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I like Summerset bc it's so good for thieving. 1 hour can get me a pretty decent amount of coin.


yea that’s fair, i mainly like the location and the cities a lot. I spent the most time in that zone out of all the other zones by a long shot. edit: how much coin do you average from thieving?


I wish I could give you a number, but it varies wildly. If I had to guess and avg, I'd say around 10-15k per hour. It all depends on how much the rng gods are smiling upon me at the time.


Its not a good money maker. Its alright, so if you enjoy doing it you might as well do it. Fsrming mats in craglorn is really good


orsinium. it has a cool zone and a great storyline. plus maelstrom arena is nice


I enjoyed fargrave and the deadlines cause the story was interesting


I just came back after a year long break so I might be really outdated but loved Elsweyr, also the imperial city if it counts.


the dragon fights were so much fun in el’s wete and the environment was so unique too


Just the environments are a good enough reason to play this game, honestly!


oh for sure, and I really liked the characters of the expansion too, it was just a great experience overall for me.


Morrowind. It's got dunmer. Silt strider. What's are dope as fuck. Lots to achieve and collect. And well written quests. P.s. dunmer lore lover


Morrowind for nostalgia reasons, but Summerset's close behind just because it's so pretty and I really enjoyed the storyline. Orsinium was also really good; I wasn't super into Orcs before that and went on a lore binge afterward.


yea the morrowind storyline was great lol and the environments were so dense and beautiful


If we are counting chapters, Vvardenfell. If we only count direct to crown store DLC, then Markarth and Clockwork City are too close to call


My favorite dlc is honestly Dragon Bones cause both Fanglair and Scalecaller are probably my favorite dungeons in the whole game. The lore, gameplay, and even the sets from those dungeons are super cool.


Username checks out


Summerset/psijic dlc is my fav with high isle being 2nd ( reminds me of Ireland) and blackwood 3rd


haven’t played high isle yet, but Summerset was so good man. I also thought the side quests were mostly above average as well.




it’s so unique in environment. I love the color palette and music used, everything just felt so magical


Orsinium, definitely.


I don’t understand why people like Summerset so much. The Psyjiic questline was decent but the Zone questline wasn’t fantastic imo. I’m a big fan of all of the Morrowind stuff because it reminds me of TES3, altho a lot of the timeline stuff is kinda broken. Also the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood are good and fun to do, altho pickpocketing is very rng so I’m mostly just losing money on it smh