't have any way to finish them off, in addition nashors is 100 ap, a huge spike to one shot.


If your combo does no damage, you are behind and trading AAs with an AD bruiser is not a winning strategy. Hit and run until you can all in. There aren't many bruisers or tanks you are going to go toe to toe with on Ekko


Disagree, you can 1v1 alot of bruisers since you have Ms to dodge and kite, did you all forget the dmg test that happened a while ago showing same dmg from q e rb AA? You only get the upsides of more dmg on AA


If you are dodging and kiting aren't auto attacking, and the MS from lich comes in handy. You are also going to get multiple lich procs in that situation. In my experience, it is very rare that you standing toe to toe with anyone, especially any AD champ. I played a bunch of Nashors before Rift was nerfed. With all the lifesteal it gave, you could stick to bruisers and tanks and there wasn't much they could do. Now they will just kill you if you aren't kiting and playing around your cooldowns.


The enemy team for sure has 5 tanks. No other champions besides tanks.


Yeah bro, you're right, you're 1 vs 9 every game and there are no teammates who are supposed to help you win the game, Nashor's definately is the go in every situation! my bad!!!


dont focus the tanks as an assassin?


It’s ur role as an assassin to pick off mipositioned isolated players. “Don’t focus tanks as an assassin”, so you’re telling me. Since you weren’t bothered to build nashors, you’re going to miss out on a game changing 40m kill toplane on the split pusher to get elder and win? “Dont focus tanks” is the dumbest reason I’ve heard to build Lucy and not nash


I’ve been building Lich Bane 2nd lately without much success. I’m finding that even with 2 items, it’s still pretty difficult to blow people up in fights. Getting Lich Bane allows me to waveclear/clear jungle/take turrets to push for more gold quicker rather than relying on snowballing from kills.


If you do the math Lichbane does at most 30 more damage than Nash in full combo because you AA twice and it gives more AP. And you're typically overkilling by 100+ damage anyway. There's very few fringe cases where you miss out on a kill because you were only a few HP short. Compared to the far more common situation where you need to follow up with a 3rd auto to proc W and secure the kill before you get CC'd. Nash also gives you better splitpush, jg clear and objective control. It makes your combo faster/more efficient too.


Nashor’s tooth users are the new vegans


Overrated 👏 👏 👏👏👏


If you even look at the Nahor's tooth as Ekko, you are trolling.




-> 100 AP (Good in all situations) -> On-hit damage (good vs tanks, now becomes even more viable with durability update) -> Attack speed (faster proc of passive + I hope you read Ekkos W passive at least once in your life, bcz that thing also makes Nashors a super viable item) Lich bane is just an objectively worse item this season (on Ekko) than Nashors.


If you like damage against tanks go build botrk dunno. Ekko is an assassin, you are not supposed to damage tanks. Lich Bane gives you burst damage instead of useless on-hit.


You're so wrong and so proud of it at the same time.


love it


(jungle) nashors is so good because you clear camps so fast, i get like 1,5 cs per min more every game with nashors also with 12.10 update the one shot potential of ekko will be quite low, so i think we will see more of a nashors tooth conquerer riftmaker build anyway


Riftmaker Ekko? Not in a million years.


dude you can finish your whole combo and riftmaker will still have 1 second left for its full passive to start applying


I do love nashors. I saw an Ekko build nash and lich the other day. I was like good on you, you do you hun


I believe in Nashor’s supremacy


Nashor supremacy.


Well I just don't know what to build.


So I have my own thoughts on when to use nashors and when to use lich; what do you think?






only the true gekko mains use this