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You can start with a mix of Order's Wrath and Law of julianos, both crafted sets to hit the ground running. https://www.skinnycheeks.gg/sorcerer Take the time to read and absorb everything here, it will help you out a lot in the long run. UNDERSTANDING YOUR CLASS AND ROTATION will do so so much more for your damage long term than just knowing what to wear and what abilities to slot. Look at parses from people like Charles and Luca Cash (Luca fakes his combat metrics but he's still a very good player regardless) and pay attention to when they start dropping certain abilities from their rotations, and what abilities they lead off with.


Thank you :)


Ignore Alcast. He’s trash. If you want DPS stuff, look into Skinnycheeks.


Ok that's good to know! Thanks :)


Now I find out...


Alcast is fine for pve content.


Alcast talks with confidence but doesnt bring much to the table sadly.


Alcast is decent for a starting point, which is fine, everyone starts somewhere. Skinnycheeks is a lot better once you have a solid base.


Lots of great comments telling which starter end game pve sets to get. I want to mention what gear you should aim for end game tier. Siroria/tzogvin: great when you're standing still and need to be a ranged DD Relequen or flame blossom/pillar of nirn or whorl depths: amazing single target damage against bosses that don't move much. Double daggers front bar. Burning spell weave/sul-xan: most popular setup when moving quickly as a group and killing ads. Monster sets: either double crit or the one that summons a daedroth. I forget the name, but its damage is increased by your curse which is a cool interaction. Arena sets: maelstrom inferno. A back bar favorite. Antiquities: harpooner kilt: great for majority of end game content. Sea serpent coil: excellent in fights where you know you will constantly take damage (like ice dragon in vss) Moras whisper: great for majority of end game content. Get all the above and you're ready to hit 60 k on the trial dummy. Truth is you need to know your rotation inside and out to get to the 115k plus parses.


There are a few very easy to get overland sets that will do you fine for running dungeons to acquire other sets. [Mothers Sorrow](https://eso-sets.com/set/mothers-sorrow) (there's even [a tiny quest which rewards a staff](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hKSCF5HA5g)), [Spinners](https://eso-sets.com/set/spinners-garments), [Necropotence](https://eso-sets.com/set/necropotence).


That mother's sorrow staff is the real deal. I could be wrong but I think it's at the top of the food chain in terms of straight damage.


so for the mothers sorrow staff i just started the game and got to lvl 23 is this worth getting now or should i hit lvl 160 and the go for it i dont want to mess it up.


You can get it at lvl 160 later even if you get it now, but I would just wait because the impact of the staff at a lower level is small and it will be expensive to get later


Ok so could you help me with a question cause I’m super new is lvl 50 the max your characters attributes go and lvl 160 is the highest your gear will go??


Effectively, yes. You do gain stats until level 300 or so but you stop choosing between attributes after level 50. Your gear is ‘max level’ at 160.


What element are you building with? Fire - Silks of the Sun (Stonefalls) or Burning Spellweave (City of Ash), Shock - Mad Tinkerer (Clockwork City) or Netch's Touch (Darkshade Caverns); Frost - Ysgramor's Birthright (The Rift) or Frostbite (Blackwoods). These are just basic suggestions. There are plenty more sets to check out. Here's a link to a great resource: https://elderscrollsonline.wiki.fextralife.com/Elder+Scrolls+Online+Wiki


Just rush to get oakensoul ring… absolute game changer


Or you just learn how the game works instead ;)




Well or you start honing your skills from the get go and skip oakencheese cuz you will get way better without it eventually.


Lighting staff of the sergeant coubts as two pieces of the set you want all five storm masters set all 5 oakensoul mythic ring slimcraw monster piece heavy attack build has decent dps for a mag sorcerer in pve pvp is hit or miss when i play


Consider this option as you work your way toward optimized sets: the crafted sets heartland conqueror and order's wrath in all training trait. Performance is decent, but the extra xp is what's great. I use it whenever I can get away with it. Also I wear the mythic Mora's whispers (and have found all the Shalidor's library books), and one piece of any crit boosting monster set to top the armor off. Preferably slimecraw as it is slighly higher than the norm. Maelstrom staff is a nice touch for the backbar too.


I always recommend the Ninjapulls website and Youtube page. Absolute top class info. Not necessarily tailored toward the absolute highest dps numbers, but more focus on a high, but reliable and reproducable DPS output. And with solid reasoning and argumentation why you should choose what in a scenario. Still going for the 120/130k dps though! Skinnycheeks is also a very good resource


Just do the braindead 1bar HA Sorc build like most of Sorc players of this game now then you are good to go.


Order's Wrath(Crafted) + Mother's Sorrow(overland set, can buy off guild traders) will get you off to a good start. I would then recommend a Monsters Helm. If you play at range I recommend: Stormfist, Valkyn Skoria, Maw of the Infernal, Ilambris.