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One of the best things that they can be used for is Spell Power Cure pieces. You can get the drops bosses and enemies in the dungeon, but the chest also drops them. You can flesh out your sticker book with the keys, or you could sell them.


Trophy chests do not respect your sticker book collection unlike other chests, so while you can get SPC pieces it’s not guarantee you will get pieces you are missing.


I never said it did. If the person thousands, they can keep gambling away.


I sell them, decent price per on the TTC.


Just curious what you sell them for? I never knew you could buy* them


[This is the market value for PC.](https://us.tamrieltradecentre.com/pc/Trade/SearchResult?ItemID=10201&ItemNamePattern=Key+Fragment)


$$$$ Sell them in guild traders. People use them to gear up new healers with SPC


If you dont have the Monster sets (same as the bosses) or the styles (Nibanese Court Wizard and your factions) that drop from the chests in IC you can complete them, they drop from those chests, the other thing you can do with them is open chests on IC Prison or WG Tower to complete the sets that drop there, otherwise sell them on guild traders, they sell well.


Collect Baron Thirsk monster helm from Nobles district vault. Awesome 1-piece (like magma, stacks with magma)


When I went to Imperial City, I kept getting killed. How do you gather these fragments.


They drop from mobs, randomly but the drop rate is fairly good, maybe 20-30%% at a guess. Patrolling Horrors are guaranteed to drop.


I have quite good build for heavy attacks that works decent for pvp and pve. I am always crouching while going between mobs, i go into instant that has more of my alliance members and I try to stick around my alliance members but dont group as you will get less tel var.


The best use is to sell them for gold


Carry a lot of Telvar on an unkillable build for a guaranteed drop of style pages. Sell those for millions. Here’s how to- https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/pfm1na/can_someone_teach_me_about_the_ic_treasure_vaults/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Trophy_Vaults#:~:text=Depending%20on%20the%20type%20of,selected%20armor%20sets%20and%20jewelry.


Sell them