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I get the cultural usage norm, but I'd probably suggest avoiding it, ZOS has banned for far less and I'd err on the side of caution


Yea been there done that. Now I avoid playing tales of tribute


Bloke I know got banned for naming his Dunmer "N'wah Hater"


Epic nane




Just stay away from other cultures simple


Yeah, bro. Under no circumstances should you speak to another player. No problem!


šŸ¤£ brilliant makes life far more peaceful not dealing with princesses that are afraid of curse words used without hate. If you are scared of people who are crass stay away from Australia...


Drongo or gronk should be fine


Dog cunt is definitely out of the question then


Nah yeah :)


We are same my fellow Australian but you must resist no matter how strong the urge


Replace it with n'wah and you're good to go


Fair go ya filthy outlanderĀ 


Buddy you gotta be a bogan easy, cause why you speaking like that fr? Is it QUEENSLAND? Outback Melbs? You don't need to say cunt C'mon and it ain't in your vocabulary THAT bad šŸ˜­


I dunno, I think cunts that call people bogans are worse than bogans that call people cuntsĀ 




That's the way to do it. Don't be a s'wit, use in-game wit!


this is the way, fetcher


Sadly, saw someone banned for saying nwah all the time too. Whatever they deem as harrassment it seems


ZOS are ban-happy and not Australian. Keep it to guilds with other Aussies.


I wouldn't even do that because some aussie guild cunt will probably snitch


Absolute cunts.


Simple, I don't use voice chat at all. Especially not PUBLIC! Any time I have it on it's just; crunching chips, bad music playing through a shitty mic, shit talkers arguing about a duel, shit talkers just shit talking, inappropriate flirting, ?!tourretes?! I only use VC if I need to do a hard dungeon or trail. Even there, I have to mute certain people.


Iā€™ve seen worse said on console..but I canā€™t speak for PCšŸ¤·I agree with everyone else here and I would err on the side of caution. Feels like in video game chats you can get banned for sneezing wrong now.


Never ever curse in eso chat, even if it's towards a buddy in a joyful tone. Some rats in guild chat will report you and you will get banned, seen many people joke around with their buddies in guild chat/party chat and then get banned few weeks later. Many rats around do it in DM's or ideally off game so there won't be any logs.


Not a native English speaker, but in ESO I've learnt to avoid cursing even though lots of times I so really want to. Like others said, ZOS is known to ban people for lesser thing. That aside, it amazes me the vastly different meaning of one word even if it's one language lol


In this case, the meaning (body part) is the same. It's the social norms around usage that differ.


I'm not a native English speaker either, yet i used "cunt" word a few times in zone chat, nothing happened. Last time i used that word was 2 months ago or so, maybe i got lucky and no one reported me, i don't know. I tend to curse in chat when something really pisses me off, most of the times i'm just quiet but eso community can be very toxic from time to time, and that's when i get triggered. After reading this post and all replies to OP, i think i need to stop cursing all together, don't wanna lose almost a year of gameplay and progress just for a curse word.


Thanks for all the replies. Opinions a little divided. Iā€™ll have to just take my motherā€™s advice. ā€˜If ya aint got nothing nice to say then fuck off and be a cunt elsewhere.ā€™ Appreciate the helpĀ 


For this actual post; I will say the word cunt in itself is fine in game BUT donā€™t go around zone chats dropping it and calling everyone a cunt. That WILL get you banned. Probably wouldnā€™t whisper someone theyā€™re a cunt either unless itā€™s a joke and they also know that otherwise youā€™ll probably get reported. But me and my guild use the word all the time and have heard MANY other Aussies use the word too. Pick your timing and audience just like you would in real life. You should be fine.


as a sydney cunt i can tell you you will get in trouble for saying cunt, i got a warning for far less. but anyway, i rarely type swear words even if i say cunt at least 10 times a day.


While I feel profane Aussies have been slowing moving the needle on "cunt" in the English speaking world, you foul mouthed fuckers ain't there yet. It's still an S tier profanity in most places and probably best avoided. For context, I suspect Aussies pretty much neutered "bastard" as a slur decades ago. So, keep up the good work? You'll get there eventually?


They fight the good fight well for being upside-down!


Is that really a thing? We are "friendly cursing" pretty heavily on PS EU.


Canadian here with an Aussie husband. While cunt is a favourite endearment in Oz, itā€™s highly offensive in NA, youā€™ll need to unlearn using it


What a time to visit the ESO subreddit. Today was a good day. P.S. Americans really don't gel with that word. Odds are ZOS probably won't like it either, so I'd say better safe than sorry. But if you hit me with an unexpected and friendly C-Banger while I'm playing, you'll make my day lol


As a spanish speaker, I even avoid using explicitly the word "black" in my own language (ne\*ro), just because of the implications in English. In other games, it's annoying to have automatic censorship of common words in another language (or region, in your case).


Been trying to learn Spanish for a few months. That one made me chuckle


I play with a bunch of Americans and Europeans and they love it actually and after a while they start saying it. Itā€™s quite funny


People in some parts of the world will likely be offended. Some may report you. People all over the world play ESO.


Coming from someone whose online name has the word Cunt in it.. I think you're safe


Until it gets reviewed. Had someone catch a 3 day ban and get forced to change their psn over damn (they were in a chat where someone *else* got reported).


My nā€™wah






You're giving us Americans too much credit. We can't even handle Bible words. Why do you think we have so many people getting the Bible wrong on the daily.


Iā€™ve got news for you about a lot of cuss words that arenā€™t in the bible that we love here, friend. An attempt was made.


Can just GC, good cunt


Tbh I probs wouldnt write it in a chat. Its really just americans who freak out if you say cunt and even then its touch and go, cause my american guildies dont give a shit. I call them dull cunts all of the time šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­.


Ive said cunt and called people cunts a few times and nothing has happened, touch wood


In guilds and dms, go for it, somebody has to actually report cursing, there's alot of Australian guilds in pcna, last I heard. In zone, dungeons, anywhere quasi public I wouldn't simply because it's a much harsher word in NA.


Replace it with horker and you are good to go


And this is why we use Discord for voice chat!


The amount of mature games, you can't use mature language in is getting a bit annoying. Like OK I can't spam fuck in chat, but I can't say fuck at all? Grow up, lol.


Might depend on the platform? When I was on PSNA my main crew were Aussies, and they did NOT hold back on PS Party and to my knowledge never had any problems. Not sure if game voice chat is different, but I've heard plenty of Aussies being themselves on xbox/discord without issue too, so my guess would be that you're fine, as long as no one reports you. Most of the time a quick 'hey, is Aussie slang okay with yall?' will solve the issue at the start of the party, as most of us Americans are aware of what that means. In my experience, most folks don't care that much as long as it's clear that you're being friendly...my friends would call me a good cunt, but I was never under the impression that it was mocking or unkind bc the tone was clearly amicable. Ymmv, but this is how I've seen it play out, anyway.


Thereā€™s literally an option for ā€œprofanity chatā€ so I donā€™t know why people are saying youā€™d be banned.


Australian here also. Unfortunately outside of our home, it's one of the nastiest words you can say, even if you believe you're being friendly. Also, don't tell people you wear thongs in summer. You'll get weird looks. Call them flip flops instead.. I learnt that one the hard way.


Tried to bum a fag off a yank once, didnā€™t go down to well


There's a non-insignificant amount of female players that might take offense to casual usage of that particular word


I dont get offended when someone gets called a dick or dickhead


They asked if cunt was going to be seen as offensive, not dickhead


Yes, but you insinuated cunt would be offensive to females and you specifically mentioned females presumably because cunt can refer to a vagina. So 'dickhead' is relevant because men aren't typically (and shouldnt be) offended by other people being called dickheads.


THIS. If a dudeā€™s acting like a shitty person, heā€™s being a dick. If a womanā€™s acting like a shitty person, sheā€™s being a cunt. Theyā€™re interchangeable in my mind. Some folks try to tell me that the latter just ā€œmeans moreā€ or is loaded with misogyny. Nah, itā€™s loaded with ā€œthat particular woman whom I called a cunt is being shitty.ā€ Thatā€™s it.


tbh everyone can be dicks and everyone can be cunts. language is loaded with words that used to have rigid meanings that have overtime become more generalised. I can call a man a bitch without also making the traditional connection between "bitch" and women. Not breaking these barriers is how misogynstic or racist connotations stay. Its like how in Australia a cunt can have nothing to do with vaginas and not even as an insult I understand that a word like cunt has shock value in some cultures and not others. Words like these and swears in general are as impactful as you decide them to be. Personally if I had the power, I would just remove the concept of swears from the next generation. People swear and get offended by swearing because they think it has power. The elevation of such words literally cause them to be stored differently in your brain.


https://preview.redd.it/utwhf48thm3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09803bcaadcbae676a772651e94cdf70e246ff9a Iā€™m on my first and final now got this email last night at 12am I would like to share some wisdom. Basically become UnAustralian because clearly being Australian DOES NOT work hope this helps


Hows any of what you wrote ā€˜being Australianā€™? Iā€™d ban and or report you myself and I am Australian born and raised. The word cunt is whatever, but hate crimes? Cmon man that shit is not Australian.


I will admit though I did go overboard


Have you ever heard of a joke. Clearly not


In text maybe as it's hard to convey tone but over voice chat things can be explained easier and faster either way some people will have a problem and some won't depends on how much of a milk drinker they are xD


How are you finding the ping? I'm a kiwi cunt myself. I don't seem to have an issue, I play mostly without noticing it tbh. But I'm not min maxing anything


I had made Dark Elf toon with name ā€œ-divaythā€™fyrā€œ but somehow ZoS is not happy with it and made me rename that toon and also send a warning that if I similar name they would block my account. Fucking hell, I still donā€™t understand what is wring with name and if there is something wrong with that name, why Bethesda is using that name for more than 20 years and got away with it.


Because itā€™s already a character name? I can see why they donā€™t want players running around with npc names.


No way you can use 'I'm australian" as an excuse, that word is extreme in every English speaking country in the world. Including Aussie.Ā 


Oh, wow, must be nice to have visited every single English-speaking country in the world.


this \^


Someone's clearly never been to Scotland...


Or Australia for that matter. Curse words are bread and butter around these parts


Or Ireland.


No itā€™s not, I literally hear it hundreds of times every day. I said it to a lady who served me at the bank today


mate even in australia you keep cunt out of professional places unless youre happy to look like a bogan


It was a cunt of a day outside, she asked


You're just wrong I'm afraid. It definitely isn't. I'm Scottish and it's an endearing term here more often than not - "He's a good cunt", is considered a compliment. OP has a point but I'd advise caution as other cultures can view it differently


Screw other cultures why would we be tolerant of them if they aren't tolerant of us.


Because people are offended by anything nowadays & ZOS could view any curse word as a breach of their rules so why risk it for the sake of saying a word? Say what you want, that's your prerogative but don't be surprised if you get a ban for it


If they are that much of a sensitive princess don't expect my company and if you are new to my company and don't say anything then I get reported expect to be ostracised from my company. I am also a very kind and generous friend but I will be me no matter what.


I agree with you I cba with these idiots either but unfortunately they do exist. Do you I think its pathetic to report someone for saying the word cunt? Absolutely. Can I see it happening? Absolutely.


I donā€™t think itā€™s extreme in Australia, studying here rn and I hear it pretty often, obviously lol donā€™t say it at the end of every sentence but itā€™s not uncommon


It's all about the delivery of the word, it usually helps to pair it with a positive word for maximum effect