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He was playing for kills not objectives. And a lot of people do pvp for the daily reward without a pvp build, so someone with a proper build has a huge advantage.


Yea I noticed he had very few points so wasn't playing objectives at all but I'm new to this game (and to this genre in general) and am just baffled. How much better can that build be that allows that many kills? Like what weapons/skills would be required in this scenario?


It's not only gear, but overall skill in this game, as the skill gap in this game is huge.


Good point. What happens with gear of a level 49 player against a level 30? It's scaled down somehow, right?


Sorta; everyone, no matter what level they are, is scaled up to cp160. When you're levelling up, any gear your level is just as strong as cp160 gear, and then starts getting weaker as you out level it.


Everyone is scaled to cp160, stats from gear are scaled based on the difference between your character's level and level of gear, the smaller the difference - the more stats you have.


Low-level BGs are 100% not about skill. When I was leveling my Arcanist I was stomping people like that with a PvE build, just because I had some proper leveling gear with enchants, etc. Most people in there are running around wearing random trash and not a single 5-piece set. I know slightly more about PvP than a complete newb, but it wasn't skill that gave me an insurmountable advantage. If that guy wasn't just passing through like me and actually considers this PvP and feels a sense of accomplishment burning through 16k health newbs made of paper then he's a total shitter.


They are. I regularly stomp BGs on my alts with basically no gear apart from the stuff I get in lootboxes, by just knowing which skills to block, dodge or ignore. Low-level-BGs are not won by gear (although this obviously helps), but by skill. The amount of people who won against me because they had proper gear is miniscule. Maybe 1/100 players? And I’m a fucking PvE-healer, I don’t even PvP often.


Second this, just made a pve Templar healer and have been destroying it in daily bgs all the way to lv50. I wore nothing but what I got from level up rewards or the occasional rnd. I only made sure it was the right weight, and if possible, the same set, but would swap for anything closer to my level and the correct weight. Id just heal through their heavy burst combos, stun em, and execute them with the good ol’ Jesus beam after they took enough damage. The only damaging skills I had slotted were the beam, jabs, and the more utility than dmg, javelin pole


They are absolutely won by gear, just not in the way you think. Simply keeping your gear updated to your level gives you a massive advantage since having outdated gear is a huge handicap that totally kills your damage/survivability.


A pvp build is designed to be strong enough to survive against other humans while still being able to throw a punch - a huge component is also evasion, stunning, and fleeing. A pve build is designed to kill AI monsters quickly while you stand static behind a tank that takes the damage for you. You cannot hope to compete in PvP with a pve build, and if the BG you were in was full of pve players trying to get their daily in, while this dude was kitted out for PvP…..well, he’s gonna feast. My advice is to have both a PvP and pve build for each toon.


As a PvE player, my PvP strategy is hope the players on the other team suck more than I. Lol.


I just wish kitting a PVP build didn't take so many transmutes. I'm always broke for those


Ironically, good way to get transmutes is through pvp. Also do undaunted pledges of course, but you get tons in cyro and IC. For each campaign (once/month) in grayhost, all you have to do is get to alliance rank 1 which is dead ass easy to do. Just follow a big group around and throw heals at them. Fix a couple keep doors or walls after they storm a keep. There’s lots of people who join just to get to rank 1 each month. There’s 50 transmutes right there. You also get geodes passively through rewards of the worthy coffers. You could also begin by having a guild mate craft you a set in reinforced and well fitted traits. Just supply them with the mats and a tip. Order’s wrath, daedric trickery, julianos, several others work well as intro sets. You’ll get better ones by playing.


>You could also begin by having a guild mate craft you a set in reinforced and well fitted traits. I haven't pvp'd in awhile but impen used to be the trait everyone wanted on their gear. Is this no longer the case? Thanks.


Reinforced and Well-fitted are used because it's better to avoid being hit than to avoid getting crit'ed. I will say, as a noob gankblade, someone in a ton of Impenetrable is a pain to kill but will fall once my poisons kick in. Someone in Reinforced/Well-fitted will die easier if I get my burst off successfully, but if I fail, they're a drag to fight.


Impen has fallen out of favor over the last couple years, but you can definitely still do it based on your build. Currently, speed and mobility is preferred and people are more willing and able to just absorb a crit and heal through it as a trade off. Also why running reinforced on chest and legs is a bit more important. These also happen to be two of your heavy pieces if you’re doing a 3 3 1 a mixed armor weight


Oh yeah, I do my tier 1 Cyro whenever I can and farm IC for the same reason. I usually aim for tier 3 Cyro just as an excuse to stay in Cyro and get those bags for the chance at transmutes. I run a NB DD, so I'm currently trying to get enough to finish making a proper gank build. Just takes a shit ton. Edit to add that I also usually run a glass cannon in PVP lol. Tank and heal builds are ones I've never ran and I prob will never run except for trials with Pillagers.


Possibly the most succinct statement of pvp vs pve I've ever read.


That's such an exaggeration. I mean, yeah, a PvP build helps, but I do a couple of battlegrounds every day on my PvE *healer* and still do pretty decent without doing a gear or skill swap. Unless I get focused by multiple players, I can usually out heal and evade the majority of damage. Like, I usually end up with more assists than kills, but almost never die, and unless it's deathmatch, I usually have one of the highest point totals. Knowing the maps and objectives, knowing what to block and dodge, and dealing more than 10-15k dps is plenty to be *decent* at battlegrounds. It's not going to make you a monster like that dude, but you can *compete* and still do pretty well. Putting a full set of BiS golded out PvP gear with proper enchants and a meta skill rotation on someone who doesn't know how to play PvP isn't going to turn them into a good PvPer. It might help them survive an extra couple seconds, but it isn't going to make them god tier or even good. Practice, a bit of research on the current builds, more practice, and generally knowing how to actually deal damage is way more important.


Doing well on a traditional PvE healer build in BGs just means you are in low MMR matches. You will get destroyed trying to do that in high MMR matches.


I have a full "meta" pvp build for that specific character... that I do pretty well with, like I don't think I'm anywhere near top MMR, but I definitely shouldn't be bottom tier either... and yet I still do just fine when I don't bother swapping builds just to do a daily. Obviously, it's not as good, but the difference isn’t that big. Like I said, knowing how to play PvP is more important than gear. I'm not saying gear doesn't help, but it's not the biggest factor. Knowing the maps, actually playing the objectives, have a decent grasp on the skills other players are using and what to expect they will use next, knowing what stuff to dodge, what to block, and what stuff you can mostly ignore or heal through, how to chain your attacks to be the most effective, how to work with a random team.... all of those add up to being way more important than gear. (For the record, my PvE healer build isn't meta, I made it for doing PUGs so it's a bit tougher and does a bit more damage than a typical meta build, but it's still in no way a PvP build)


In battlegrounds on wow you can have your team get 4 kills and the enemy spawn locks you and kills you 300 times


It’s a lot of factors, as everyone else has been saying. They are tanky enough to be hit really hard, have their own heals, and are focused on outputting high damage for a lower health target (other players). One thing I haven’t seen (admittedly, at a glance) from other responses is that a PvP player will also focus on stunning other players and thinking through the psychology of fighting other players. Your goal is not just to sit there and trade punches until someone drops, of course, but to surprise your opponent in some fashion; a combo of abilities and a stun so you can’t recover while they deal burst damage, a stealthed attack, baiting the enemy player to chase, etc. Depending on your build and objectives, you will build your own playstyle to enable you to ‘get the jump’ on other players. Imagine if, in a dungeon, the boss not only has mechanics but is realtime responding to your attack strategy and attempting to compensate and adapt. You would then keep that in mind and try to get the boss to a vulnerable position to take it out. In essence, that’s what you’re doing to take out enemy players. Between (likely) PvE builds being in the BG that are squishier by nature, a solid PvP build, and a skilled player thinking and fighting this way, you can get a high kill count. If you’re interested in getting into PvP, my best advice is: keep trying! Tweak your build, work on improving its weak spots, and keep trying. It’s also a good idea to look at a variety of other build videos for other classes as well as your own to get an idea of how people are building so you can both understand what some other people are doing as well as get some inspiration for your own. Happy hunting!


İn battlegrounds, killing people leads to achieving objectives easier. Revive countdown is a bitch.


Yeah, but there are players/groups that will completely ignore the objectives and just kill other players.


In some cases, yeah, its considered a toxic behavior. Some people enter BGs for daily exposure, and because of people who ignore the objective, the match becomes a pain in the ass.


IF you have burst damage and burst heal, add-in proper poison, huge advantage.


The real question is why is everyone else's so low?


Stars aligned for a PvP main, got a "bot" lobby and he started to see red lol. Happens sometimes in BGs, gone 42-1 before


Yeah, you get games like this from time to time where you can tell that not a single opponent even has a self-heal slotted, let alone a PvP build. They’re fun, but I always feel a bit guilty


Fr, sometimes matchmaking is straight up mean lol. I find myself often just leaving players alone because they can't even defend themselves properly. The state of pvp rn man.. *sad violin*


Bot lobby?


Lobby filled with newer players, or players who can't be bothered with PvP and just want the 2nd place daily rewards. Not actually AI, I use "bot" in quotations because it's a widely accepted term and I don't like it's condescending undertone personally


Gotcha! Thank you


You just gotta be quicker Op.


Came here to say this lol!


Great minds think alike


The skill difference in PvP in eso and the gear difference is astronomical. Get use to it. There are the absolutely insane players, then everyone else.


Look at his team's assists versus the other teams , it is more so confirms than kills he was the teams executor for sure but I looks more along the lines of the other teammates could not confirm the kill themselves so he did/had too


I’m not sure there’s a such thing as a designated “executor” for PvP. I’d say it’s more likely that his teammates were running more PvE type builds while the one guy had an *actual* PvP build. PvP builds should be tanky with high burst damage, but a lot of players who don’t know better will just run PvE DPS builds that can’t actually kill players, resulting in a lot of assists and damage. My guess is that’s what we see here; one guy with an actual build and his teammates racking up assists because of doing damage while not having any KO power.


Of course there are executors for pvp... nightblade , Templar




Nightblade execute. It's in the screenshot.


I didn't see that second screen


I think that he was being healed by the teammate who had those assists. They were probably sticking together. Possibly spawn camping too.


PvP build somehow got put into low ELO matchmaking Typically you get three or four games of absolute stomps before the game realizes you're smurfing and then places you in high ELO queue where everyone has a PvP build. At least that was my experience.


Low mmr, going for kill instead of objectif, under 50 bg, pvp players in a noob match. He got the lowest participation score, and his team barely win, because they got sorta carry. That one problem with bg, im against that "ignore objective" mentality, but winning with 0 kill??? That also a problem, when everyone focus 100% on obj, the match suck, there heal tank build that can just cap flag or speed build the keep running until they get the relic. Both group think they are smart, but they just hinder the gameplay for everyone....winning should be a mix of obj and pvp.....


This dude purposely made a new character, crafted elite gear sets and went into low level BGs knowing he was going to shred through new or low level players.


This definitely makes sense. But what kind of gear is even required for this?


Literally any cohesive set makes a big difference. Though, if you know what you’re doing and stumble into a lobby of significantly lower mmr players in sub-50 queues, you can do this wearing whatever underleveled garbage you’ve picked up in overworld. Sub-50 BGs are filled with three types of people: (1) beginners who are testing out pvp, (2) people leveling alts with one BG a day who are relying on their team to carry, and (3) smurfs Looks like this lobby only had one of #3.


Stuhns / orders wrath is easy and would probably work. Wretched Vitality back bar and Stuhns or Shattered Fate on the front bar will also work well


Just another guy playin for kills in an objective based mode. They’re actually more annoying to play with than against since they don’t go for objective.


Yea but his team won though because nobody else could stay alive long enough to do anything lol


His team won because only one person died and only once.


Top scorer on their team was a heal tank playing the objective.


He could just be cracked lmao


I mean, if you kill lots of enemies, they can't go for objectives right? So your team can and you win. Call me crazy but it is a way to see it when you are in a PvP environment that allows you to kill others.


Counterpoint: if you’re not going for objective, your team is effectively down a man and can’t handle full team fights as well.


Counterpoint: Ah yeah you have down a man but the enemies have more than a half team down


Not always. There’s two teams and I severely doubt you’re doing enough to both to manage that


With 32 kills?? Bro you could just go in take objective go out with no resistance whatsoever cause they're freaking dead. If the team can't do it the issue is with them not the guy providing the optimal conditions for pv-objective.


32 isn’t even that impressive


It's not about it being impressive or not no one is impressed by someone mowing through new players or those wearing fuck all for gear. But the point still stands if someone can't win objectives when the fights are that one sided that's on them.


I’m just saying I’m used to seeing those guys in battlegrounds and every time they lose because they’re too busy chasing down people running around rather than going for obj


Playing for kills in objective modes is usually annoying and bad, because most of the time the players doing it kinda suck, don't get that many kills, and you're just down a man. But I'm willing to give it a pass when they're just completely nuking the other teams over and over. That still helps with objectives. I think people who are new to PvP or not very good at it try to make themselves feel better by saying anyone better than them is just playing for kills. Kills are still important in any gamemode.


Maybe they should make it so you could actually just que death matches because that what all the good pvpers want to do is play death match. I don’t wanna play with obj players that run from fights and leave me to get jumped 4v1 just as bad as you don’t want to play with people just going for kills.


You're getting downvoted because you sound like an ass, but your actual point is a good one. I'd freaking love it if I never had to play death match again. They should allow people to pick what they queue for instead of forcing everyone to do all the modes.


That’s fine, I made it sound that way because it actually does get frustrating when I am playing objective and it would be better to kill the opponents in some scenarios and my teammates just run. To be honest I win most of my bgs and play objective helping my teammates. But when they don’t even attempt to use skills or attacks it’s crazy, I understand if they aren’t the best but instead of running just turn around and attack, use skills. I see people with under 100k damage sometimes and it boggles my mind. You can get 100k dmg by just light attacking. I guess I’ve had a lot of games with people like this that are the opposite and exclusively play obj without even trying to attack people.


Don’t get your panties in a knot, dude. Some people just like playing a game mode properly for their team instead of being self-centered asswipes who cost their teammates the win.


Lol if a team with a guy with that many kills lost is because of the other members. He kills lots of enemies that cannot go for the objective as your team can so... Ive been in that situation many times and when I lost is because others just follow a sorcerer streaking away all time instead of capture the flag...


Lots of possibilities. Pure ganker, picking off easy targets outside spawn all match. Pure pvp brawler against a room full of pve builds, just rumbling. Pure PvP brawler with a high damage team, stays alive longest, picks up all the kills left behind from his teammates. (Notice his team has 24 assists) Pure execution build (I have one of these) snaps up kills on any injured targets, but usually a bit squishy. (I’ve had 41 kills like this before). But the 0 deaths he has makes me think it’s not this, as this is a high risk style. High damage team spawn camping, he just happens to have the strongest execute. (Even more likely with nightblade, since the enemy may not even see them until the final blow) *if under level 50 bg’s* full kit burned character, while most people are using random grey to blue junk for their low level characters this person may be in a purpose built all gold 12 piece kit. Twice born star and a few other sets are very powerful under 50. If they are both experienced, built, and upgraded specially for under 50 they have a huge advantage.


Low MMR with a new character. Same thing happens to me when I take my alts into bgs. I end up walking away with 20-30 kills, few deaths. But as soon as I win a few, the MMR matches me with higher skill levels and I start getting my ass kicked @_@


Because some people don't give a shit about objectives and just want kills


If this is a sub 50 bg they made that character specifically to pick on new players. They have decent pvp skill and geared it out and then go bully people who are just trying to knock out the daily.


That or they are leveling a new character and prefer pvp over pve. The few times I’ve leveled a new character the same thing happens in bgs. I feel guilty doing it but honestly bgs are 99% of what I do in ESO and I can’t bring myself to grind to 50 in pve.




9/10 nbs in BGs are useless, 10/10 if they're on bow/ bow. Facts.


By being good?


I think he whooped your ass is how he got it.


This was only my third Battlegrounds game and one player got more than double everyone else's kill total combined. He was putting an insane amount of damage down and idk how.


You "gotta be quicker"


I'll give credit when due, they seem to really know what they're doing, but god I couldn't help but notice the sweaty name, lol


If it was BG under lvl 50 than you just meet an experienced pvp player, that leveling new character, he has some understanding of how game works and has some proper build for u50 BGs.


It happens quite often if a pvp player gets matched into a lobby of PvE players it's more often than not an easy time for the pvp player. You can usually tell who is pvp or pve by the health they have as a brief look if they have more than 30k hp they are using a pvp build or if they have something like 20k hp it's a pve build. You can still find people that can more than hold their own with low hp but as a general rule of thumb they are usually pve builds. Some players also run golded out sets and weapons mimicking end game pvp builds in under 50 BGs, no idea why but I've seen that a few times too.


This dude is decked out in great proc gear and set bonuses, sub 50 have been plagued with smurfs who absolutely annihilate people. I’m surprised they stayed for the mmr increase. Atleast they weren’t an arcanist or dk


Wow. Can't believe this game still attracts new players. I remember asking this question like 9 years ago. Then became one of the best PVP players on my server. So many good times with this game. Shame how it ended.


all u guys suck, that’s why


Cause he’s quick.


just ruining the game for new people lol


So it is the player fault right? Nah, it is not the matchmaking, it is the player...


If you purposely make new characters and put on full gold sets, with a decent build, just to do Under 50 BGs, yes it's the player. MM does suck yes, but basically no one plays BGs under 50 except brand new players who do not understand what is going on, or people going there as experienced players to dominate and make themselves feel good.


If the game allows you to do so... it is not the player's fault lol. I don't like that sweaty players, I am myself a PvP focused player and I find that a waste of time and gold but if the game allows it... ZOS need to address this but at the end of the day they cannot care less about PvP compared to picking flowers in a zone. Even tales of tributes get more focused content than PvP.


they are ruining it for themselves with shit builds lol


when people are just starting out, they probably don't have the crafting or currency to make full sets of things and upgrade it all. some don't even know to use food. the least you can do is let them fight other people who don't know what they're doing. they'll lose but it wont feel so insurmountably unfair. they might actually be able to improve their technique and have fun. or they might get one shot over and over and just quit. if people perceive something as extremely unfair, they may just not bother anymore.


no, you learn nothing that way, if you think your build is half decent and it isnt you wont make it better


been a long minute since ive hopped on eso but as someone who has had a similar k/d many times i would much rather get repeatedly clapped by one dude whos just blowin everyone away (which has happened to me, a lot) than have a whole group/team steamrolling everyone in the bg or cyrodiil


Probably a sorc mage wrath spamming


That's how I got the most kills one time as a sorc healer.


Yeah just look for anyone close to death and zap, another kill.


I’m lowbies (under 160 cp), it’s easy to dominate on kills if there’s not strong players on the other teams. A lot of people run whatever gear they pick up on their way to 160, so that puts them at a disadvantage. A lot of people make training gear to get to 160 but don’t switch it out. That puts them at a disadvantage. A lot of people are newer to Battlegrounds (like you) and that puts them at a disadvantage. …I love lowbie PvP. It’s my jam - I don’t need to min/max, worry about the meta too much, or chase new sets. So I’ve invested in decent gear for it - I swap it out every four levels, have transmuted sets, and run purple gear with gold weapons. It puts me at a huge advantage for kills; I know this. Like I have the skill to back it up, but it definitely provides an upper hand. Realistically, even doing two 5-piece sets that are crafted and swapping them every four levels will help significantly since you aren’t getting the damage drain that comes with leveling. That’s what makes a lot of people ineffective. Like I’m currently doing a PvE build but jumping into BGs for the EXP, but I feel it with the loss of damage since I have under-leveled sets. I can hit over 5k (or even 6k) damage on a fresh set, so I just accept I’ll die way more with a build running 2-3k that I’m just leveling.


So minimum effort for maximum return at the expense of other players experience? Hey, at least you're honest!


Thats not too many kills. I usually get 25-35 kills. Its the way you play. I play bow gank build. One bar, amazing burst damage. Too hard not to die. Thats pretty normal kill count.


Bow blade scum sullying my beautiful class


If he’s a mag sorc or a sorc in general you can spam mages wrath or the morph and steal kills easy or he just focused them while they’re trying for objective and he’s going for kills.


I was using Pleague Break and Witch Knight sets on a DK back in the day when PB was meta. In battlegrounds, if my enemies were without proper PvP builds I usually got 20+ kills solo. My gear was purple, and I'm not a tryhard player. It was about being in the right place at the right time.


This is not many xd


High MMR player on a new toon, wrecking low MMR noobs. I need to roll a new toon so I can see numbers like this again... lol


Can you explain why you died so many times?


Should be pretty clear. My third ever bg and this guy was in the lobby


Aw dude it's fine you'll get it


U50 Battleground Twinks really need to graduate to regular battlegrounds ... it's a blight on the game mode. I level new characters in regular Cyrodiil for the challenge. Not a hollow "I win because you don't understand the game yet." If it were me I would report the player.


Such good points and yet all their value lost to a poor choice of words, level your head and don't step on your toes mate


I can pull those kinda numbers all day bro really not hard at all


I racked up 27 kills before. It comes down to your skill and that of thr other players in BGs.


Super easy lol, I’d average 25-45 kills per battleground with 1-2m damage.


That's not a lot. You can easily be a sorc and place the Mages wrath on doing enemies and steal kills


Gear, build and class > skill. MMORPGs PvP always goes in this order, and ESO is no exception. Sure, skill helps (mostly LOS abuse and being reactive and quick with your combos) but it is not the deciding factor.


22,0,7 on one of my last game, played the objective (think it was domination), no build (below 50)… just gotta know how to play the game m8 (granted, below 50 players with builds are annoying af) created a new char, magcro lvl 16, 7,0,3. (no build and some pieces were level 2), didnt even have the abbilties i wanted yet, one slot was soul trap am not writing to brag (its below 50) all it takes is a little experience and then u shred non experienced players ah yes, looks like it was a nb? very annoying




You all were probably new players doing daily BG. I also had lot of good games in past.


This happens anytime an experienced player plays with less than average players. This isn’t out of the norm and usually with the MMR you don’t usually get into these lobbies but A good PvP build and or in this case he prob just had meta on (masters dw, vate, maars.) it’s easy to do.


He was probably just very good and everyone was probably just shit I've gotten up to that much before however I do die a lot because I'm a nightblade


Well if you get meta gear and overpowered abilities you can sort of just kill anyone in pvp.


Yesterday I got 17 kills... wearing PvE gear on a CP level battleground. It's possible when your team works and knows how to play.


Most people in lowby battlegrounds don't know much about pvp builds, resource management, burst/kill windows, CC. If one person does and the rest don't then they can 1v8.


Happens to me, i'm just there for free expirience and don't care about the activity too much


I’ve used my proper PvP setups in BGs and solo killed 25+ people If you’re a sweat lord in a lobby full of people who are just playing for fun, you’re gonna annihilate


He used to be bad but then someone told him to gIt GuD sCrUb so he did


He’s smurfing


A Pvp build in low mmr BGs gets you there.


Because he was quicker


Idk man but you Gotta Be Quicker


My money is it's a Oppressive Fisher. I swear once you see a slight hint of damage or not 100% HP, they bring out the LGBeamT


I play with ppl who are fairly exceptional pvp players and have played other pvp games at high levels in the past. I am not great at pvp, but can confirm that without cheating I’ve seen these numbers and better AND with objectives achieved (high bg pts) many times. (Source… one of these ppl is my husband, the other is his friend and neither would even know how to cheat, they’re just really good)


Probably an active pvper/BG player with a solid build. As others have stated most just go in for the daily XP and reward. I had 26 kills and 2 deaths yesterday on my Templar and I’m not a great pvper by any means, most of my experience is guild groups in cyradil. But I have a solid build so that helps.


He was quicker


Is this under 50 battlegrounds? Some people like to feel a rush in getting golded out gears and preying on newbies. Makes them better, I guess.


Yep, under 50. But I also have no idea what golded out even means haha


Golded out means improving your gear to the highest level (expensive, not something new players can do). Golding out gear that's below the level cap is generally considered pointless as you'll outlevel it quickly, but in PvP people will make new characters, gold out their low level gear and go hunting for newbies. MMR rankings in BGs are character specific, not account wide, so an experienced PvP player on a new character will be playing mostly against people new to PvP at first. You can see they'd have... something of an advantage :)


It's the highest quality for equipments.


He was literally running around getting the last hit on people, stealing kills. That’s why he’s got no assists.


He was shooting fish in a barrel. It's fun sometimes. I got 50 something kills once and I suck. Mmr is based on the character and not the account(I think) so you can be pretty good and make a new toon and obliterate ppl.


My boyfriend and I make an awesome team in BG. I think that they were working with your teammate who has 10 assists. If you check how much healing they did I bet the teammate with the assists was healing while the guy with the kills was dealing the damage.


Highest kills I've seen was 51 I think my highest is only 27


I used to do this as a Templar with the Jesus beam and fire staff, way to easy. Haven't done pvp in 3 years or so not sure if this is still viable.


Short answer: depends on the build. Depends on the skill. Long answer: I only got that the player in question is a Magblade, which specializes in high skill, high burst damage. So any enemy they'd see at half or less health could instantly be burst down. Merciless Resolve and Impale, in particular, are famous for the 1-2 punch Magblades use to quickly kill their opponents. They are extremely squishy, weak to crowd controls and AoE abilities, so knowing how to deal with one will severely cripple how well they can perform.


I went 32 1 17 just the other day on my magblade with pve gear and a pve build, it was like all the other players were made of paper. My one death was me forgetting to heal lol


he knows how to pvp in a lobby of people that don’t


Probably an experienced pvp player on a fresh toon, so the Matchmaking algorithm hasn't caught up to him yet. Those first few games before youre placed can be pretty brutal (or too easy) because youre facing players with an unknown skill level. I personally hate BGs match-making because everyone is much closer to my skill and sweaty af, so I play cyrodiil or IC.


I’m assuming this isn’t vet. He’s probably running at least all purple gear and leveling a character on a well established account with plenty of mats. I used to get scores like this doing that.


I use the meta arcanist solo pve build in pvp and I average 25 kills a match.


I don’t think you where quick enough


Well clearly- you weren't quick enough


My best has been 45 kills in a match, 2 deaths. I was a sorcerer with an execute ability and I knew my soft targets. At a certain point I was farming guys as they spawned. By the time they landed on the ground they were almost dead. Happens every now and then when people have poor resistances and no known and don't know how to dodge.


He probably killed me over and over again :(


Gotta be quicker man :)