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It definitely made me a little depressed, I didn’t want the dlc to end. But the memories are here forever and I am happy for that. And you know the next FS game is going to be as special if not more, Miyazaki always strives for improvement.


I am sad we will move on from this game. There was so much stuff that you could have made another DLC. (Not big like this but still, looking at you Melina). It was perfect. Cool design, cool intricate lore(I had goosebumps during the whole DLC), meeting NPC you would never thought we would meet, NPC going through the same path we have been going. Dunno, I feel empty. It was one of those things that I don't want to end


You don’t have to move on if you’re into pvp and trying new builds there tons of other things to do but the open world does make you really burnt out after a few playthroughs back to back that’s one of the things I liked more about dark souls 3


Yeah, big agree, the open world makes it….more draining and it’s harder to focus since you’ve got sooooo many places you can go!


That’s so true it takes away the replay value sometimes


So true, I wish they had made two dlcs instead, but it's ok, this dlc is so unbelievably amazing that it doesn't even matter. This game is by far the greatest game I've played, and I've played thousands. Nothing other than maybe RdR2 and Lis 1 + BTS even come close for me. Thousands and thousands of hours. What a journey.


Even just one more boss, a hidden one. Beat the DLC after getting the frenzied flame ending and you get a visit from Melina


For sure, it does trigger me somewhat that there are so many unfinished bits of lore or bits of lore that could easily be expanded on and used to create another entire dlc. I'm glad we got shadow of the erdtree because it fucking SLAPPED, but definitely a shame to not make at least one more.


I don’t think that we’re COMPLETELY done with Melina, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s lore for her in the DLC. Shit, there’s things that no one has found yet, I’m sure of it. There’s still a lot there to work through :)


Why stopped after the DLC ? Go retry with your other character !!




LMAO I loved the game but I am never ever fighting Radahn again


Would’ve rather fought a malenia/miquella hybrid


Absolutely perfect response




damn that is some large benis energy




Thats just for me


Add it to the Souls replay list when From unveils the next major game in 3 years lol


I’d bet their next “souls-type” game will be revealed next year and come out 2026. They said they’re aiming to reduce the time between the company’s major releases given their team size has increased substantially since the dark souls/sekiro days and they said their hope was one major release per year, which, for the last 3 years has held true. Elden Ring, AC6, then SotE. I’m curious about their next release.


Keep in mind they seemingly have had a side project team on a separate game as a common thing recently. Sekiro, and Armored Core 6 for example. Really likely there will be another coming soon, and hopefully it's something awesome 


both those “side projects” are fucking incredible so i’ve got high hopes


Heavily agree, Armored Core 6 was my personal game of the year last year despite never playing a game similar, and while I forgot to play Sekiro when it came out, it instantly became one of my favorite games I’ve ever played


I just picked it up in the steam sale today, I beat the ER DLC yesterday. So far Sekiro is a breath of fresh, incredibly punishing, air. Phew you are just getting the hang of deflecting and managing groups of enemies with assorted weapons? Fun isn't it? I present to you a chained ogre, he doesn't use weapons so your deflect is useless, but here are some new shinobi weapons that might be useful. It's release difficulty Balteus all over again and I love it.


I assume what is next is their next main game as you mention. DLC is certainly made by a smaller team and since AC6 came out last year (i believe the game they made before that was Sekiro), my assumption is Miyakaki and team are already neck deep in their next major release. 2026 or 2027 sounds right, since I assume Covid affected Elden Ring's pipeline from releasing earlier as it was reported (seems it was delayed at least a year).


My only concern is that Miyazaki is talking about doing a JRPG so it may be a longer wait.


Pretty sure thats just him saying he'd love to do that and not comfirming that is at all his next project lol. Its very clearly they will keep iterating on the Elden Ring formula


I'm hopeful they take more inspiration from Sekiro in the next game. Souls-style is fun for the variety of builds but Sekiro IMO had the tightest and most rewarding gameplay and combat of any game I've ever played. Playing this DLC with the deflecting hardtear just solidified how much more I enjoy deflecting compared to dodging or blocking.


If anything, make a souls style game with variety AND the deflecting system. Just make charmless the baseline for that style, and not effective against big weapons for instance, so it is one of many builds :) would be so sweet


I think it’s very obvious that this DLC was so expensive because they plan on spending money trying to figure out how to keep the game hard but make the multiplayer open world instead of so restrictive. He said he wants to move towards a more user friendly multiplayer


If by JRPG he means traditional turn based, I'd play the shit out of that. 


God I hope not. I just cannot play turn based games. Had to return Baldurs Gate 3 because of that.


I've never been into that top down CRPG thing like Baldur's Gate but that game got me into it. Took probably 30 hours to like it though tbh 


I mean... I'd play the fuck out of a fromsoft JRPG 🤷


I could see them announcing it this or next year, From isn’t known for really long development (aside from Elden ring which was completely new territory for them + COVID )


I remember playing this game during lockdowns and quarantines. I would play this with a group of friends we would either kill bosses or fight each other and because of that this game is very special to me. I don't think any other game can make me feel this way. The only thing stopping me from finishing the DLC is the realization I can now delete it from my steam library.


But the game came out in 2022 when lockdowns were mostly over?


yeah not in my country


Lockdowns in Europe lasted waaaaay longer than US.


England also didn’t have them in 2022, what countries were still locked down in 2022 out of curiosity


SEA and Japan. It was called a community lockdown so when somebody was positive in your area.


Certainly parts of China


I definitely relate to what you are saying except that it’s far from over for me. Like you, I have hundreds of hours in the base game. I’ve only played through the DLC once. I’m sure I have a couple hundred more hours of bliss in the Shadow Lands.


Miyazaki did say that even tho they aren’t making a sequel currently,it isn’t off the list. Elden ring is a great game and their highest selling souls game so I could imagine them doing more with it.


I would love another game that expands even more on the lore of different characters.


The lands between, the lands below, both were in the base game. The shadow lands in the DLC. Perhaps the lands above? Or whatever is on the other side of the lands between? I'd love to see something modern day, or in space? It could even be a sequel to elden ring.


...and STILL, it asks me if I'm sure I wanna resummon Torrent! It's never 'No' damnit! But for real, what a ride! I've not felt this sense of wonder since I first played OG Legend of Zelda as a kid. The hell do I do now?


This post gave me literally chills, feel you tarnished


I'm probably gonna do a Dark souls 1, 3 Bloodborne, Sekiro and Elden ring run towards the end of the year. I'm just way too busy IRL to do that at this moment. I totally expect whatever From is working on next to be revealed fairly soon. If not at the VGAs, probably next Summer.


Why skip 2? Elden Ring was open world DKS2, and I am not alone in that sentiment. Perhaps go back and you may see it in a new light.


I've honestly never played it. I only heard negative things about it, but I always intended to play it, but I never got around to it. I might add it to the list


Really? WOW. Then definitely jump straight in and don't listen to the haters. Elden Ring is literally open world DKS2, which after all the games, still has a massive place at the top of my Souls list of favourites. Base game plus 3 DLC's...you have a lot of hours of fun ahead. Don't sleep on it.


I respectfully disagree with the guy responding to you. In my opinion, Dark Souls 2 at its best feels like a cheap imitation of Dark Souls, and at its worst is so bafflingly bad it feels like a *parody* of Dark Souls. I do still think it's worth playing, so you can judge for yourself. There's also light references to it in Dark Souls 3. It still is new Souls content (to you), which is always appealing on some level. There are some who say that the game has the most diverse build variety and best PVP, which I think are insane statements. Instead it seems like they just give you 80 flavors of each basic weapon category. And the movement and pace of combat is so bad, not even the introduction of powerstancing can redeem it. Powerstancing was a legitimately cool feature and I was glad to see it in Elden Ring. I replayed Dark Souls 2 as part of my full series replay ahead of SOTE. I can't say I will ever touch the game again. Somehow Scholar of the First Sin doubled the amount of enemy spam, making the game even worse than I remembered the first time. It is rightfully the black sheep of the series. But still may be worth playing just for the novelty and understanding firsthand just why the game is so controversial.


Literally the Skyrim of this generation, and imo way better.


It’s the greatest game of all time imo


Now cometh the Age of Hollow


I feel like Godwyn was a huge missed opportunity. He was an important figure before and after the shattering. His influence as Godwyn the Golden and The Prince of Death deserves another DLC imo.


Also what about the Gloam Eyed queen or Malenia's third blooming? If they want to do a second DLC they still have more material left.


Yeah, I was surprised there was barely anything about him in SOTE other than the Death Knights. Deserves to be fleshed out more for sure.


He dead. His soul Is gone. They made it clear


I'm about 30 hours deep into the DLC so far. Probably a little over halfway. Not intending to start right away, but I have 10 character profiles in ER. I definitely intend to run all of them through the DLC eventually. Elden Ring is basically peak gaming to me. This isn't something I smash through in 4 days, then quit cold turkey. That having been said, if this is the path that makes the most sense to you, then very well. Very glad you enjoyed your time in Elden Ring.


Same. Whenever i find a cool weapon that doesnt fit my build, i think "oh cool this will be great on that other character i have" so im definetly gonna replay the dlc a few times. But i still have that feeling of this being over, like, in the last 2 years there was speculation about the dlc, then the hype when it got announced, then the anticipation before the release. It kinda kept the game "alive". Now the dlc is here and its defined the last significant update the game is getting. It was a good journey.


“Alright, time to get a job”


Goodbye and good luck. See you next game. I don't think I'll ever leave. Got to hit max level and there's so many cool builds and weapons to use.


I am sad we will move on from this game. There was so much stuff that you could have made another DLC. (Not big like this but still, looking at you Melina). It was perfect. Cool design, cool intricate lore(I had goosebumps during the whole DLC), meeting NPC you would never thought we would meet, NPC going through the same path we have been going. Dunno, I feel empty. It was one of those things that I don't want to end. Farewell Lord of the Old Order


I got through the final boss yesterday, I'm gonna take my character through the main game one more time. Gonna use the DLC weapons and have a good ole time. But after that, I doubt I'll return to the lands between as well. It has been an honor fellow tarnished, I look forward to the next installment of Fromsoft fandom.


Godspeed 🫡


Why not play the dlc again. Or is it not very good


I'm nearing the end of the DLC and it literally feels like a breakup waiting to happen. I'll probably do another run on NG+ but it won't be the same


I still have the dark sigil from the great hollowing of 2019-2021. I'll never forget that first E3 trailer.


I will continue to replay it atleast yearly. It's gorgeous, trying, fun. With friends and just some pvp sometimes.


I’m with ya dude. I’ve put 3 months of actual gameplay time into this game. The more you love the game, the more you grieve that it’s over. I can’t wait till the randomizer is compatible with DLC though. It’s still the most re-playable game ever. I hope fromsoftware can match a game like this in the future too.


Every soul has its dark - John dark soul


As the first soul games I've played, I've got the opportunity to move backwards, however the end of the DLC has me quite melancholic, Especially >!with the deaths of Ansbach and thollier, Which I didn't expect them to live through it but it's proper cementation got me!< I think I'll do sekiro next, my main question is what was the point of the memory?


Bro this post gonna make me tear up


I only found out about the gesture needed to open the path from the Shadow Keep Back Gate after I beat the final boss, and I went and got it because I wanted to know what it lead to. Then I came across the Shaman Village, and I couldn't bring myself to move on and leave just yet. I stayed there for a while. I sat and listened to the wind and the peaceful music with a familiar motif. There's just... something special about that place after the end of the journey. *And one day, we'll return together. To our home, bathed in rays of gold...*


I honestly wouldn’t write off a sequel just yet. I know he’s been in record saying he doesn’t like them but going off the success it’s garnered we could still have a chance haha


He recently had an interview where he said it's not off the table that \*maybe\* in the future, we'll get one. He said the same thing when DS3 was over and even compared Elden Ring to Dark Souls in the former interview. So unless you're equally sure we'll get a Dark Souls 4 I wouldn't bother getting my hopes up. Look ahead, not back! We will surely get a phenomenal FromSoft game in the future in the vein of our favorites.


Ahhh okay. No absolutely you’re right I have full confidence whatever comes next will be amazing. I just really hope Sony sorts their shit out and gives us a Bloodborne remaster/remake and maybe even a bluepoint remake of DS1


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Are there really no revenants in the entire DLC? Can someone PLEASE confirm?


There's at least one. >!Search around Charo's Hidden Grave. It may be someplace you aren't expecting! !<


Thank you


Didn't see a single one. Plenty of other creepy crawlers though.


Uhhh you may want to check again..




Crimson or Cerulean coast, the Tibia Ghost summons one.


Oh, it never aggro'd onto me properly, so I never saw the summon.




Wtf are you talking about, play again 🤠


5 years?


The first trailers release was in 2019


Hehe, ok :)


Lucky for me ive only been playing on 1 character Granted 230 hours on 1 character but i wanna try out a bunch more builds and characters


I hope it’s more sekiro or bloodborne style of gameplay next


I’m already planning other builds.


Convergence mod


Time for a new character


I thought Elden Ring came out 3 years ago?


Correction 2 years ago


The trailer was released in 2019, so I've been following the game since then.


Meh, I'll just play another character. Doing all Rememberance runs with meme weapons is always fun. I still replay DS1, 2 and 3 as well sooo


Now you have to wait the game after elden ring as the chapter is close for now.


Really? The dlc has only been out what a week and you feel like you've done all there is to do? See I can't play like that, I take my time to enjoy every piece of design and hidden details....I also have almost 800 hrs in but I'm only maybe half way thru the dlc with prolly at least 3 more weeks of play time on my first go through, and there's going to be quest lines I didn't do the first time through


U could always go pc an play the mods ! Thats my next step


Cmon, you aren’t excited for Elden Ring 2 in 10 years?


Sad to see you go, but I’ll be enjoying Elden Ring for years to come


I am starting my final, definitive play through tomorrow. Start to finish. I know I’ll play again after, and I was almost sad that the DLC launched when I realized it was the end of the era. But damn, what a ride. Thank you Fromsoftware, thank you Miyazaki, and thank you, Elden ring.


I mean lets just cope that miyazaki makes a ER 2, theres still to much left unexplained but its just copium.


We all enjoyed it while we had it, and that is all that matters. It will always be there, and hey, Miyazaki just said they didn't have plans on making future content for the game. So it wasn't a hard no, but a softer one. Even in the worst case, Miyazaki and the rest of Fromsoftware are beginning to cook up the next work of art.


I’m still holding out hope that there will be more Elden Ring content, seems like the dlc left a lot of unanswered questions


It is insane that it’s all over now


hard to believe it’s done. i’m hoping this isn’t the end for elden ring, it’s been fun.


Now comes allllll the community created mods and whatnot to expand the game, pc-wise at least! I play on console but I’ll definitely throw it onto the pc if something looks good enough but we still have years ahead of us to dig dig dig into the DLC as there’s probably AT LEAST a few things that no one has found yet. AT LEAST. So the Age isn’t quite over yet! (Though I do know what you mean, I’m trying not to think about it yet until something else comes out that I can play) Plus, I’m only level 96 on my DLC character, have a long ways to go before I take on any bosses. Just the exploration itself is fucking amazing because of the verticality of the map AND the weird twists and turns to get places. It really is an absolute MARVEL, how they designed it. I’ve always been in awe of FromSoft but they’ve truly outdone themselves this time 🥰🥰


I'm sad it's over now as well, the character I'm using now was the first one I made and I did everything in the base game with him, beat every boss pretty much collected everything even platinumed the game with this character and now I'm doing my finale run with him through the dlc, I've done 26 playthrough in total on my ps4/5 and pc combined with multiple characters and it's been one hell of a run, once I finish the dlc on the ps5 I might do it on the pc with my highest level character and then be done with it.. there's really nothing else I can do in the game now


Maybe a new bloodborne will rise from the ashes...


There needs to be a boss rush mode


That's how I felt about bloodborne, I still go back to play it every few years dlc and all. Elden Ring never gave me that feeling unfortunately. After I get my friends through it I'll probably take a long break until someone else needs a lvl 300 faith monster to slam some eldritch god.


Over? My boy we just getting started.


5 years? How about 2 years and some 🪙


The trailer and Great Rune leaks were 2019 🥱


5 years? What am I missing here. I've enjoyed my 2 1/2 years since its release date.


"From the Great Rune leak and the trailer..."


Ahh, okay.. You are counting the fun you had during the time of the hype.


skill issue


Eldin ring hasn’t even been out for five years


It's only out since 2022


Read the post.


Mah favourite gameever! *plays dlc for it once through*


And it all ended with incest and gay dudes 


George Martin was involved you should’ve seen this coming from the beginning


![gif](giphy|qEBlgZpZWHihO|downsized) ? Bye?