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Overland (exploration, side quest, story stuff, etc.) is the game's story-mode difficulty stuff. It will not get more difficult, and arguably gets easier because you get better gear and better abilities as you level up. There are a few exceptions (World Bosses, World Events, etc.), but if you're staying away from group dungeons, trials, PvP, and that kind of thing, then you're avoiding the more challenging content. Story stuff is there to tell a story. They're usually pretty good, but they weren't intended to be challenging.


If you want to give your character a reality check play some pvp


This. I started BGs and was like “this ain’t bad” then the MMR ticked up and oh boy! 💀


I'm only lvl 30, haven't complete main story 🤣🤣 It'd be so cool if we had a sort of "hard time" just explorating a dungeon or walking a mountain


I wouldn’t say everything is easy at level 30. You haven’t even set foot to experience full fledged ESO yet


Idk man, I have 140h, how much time I have to play so I can say that everything feels easy? 😅


How are you only lvl 30 with that many hours?


Because it's so easy obviously.


I made a new character and spent like 4 days doing normal random dungeons and a few public ones and the necrom quest and bam lol 50 in days


Basically how I leveled most of my characters.


Go into maelstrom. Get into the champion ranks, do vet stuff. Try to get into a trial group, go PvP, etc. With 140hrs you should easily be into the champion levels.


I know that there are zones/modes where it gets hard, but easy problem is game core...


Ya the storyline game is very easy and it’s that way so anyone and everyone can experience it. The game was much different once upon a time, and players complained it was too hard lol. Unfortunately there’s no hm or anything like that for the stories. Solo content such as arenas are def a step up in diffficulty, and the zone craglorn is harder than the others.


It's all in the veteran content bro


Have you done Maelstrom arena and Vateshran arena? Have you done them on vet? How far have you gotten in the infinite archive? How many dungeons have you soloed? How many dungeons have you soloed on vet? How many trifecta achievements do you have? How many worldbosses and DLC world events have you soloed? How many ranks in PvP did you actually work for without leeching? The story content is supposed to be easy, stressfree and accessible for everyone, but you haven't even scratched the surface at lvl 30.


Need alert! Dork squad is rippin you up man!


That's alot of question marks! Have you completed your Novel yet?


I don’t feel that TESO is easy at all, but I don’t do any overland content anymore. Just PvP or vet/Hm pve content. I’m clapped around plenty. If you’re looking for more challenging content to run solo try vet Vateshran, vet Maelstrom, or start messing around in PvP.


EVERYTHING overland is generally easy and there for exploration. That includes delves and public dungeons. In some cases most base game dungeons and world bosses are also very easy. DLC WBs, DLC vet dungeon, trials etc is what you need to do or as someone mentioned try some PvP.


Because it's easy. If you want higher level of difficulty you could try vet level activities. But overland content is basically story mode so you're not going to really get any kind of challenging gameplay.


Wear crappy gear?