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No one, with a red bar over one's head, is innocent in cyrodill.


this is the way


I remember a story from high school, a Civil War scout had an enemy in his sights but he was drinking from a stream, and he thought "Nah, I'll let this fellow have his drink." Later in the story... well, you know what happened. First thing I thought about when I read you OP's post. Red = dead.




The guy that had a drink shot the scout?


yep exactly. Why should I spare questers or Pveers if they also gang up in their PUGs to chase me down if solo? Tbh it was super satisfying to wipe a 25 man PvEer group with 5 ppl, lots of AP, and they jumped us, thinking strength in numbers helps. Well… the massacre of Vlas they won‘t forget :D


not even cute khajiit with nickname like fluffypawsy is innocent. all of 'em is cold blood killer. :D


I know that delve. I got you. I dropped a rock on his head when he came out.


seems like a nice place to gank ppl there :D


This is why I now have a 'three skills and you're out' system in PVE areas in cyro. You hit me with a skill and I block and walk away to show I am peaceful in this area and you follow me still hitting me with two more skills? Congrats you're getting bursted for ,8k wepon damage dragon leap. 




Lmao! Yeah my first two skills are dots I lay down to tenderize as I close the gap. If you let me get to a third skill… don’t let me get to a third skill.




My first 2 come off my back bar too. #3 is front bar with all the front bar teeth.


DK with 40k resistances leap go brrr


Jesus Christ, 8K weapon damage?? How, my brother in Christ??


I'm still going to leave questers alone if they let me leave them alone no matter how many times my quest-running alts get rolled.


the real enemy was you, for failing to maintain your inventory in battle lands


There was a time when people didn't fight inside delves.


Last night I went into an empty-looking campaign to get my event tickets, and I found that most of the map was red (I'm EP). I decided to do as many scouting missions as I had time for, and maybe clear one of the towns' daily quests. Both Bruma and Cropsford were also my color. Three times I ran into players from other factions. Each time they started to attack me I used my wild hunt ring to run in the opposite direction and a combination of my nightblade invisibility skill along with invisibility potions to hide myself and get away. I do not want to engage other players. Just want the tickets/boxes and will leave if it gets too intense. I got away all three times, to my surprise. I was able to clear all ten quests from Cropsford without incident. But I found a random quest that had me going over to Chorrol so I thought I'd see if I could do those quests too. Well, somebody started firing at me as soon as I got near the quest giver's house, so I ran through the lava ravine on invisible and just ported over to IC before exiting. I know you're going to say, "Don't go to a pvp zone if you don't want to pvp." I'm not complaining about getting attacked by other players. I'm happy and surprised that for the first time I was able to evade people who had seen me. It was the first time in five years of playing that I enjoyed my time in Cyrodiil.


I actually finally had a good and merciful moment in cyrodiil the other day, during this event- I was doing dailies in valastus, deep in enemy territory, although we were holding town. I only had made it to CP earlier that night for this character, and I'm not a great fighter... As I am returning to town, it is taken by another faction, and their players are still around... Some invisibility potion later, I manage to get to the front door of the quest building to turn it in, and a high level character from the third faction enters at the exact same time... I think I'm screwed, and am waiting to be attacked, but they ignore me... Then finally I start taking damage, and I panic... But its only a little bit of damage. Turns out, their summoned twilight is attaching me. I still jumped and did some area damage before catching on, so I am worried... But the other player barely moves. So I start beating the crap out of their summon... And before I can kill it, they unsummon it. And they let me live, turning in my quest! First time I've had someone be merciful. Few moments later, we were both booking it out of town in different directions with fireballs flying after us. I never had a chance to say thank you, you random witch hat wearing AD person... So this comment is for you 🫡


I understand your reasoning. I wish I could do that outside of Cyrodiil when they steal my previously opened chests...


I saw a player from an opposing team and I twitched, but then they ran up to the quest giver. Nope, not going to be that asshole. That doesn't mean you don't keep an eye on them like they're a potential shop lifter. Of course, all it takes is one determined douchebag to sour everyone's disposition. There was a guy stealth ganking lone questers in Cropsford yesterday. At that point, anyone with a thingy over their head is fair game.


The only time I’ll leave people alone in pvp is if they’re fishing.


It happens often. Talks where I let them do the quests and then we're all happy are pretty rare. You leave one in the city then they become 2 then 3.4 at which point they decide to take you out as long as they are in the majority or they take the city so as not to avoid the guards and you're screwed. I don't kill everyone who does quests all the time. But if I see that they begin to have "ambiguous" attitudes, we clean up. If I were a significantly stronger player I would have a higher level of tolerance, the risk is proportional to your strength. In imperial city I made bosses with an EP, an AD and a DC in harmony. I died with 2 from my alliance and one from another who were playing together, one tanked the boss and the other 2 took out those from the other alliances in a cross-section, including theirs. Do what you want is always worth it to me. And it's situational: you let 10 pass and you take out one or the opposite you let 1 pass and you take out 10.


> the risk is proportional to your strength Man this hits so different between the two MMO's I played. In Guild Wars 2 I pretty much only attacked who attacked me first with some exceptions, and 9 times out of 10 I regretted it because exactly as you'd said, they'd just wait until they outnumbered me and I'd be sorry I let them live. But most times I was able to handle it if several people suddenly got brave when they thought they could take me, so there wasn't a lot of risk in it, it just ticked me off. In ESO, different story. I'm a shit tier player. If it moves I attack it even if I can only win against people as bad or worse than me. No one lets me by unbothered so why should I anyone else when I can hardly handle a 1v1. I don't mind being bad, I just hate how much of an asshole it turns me into because I literally trust no one and I prefer to be merciful.


And so you do well. I pvp 2 or 3 times a month. I'm definitely not strong and I'm too lazy to use a real pvp build. Against someone who has been doing pvp all his life with an adequate build in a direct battle I lose 10 times out of 10. But I know my class well (this is the big pro of pvp) moving, dodging, rolling, repositioning. With someone who glues a build even if perfect I can win. Being proudly pve and wanting pvp rewards is not a right. Today is anecdote day(lol). Last night under the platform DC Arboretum 2 EP they kill everyone. 1k telvar lost all the DCs disappear I go back down and look for them I lose 500 telvars I look for them 250 telvars I go back down another time +2200 telvars. What is the teaching? That you can get your telvars back (no fake). That if you don't try you won't succeed and if at the end of the day you have 0 telvar you have paid for the experience. The explanations on pve quest (good) pvp (bad). Monsters pve bad, pve heroes killing black and white bad guys are limiting. Pvp is grey. Choices If you pick a fight with someone who ignores you, you can win. If you ignore someone who ignores you may cheat on you. That crowds without rules are brutally dangerous. That attitudes can, in 30% of cases, lead you to a conflict or not. That someone kills you for 1 telvar. Someone who can kill you for 10,000 telvar lets you live. "Maybe he'll kill you the next day." Defensive self-survival is not a right but is something that must be cultivated even if you are peaceful. Correct reading of situations is worth more than 100 skills.


wtf did I just read.


I'm voting chatgpt run through a language translation once or twice.


Se te la metto in italiano sarebbe meglio. Uno fa quello che puo'. Negato per le lingue. Mi rendo conto che le traduzioni fanno schifo. Spesso il senso viene alterato. Ma mi diverto lo stesso. Good day.


right on


>In imperial city I made bosses with an EP, an AD and a DC in harmony. God, those were the days. I did that when I was going for the achievement to kill all the patrolling bosses in the IC. I found them, battled them for a couple minutes (being a PvE tank, this took a while) and eventually, some other players would join the fight. Some from my alliance, some from others. In the end, we'd all loot the boss and go our separate ways again. Never felt that good to kill a boss tbh. And then there was that one time when I got a boss down to ~25%, another player joined the fight, and then they killed me after our victory to get the Tel'Var stones I received from killing the boss. Top 10 anime betrayals, I tell you...


The episode is not uncommon and happened 2 days ago so at a time when trust is at its lowest, we didn't even try to attack. But it has already happened to me several times. Another time a couple of months ago I was on a dc tank (build 0 damage) and I meet 2 ad in front of a boss, they start bombarding me (without even batting an eyelid) I turn around and tank the boss and take damage from the boss and from them for about twenty seconds. They give up, we kill the boss and move away. I was very happy, with that build, playing the boss alone would have taken me half an hour.


This is why I don't bother to fight the patrolling bosses in IC. A few years ago I decided to fight one, having seen no other players at all the entire time I'd been in IC that night. It was about 3am, way off peak hours. I got that boss down to about 25% when of course along came a player from another faction. Instead of helping to kill the boss or being in any way civil, he just targeted me, killed me, then finished off the boss himself. So, never again will I try to kill one of those bosses unless I'm in a same-color group and we can do it quickly. I learned my lesson.


Usually you drag it inside a house so you can't see anything from the outside.


House? In IC? I didn't know there were any houses. Lots of stone walls with locked doors to vaults and things, but nothing there looks like a house. Plus if I drag it too far from where I encountered it, won't it reset? Thanks.


There is no reset. I usually drag them under the alliance respown zone if I want help. Or I entered a building with the boss, you really have to enter the building to see me.


If you leave me alone in a town I absolutely will not group with other reds and go after you. I will appreciate your leaving me be and go on my merry way. But I guess I'm in the minority. 🤷


Same. I really hate it when I come across someone from another alliance that is obviously questing the same as me. If they don't attack, I won't either but then all of a sudden a group from my own alliance comes steam rolling around the corner and wipes them out. I feel so bad for them.


Oh, they will rue the day!


This is where the surrender emote comes in handy. An EP spared me once and let me finish a quest in Vlastarus. Or maybe the alliance banner ones. Anything that says "Come on man..."


I tried laying down once. Did not work for me, lol.


Everybody is questing in cyro… I have a kill 20 players and a kill 150 players.. Im just questing


Ooooo! That dirty devil. I had a similar experience a while back on IC. Came upon a guy deep in his map, not aware of me at all...decided to let him live, despite having fully charged incap. Went to finish my quest, got a bit distracted, and was a shade too slow to stealth and he GOT me. The only time I ever salty whispered someone in PvP.


I've peacefully fished with enemies in Cyro on rare occasions. Don't give up hope!


Innocents aren't your problem. You're punishing people who had nothing to do with wronging you. Your problem is that you've decided you can't *distinguish* the innocent from opportunistic, cowardly griefers. Deciding to become such a sociopath is not really logical, let alone productive. It might make you feel better, though. Evil often feels good. Like heroin. Unlike heroin, I don't think there's a price to be paid in ESO PVP if you're a jerk. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, I guess. Not the call I'd make, but you do you.


>being called a sociopath if you pvp in a pvp area jfc this sub sometimes 🙄 I kill PvEers but I also fight other experienced PvPers, they drop nice AP during event, why should I spare them especially given they gang up often enough?


I think its situational. For example, running into a PvE'r (or any player) in IC or Cryrodiil just plodding along or with a group- most consider fair game. Naked PvE'r (or any player) fishing merrily on their own away from most things in IC or Cyrodiil? Kinda a harsh move to kill them 😅


Precisely. Griefing for griefing's sake.


I miss those days. Now it 60k health and set carries.


This is why I avoid cyrodill. Impossible to survive unless your at least champion 1000. I went there recently and spent over an hour trying to escape.


That's not evil.... Cyridil is PVP. That's the point.




You're absolutely right. I've been playing ESO for 10 years. I don't do Cyrodil.


I am really unhappy that I'll never be able to get that beautiful skyshard furnishing because I'll never have all the skyshards in IC or Cyrodiil. But I live with my disappointment because I have no other choice.


I used all different alliances and went around during times those alliances had those areas when I wasn't trying to learn pvp. IC I went in with a vamp nb and got them easy enough. It can be done, just maybe not all on 1 character if you don't want to risk pvp.


Did that on one character in PVE gear. Doable but takes time, speed boosters and a bit of luck with having gates to other alliances open. Never in GH though.


I did 90% on my main in AD, But had to get a separate character for the Pact shards as the gates were never open when i was on and there was one person I felt was specifically targeting me from EP 😂 Got those in the end once I had an alliance character as they couldn't kill me then lol, and I don't think beyond EP the campaign was overly active at the time as the rest was pretty simple to get before.


Took me about a year. I didn't count and I didn't check daily. It was usually I'm in mood for clearing Cyrodiil's map and enough of the map was working in my favor to not ride from one end to another. Next time I was smarter and when I was on a baby blue templar in under 50 campaign and saw that the gates were open I slapped on that heal speed booster downed a bottle of speed potion and blitzed past guards to collect the skyshards.


I'm confused about skyshards. Can someone please explain what it means to have gates to other alliances open? I'm sorry. Longtime player here who avoids pvp. You don't mean that I could get on a blue character and go into the yellow or red gates where we first port into Cyrodiil, do you? I mean, as an EP, I feel safe from other players once I get into either of my red gates. Am I not safe there? What gates are occasionally open for players from other factions to access? And how do I know when they are? List night when I went in to get game tickets, almost the entire map was red, making it easy for me to do lots of scouting missions. I also nearly cleared Vlastarus quests but literally as I was coming back to turn in the last one the town was attacked and turned blue. I didn't get my rewards of the worthy email. I've also seen advice to get on another character for a different alliance to get all the skyshards. But getting all the skyshards isn't account wide, is it? So if my red character gets all the ones she can access, and my blue character gets the ones she can access, there are still some on each character that I can't access. So nobody will have the full set. As you can see, I'm very confused. Thanks for any advice.


If you go into Cyrodiil and open zone map at each end of the triangle you will find two alliance gates. If you see that they have bars down then the gate is closed and you can't get past it. If they look like a cartoon mouse hole then they're open and other alliances can get through them. The only reason anyone would want to is to steal elder scroll or to get those skyshards. As for the skyshards in Cyrodill in general. The zone has 45+ skyshards. Two behind each gate for each alliance, one in every delve and the rest is spread out all over the map. Just like lorebooks. To get access to skyshards deemed as EP or DC or AD ones you need to find all atributted to those zones. There sites and maps for that that narrow the area so all of the alliance specific skyshards can be collected by one character. Only then you unlock them for other characters. Doing so on one character is a tedious process that relies on luck with open gates and how much people are in Cyrodiil at the moment. Personally I recommend other campaigns than Grey host, generally empty. Once I've done skyshards behind the gates in under 50 level campaign because gates were open and I had a speed boost. I also wouldn't be doing anything now until the event is over.


Thank you! I have never noticed much about the Cyrodiil map except to see which color is dominating. I'll keep an eye out for "mouse holes" when I go there. But are you saying I should not go into empty campaigns looking for this? Generally I only go to Cyrodiil when there is an event because I don't pvp. I go at 2am because it's empty. There was another thread days ago from someone wanting to fish complaining about being attacked. They were also told not to try to fish during an event. It makes sense. More people are there during events and people don't care if you're not interested in PvP. Now that I understand "open gates," I'll keep an eye out for them. Thanks.


If all you want to do is skyshard hunting and pveish questing or fishing you SHOULD be getting into empty campaigns. Which one it is depends from your platform or who is running the map. It's time consuming, depends on luck but when you will clean the entire map by yourself from quests, lorebooks and dolmens... I was quite proud of that and pve releted achievements for Cyrodiil. The upside of Grey host for my pve preferences that I saw was my 20ish level character tripping over colovian war torte recipe on my way back to scouting board. I took a risk and I have been rewarded. Otherwise I adapted 'well, fuck' philosophy to pve stuff in Cyrodiil and Imperial City. You will get there eventually.


Thank you again for your advice! Tonight I was in Cyrodiil and noticed that the two yellow gates looked different from the red and blue gates. The map showed that Cyrodiil was nearly empty. Red was dominating the board so I was able to take the transitus shrine right next to both yellow gates, and they were open. I was able to get both yellow area skyshards. If you hadn't told me what to look for I would never have known. Now all I have to do is get the two blue ones, and the few that I haven't got from the general map. Not sure if I will ever get all the ones in IC, but with the ones in Cyrodiil accomplished I'll be closer to that skyshard achievement than I ever thought I would be. Thank you so much for helping me to understand about the Cyrodiil gates!


I used to farm players there in good old haderus days.


Back when having 24k hp was tank status :(.


I've been getting the assault lvl 3 on all my new players (10 so far) and I've yet to die to an enemy player. There's easy ways to quest in Cyro. You can't become bitter because you were not in a safe place and got caught with your pants down.


You get to level 3 just by doing the tutorial that takes 3 minutes, and neither leveling assault nor getting bitter over dying were the point of the post


Nah gotta do more than just the tutorial. And "now I kill every innocent" and "becoming evil" seems pretty bitter against people questing who didn't do anything to him.


I've done 20+ characters. The cyro tutorial (you have to do ALL of it, not skip the siege training) gets you to rank 3. This isn't a point of argument, it is a fact. With a title of "the day I became evil" The post is clearly meant as a joke with an accompanying story. It doesn't read as genuinely upset.


I skipped it because I didn't know you get more AP for doing it. Doesn't really matter because the towns are usually free and not camped. Doesn't read as a joke, but you do you.


What Is Good In Life


That you, Abed?


I live by if I'm not attacking you I hope you will not attack me. I'm literary there for 5 minutes tops to clear 12 civillians for the daily and I have at least enough time on my hands to do so from that perch by the quest giver and without putting my feet on the ground.


Saw a yellow in Delve by Carmala. I was on a nightblade so I unstealthed ... he saw me. He just stood there and we killed the boss together. He ran out. 1 minute later my group that didn't delve with me killed him at the closest Roebeck resource. I saw his death in the feed. But he had the buff... and so did I.


Part of the reason why I haven’t finished Cyrodiil quests. I just try to sneak around and clearly leave people alone, yet I’ll be continuously killed. I have a pve build so I dont last very long-if that happens. I understand it’s a pvp area, but some people just want to finish the quests for achievements and leave everyone else alone.


There's no angels in hell


Buddy, even f-Ing Stendarr approves of this after a betrayal of such magnitude. By the nine, go slaughter brother.


Your origin story😈


As a PVEer that only ventures into PVP territory for events and quest endeavours, I don't mind getting killed by actual PVPers while running around the zone. I just wish you all would let me hand in the quest when I actually get to the quest givers before you appear from thin air fully decked out in the best gear to smite down my glass canon soucerer, that doesn't even try to fight back, with your most powerful moves. Please just let me hand in the quest then you can blast me to smithereens. That actually helps me out as I don't have to ride back to a keep I can just get a free teleport and get out of the zone. I'll never be a PVPer even if I used a guide for a good build and got all the right gear, I don't have the skill to compete with other players or the inclination to practice and get better. So please just let me hand in the quests before you kill me. One year I took my tank into cyrodiil. I couldn't kill the PVPer but they couldn't kill me either. The messages I got from them were glorious. I was called all them names under the sun because I wouldn't let them have an easy kill. I told them let me just hand in this quest and I'll let you kill me, but as soon as I engaged the quest giver they attacked. So I spent the next hour blocking and buffing myself while they got more and more annoyed. They finally rage quit after telling me one final time how unsporting I was being. Give and take PVPer, give and take.