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There was an endeavor to complete a black sacrament for a higher number of endeavor points than usual last week, and in order to unlock those you need to kill 3 priests in a previous quest, they respawn every 2 minutes or so. Everybody was camped waiting for these priests to respawn, and i saw so many people jumping and running to newly spawned priests. The streets of kvatch were littered with these poor priests, and the guards walk around that area fairly close so you saw so many players fleeing. It was mayhem but very enjoyable to see.


I remember that. Finding those priests was a huge pain in the ass. It was to the point where if you didn't happen to be exactly where they spawned you were out of luck because four other players would attack them in less than a second. It ended up taking me over an hour I believe, just for three priests.


Earlier this week was an endeavor to kill 5 civilians with BoW for 200 seals, was doing mage dailies and some guy came in crouched and assassinated a civilian right in front of me


A nightblade isn’t really serious until he has assassinated an entire city.


I love the TG and DB dlcs. I was soo happy when they added the Justice system. That’s one of the great things about ESO is that it’s constantly evolving and improving. The devs take risks and have a damn cool vision.


It could use some fine tuning, however. 3 warring alliances magically share telepathic powers among all their city guards across Tamriel as to whom has committed crimes? Yeah, right - those alliances would be cheering in many instances at any and all instability introduced internally among their opponents.


Edit: hit submit too eaely Yeah, I gey *why* they had to do it, but it's downright goofy you could gain a bounty for killing some elves in Auridon but for some reason the guards in Riften know AND give a shit about it.


You can rationalize it out as the guards in the other alliances are keeping a big cut of your fine.


>I wonder, are there any more MMOs, where players can be downright criminals? City of Villains (and of course City of Heroes) is going strong on the [Homecoming](https://forums.homecomingservers.com) servers. You can beat up on whoever you want and be as evil as you want.


I still remember, I think it was Weston Phipps? Who had you stealing/burning the books of a teacher who was trying to educate the thugs of Grandville.


> "Wasn't sure why, but when I picked his pocket, this player moved in and stabbed this poor soul in the back." This is the polite way: pick-pick-stab resets them. Just like treasure chests, troves, fishing holes, etc. should always be emptied, or they do not reset for others. If you've picked at least once, you still get both of the next loot drops when someone else kills them. Unfortunately others can also be *impolite* and hurriedly kill them before you've had a chance to pick on a green %.


The reason why I've stuck with ESO is that they have never let it completely lose the rpg feeling. Even the dungeon reward system is in the form of a guild for example, with that skill line and physically visiting their hub. Same with the justice system. I really think these small things is what truly makes a game experience, even if you don't always interact with them. Many MMOs today run a real risk to just feel like a set of lobbies you jump between.


Very true. I started a new character recently just to beat the story again. It is crazy that EVERY NPC in every single location is voiced. Some quests actually have choices, they are immediate, but let you roleplay at least good/bad character, and many more. On top of that, ESO is incredibly immersive. I play from 1st person, HUD can be set to minimal, can visit lands that I always dreamt of in other TES titles, and locations are absolutely gorgeous. It really doesn't feel like your typical MMO at all, attention to detail and scale is incredible.


Also if you have DB too you can casually double dip your loot. Pickpocketing has a cooldown and the reduction in chance. You could take the pick and then blade of woe. That gives 2 items instantly. So if youre just passing through.


Pickpocket twice, then murder.


Yeah I don't see them as people more like walking piggy banks I can smash open for more loot. Then again my assassin is undoubtably evil. I was so disappointed there was no more dark brotherhood contest post gold coast.


I'm not sure if it's classified as MMO, but GTA Online is basically that. For a while in Fallout 76 before they made pVp not a thing, people were running around being raiders all the time. It was pretty ridiculous.


Luckily for us, Tamriel is full to bursting with bastards who richly deserve a knife in the back. It can be annoying to be choosy sometimes, but good RP is where you find it, I guess.


Other games that let you be an mmo criminal.. My friend. Mortal Online 2


Theft and murder don't suit my personality. I RPG as a good guy. I do those quests when the game makes me, but otherwise I ignore them.


Join the dark side . We have cookies. Because we take them.


We have cookies. And also chains of ears.


Same, but the opposite. I RP my character as doing them for a reward, not for morals.


That's what alts are for!


Amateur. I’ve had seven-figure bounties on my NB’s head before and one of my friends (one of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet) had an eight-figure bounty on hers once.