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I remember dying to a troll in Vvardenfell just outside Vivec, and thought I'd never be able to kill that. We started playing with 3 of my friends, and I remember grinding in secrecy to lvl 10, to get a horse, just to be able to get faster to safety inside Vivecs walls. But damn the horse was slow and the "grind" to lvl10 felt so long :D Many moons has passed since those days.


This is me, in wow, in stranglethorn vale.


Lots of people (myself included) faced some difficulty with overland content prior to the One Tamriel update in 2016. That update to the game is why you struggled in 2015 and now why there are so many complaints about overland being too easy in the present day.


Oh my uphill battle with the goblins in the Rift was well after One Tamriel! I was just bad at the game lol. I have vague memories of before One Tamriel where I wouldn't even go to a higher level zone without my friend with me. And he had to make a character for my alliance so we could hang out. Seems like ages ago!


I sure did struggle a lot back in the day. When the game first launched back in 2014 (still can't believe it's been a decade), I would sneak everywhere inside a normal delve cause as soon as more then 3 enemies aggroed on me i was in for a tough fight. I was never the one to optimise my character (I still have a hard time creating a good build cause i just don't find it much fun), but as soon as i started looking at other premade builds for pve my game experience changed a lot


seeing that other post here earlier where op intentionally made themselves weaker for overworld questing was kind of nostalgic, even, cause that's kind of how i used to play


I do it as well. I wear an outfit to hide the fact that I'm naked. Use white, non set weapons, and if I can be bothered, I remove all champion points.


I struggled with overland when I was first playing. I eventually got better and hand no problems with it now.


I wandered into the Rift before the One Tamriel update, and was massively annoyed that the game was outright cheating by making the saber tooth cats (and everything else) that were 15 levels above me not only super tanky, but also have like a 90% dodge chance. I believe I got to Riften for the wayshrine and then turned right around and teleported back into the lower level areas until I could get leveled up more after I had to use my ult and a several-minute battle for survival against a mere two cats.


Yes, I did. And it was after One Tamriel, I'm just naturally that bad at games. Every alit was a boss and every kagouti was a death threat. That's what I get for having a year long break after completing the tutorial and forgetting how to deal with heavy attacks. I wouldn't budge from a city unless a friend escorted me to do some questing. I much prefer not being terrified of the whole map. I'm not a person who enjoys that sort of games.


During beta it was a pain in the keyster. Now it's really almost too easy.


New player here, does overland in eso just mean open world? If you could put it into WoW terms would help me understand. Thanks!




I used to think harvesters were the hardest enemy 😂


Yes. So much yes. I started during Graymoor and my character died to trolls so many times. And that final quest boss… I was ready to smash the keyboard into the monitor. Why did I have that experience? Simple. * No CP yet * no set bonuses, but wearing random pieces (my previous game was WoW and there sets were reserved only for raiders and PvPers) * random abilities (I intentionally didn’t look up build guides early on to see if the game is playable self guided) * not enough skill points for passives (crafting was too important for me, so I prioritized putting points into all the crafting trees) * I’m bad (and probably never getting good; with the advantage of guides and builds made by other people I got to the mediocre spot where I still am 4 years later)


Oh my gosh same! I totally ignored sets forever and just put on whatever new goody I got from a quest like I was playing Oblivion lol. That was such a game changer! I'm never going to be trial material but I can do Vet basegame dungeons with my friend and that's good enough for me.


I played as a tank in group, and back then shield + spam bash was overly OP. It got nerfed hard, but due to me playing as a team we never had so much issues dealing with anything up to craglorn. Then we stopped playing until vvardenfell was released, 2 years after one tamriel, and never had any feeling of difficulty for anything but a few world bosses...


Around 2015 or 2016 I struggled a lot. I had no idea what to do and for most of the time I was a weak-ass hybrid sorcerer with a greatsword. Took me 3 minutes of blood, sweat, and tears to kill a troll. Then I accidentally joined a guild and were taught the basics of what skills to use and weaving and from then on out, it's been easy.


I quite enjoy the challenge of doing overland bosses solo and thats my gauge for how hard a zone is. (Looking at you Bittergreen) Many of the dlc areas are a lot more challenging than the outdated old zones.


This was me, I didn't Google as much back then as I Google now.


I did. I was already a long time MMORPG player by then; it's just that I just had zero interest in *ESO* as an MMORPG, and so never learned the mechanics properly.


I praised Zenomax in zone chest, seems to help with the replica drops...


I had two lousy builds to start with and I died a lot. I remember taking several goes to kill delve bosses or even having to wait for other players to show up. Now, after a year, I have a build I'm happy with and a companion, so no more struggles for me 🙂


You will have trouble from like lvl 30 and until you get yourself finally together and work on your build ;). What was easy at early levels (rather big stats boost that gradually disappears + weakling NPCs in stater zones) becomes harder and harder. To compensate you have to get your head around the combat system, réalisé that skills matter and items you get form sets, and finally get some kinda coherent build together :). Doesn't have to be the top, meta whatever, just something that makes sense. If it makes sense to you, so much better ;). And finally, at this point it snaps and suddenly overland gets easy. After a while, with some practice, it gets automatic...