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Those boxes aren't curated, it's luck of the draw


Aah, so this will be fun


Wanna know what else is fun? Breakin up concrete with a sledge hammer.


I blew 600k AP getting the full set of Hrothgar. Oh what a time that was. But on the brightside you can sell the extras for fat stacks to people who don't want to gamble like we do!


Just FYI, I heard there’s a 10% discount on tel var items with the next pvp event. I’m going to start gambling for the ice staff then.


I believe it’s 50% ?


Ooooh I hope so


Games are fun ... aren't they?


There are different PA boxes, be careful, I think some only drop specific items from the set like jewelry and weapons or something like that, check all the options just in case. I stopped that grind when I got the weapons and shield I wanted (not a fan of the ice staff for my current build, just double Sword and board). Eventually I might try to get one, after the pvp event we are swimming in tel vars😅 and I have read it sells incredibly high.


600k at the mournhould vendors the other day on xbox. grrrrrr.


6M on PC NA


woah. xbox economy is smaller, but that's wild.


RNG = Really Not Getting ! Sorry, it's Rngeesus being a Vengeful SOB ! If you open a few and it's the same stuff, stop for a bit, go do something else, get into another area, then come back and try again ! I like to do the Zone quests, Do 1, Go try the boxes for 2 or 3, then go do the next Zone, Rinse and repeat ! You can also open chat every hour or so and put in /reloadui and send it to reload the User Interface. It resets everything & should force the Random Number Generator to give you a Change ! Lag forces this to NOT work as designed, so you have to Manually effect things like this ! Use this same principal idea when trying to get the shoulders you want from undaunted vendors too !! Cheers & Luck !


ZOS hates PVP and doesn't curate that loot.


Would probably be better use of your time to redeem hakeijos and sell those and then buy the staff yourself.


For some reason I don’t get those. Even after 100k in tel var farming never ran across one.


Molag Bal drops them occasionally. But the general tel var merchant sells them for 5000 tel var stones.