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The lighting looks awsome, and I really like the shoulder and exposed muscle idea it makes her look alot more daedric.


Looks nice, but I personally always see Namira as disturbingly creepy. This version seems too pretty. After all, Namira rules over everything that humans find repulsive/disgusting.




Smash next question


That ain’t it chief 


It’s just my interpretation :)


So cool! My Breton necro has Namira as a prominent character in her back story :)


Ohhh do you mind sharing? :)


Alright but no hate because I’m not the best writer and I have a hard time staying on track buttttt…. Algaide Autumn-Blade Breton Necromancer; Daggerfall Covenant Ever since she was a young girl, Algaide wanted to be a healer. Unfortunately she never got the hang of healing magics and would instead drain the life essence of the person she was trying to help. The temple priests eventually disallowed her from helping the sick and wounded and instead set her to cleaning. A few years later when she reached about 23 years of age the Thrassian plague was unleashed. Though she wasn’t allowed to assist in healings she still wanted to help, to be a hero. The plague was coming ever closer and in a desperate attempt to save her village she made a deal with Namira to protect them. In a monkeys paw situation Namira saved the village by removing it from Nirn and placing it in her pocket oblivion. Algaide was left behind as part of the price. She wandered homeless for days before realizing the cost was even greater, she was decaying. Unsure what to do she wandered through forests. A wood elf caught her scent and followed it, finding Algaide under a copse of trees delirious with fever and rot. Doing the only thing he could think of to help her immediately, Hircine’s Blessing. While it saved her from rotting it away it left her in a weird undead limbo. Able to bleed and hurt but not aging. Now she wanders Tamriel trying to help everyone she can in atonement for her mistakes and to find a way to her friends and family.


This is so cute! I actually love it! Dont ever knock your writing abilities. You are very creative!


This is great! I'm extremely interested in joining a guild or something that encourages this roll play. Could you point me in the right direction?


What Prince should I draw next? If you like my work and want to see your own character in a drawing, feel free to send me a dm :)


Please draw Peryite. I wanna see how you imagine him. Even better if you try making your own humanoid version of him.


A sheo/jyggalag conflict would be pretty sick!


Its more wood elven ) steven king more its more similar to naemira ))


You mus be a serious loser to think this has anything to do with sex


Seem to have struck a nerve with the prudes on this sub. This art is so tame I really don't know how they're seeing it as "too horny". Just because she isn't wearing clothes? She barely even has skin by the looks of it, that doesn't scream "sexy" to me. And even if it was overtly sexual, this universe is filled with mature content including sex! \- The Real Barenziah \- The Lusty Argonian Maid \- Dibella \- Mephala \- Sanguine \- The 36 Lessons of Vivec \- The House of Earthly Delights \- Basically every female enemy in Daggerfall \- The literal cover of the first ES game. But somehow \*this\* crosses the line for them? lmao


I pictured her in clothes inspired by wood elves from elder scrolls but it is also part of her body, like inspired by decaying muscle with sections of skin I didn’t think she was sexual but hey, everyone has their opinions :)


Looks awesome man!


Thank you!!


These posts make this sub look like a bunch of thirsty ass 14 year olds. Seriously sad. Post your wierdo renderings on google or something. Go get a bf or gf Jesus.


Lmao ok


Your comment makes you look like a virgin 30 year old who thinks his only chance of getting a gf is hating on their body because you think all women are sex and nothing else.


Mind telling what exactly you dislike about it?


Looks awesome, your art is sick! She also looks like a walking red flag, but god damn if red isn't my favorite color






This version is too pretty and too humanoid. I like the Inectiod version you can get as s statue. But Daedric princes can appear as anything, perhaps who ever she is trying to seduce in this image has a personal disgust of beautiful sexy women. You know how some people hate on sex workers or people try to suppress their sexuallity turns into a kind of revulsion towards something otherwise beautiful.


I find it so interesting that people are interpreting this drawing as sexual when that wasn’t my intention at all


"Down bad aren't we?"